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Stealth + Vert + 250 watts


fully baked

Thanks for the well wishes and stopping by catman and labtec.

Those PPP's are wonderful plants. Thick stalks, branchy as all hell. I really think they are enjoying my cab a whole lot. Let's hope the smoke is just as good.

fully baked

Some interesting stuff going on in the cabs. They are off to the races for sure...

My unknown NH with triplet nodes let me have a peek at his sack today. He joined his buddies in the dumpster unfortunately.

PPP's are flowering, the ladies have stretched beautifully and are near the top of the cab. I supercropped the taller of the two just before they really start to go into bud production. My lone PPP male is spindly but throwing out those pollen sacks. It is almost time he got the chop...

Started two of wallyducks C99 beans thanks to XYZ and the bay. Still waiting on sexes for the rest of the girls in the cab.

My two NH girls in the veg cab are going to make the big move into the flower cab at the end of the weekend. Expect a full update then if any of you are around lurking..

In the meantime, some outdoor DSD (Double Strawberry Diesel from Rez), HG (Holy Grail from verite), and BB (Blueberry sourced through mdanzig, but supposedly of DJ's stock). All in all it was a very disappointing outdoor season, but some buds are better than no buds...






grow looks good man, so does those outdoor nugs,

keep it up your doing great

fully baked

Thanks for stopping by cork, the outdoor nugs are tasting sweet and looking frosty. They are all dried up now and in jars :woohoo:

We have some business going on in both cabs though. I just kept myself busy for the last couple of hours freshening them up. Made some more adjustments and such, but lets get to the ladies first.

In the Veg cab.... it looks something like this now...

We have 2 OHS1's ready to be repotted to a 2L.

2 - TNT Mix ready for the repot also.

2 - C99 stretching up towards the lights a bit... :yoinks: I think I'm just going to start the other 3 C99 bean s I have also!!

And the 3 big DSD x OHS1. They are lanky lanky lanky plants. So two are tied down with the third nearing the bending (not breaking) point... No sex from these 'girls', but I expect one of them to sex in the next few days and the other two shouldn't be too far behind.

And the fun stuff... The flower cab has been upgraded again. Replaced my tiny little duct fan with a better 9 inch "Air Circulator"...

I've moved two NH girls into the flower cab and this is their first night of 12/12. Planted in 4.5 quart (1.125 gal) pots for the remainder of their days. We'll see how these smaller pots compare to the 2.5 gallon ones the PPP's are in.

A shot of the whole cab with the sweet new fan :joint:

Here's the two NH girls that were put into flower today...

Heres a PPP with a selected branch. I'll try to stay and follow the same cola from week to week just for fun. She is tied to the back wire so unfortunately we have to deal with the yellow...

Another PPP, more stretchy. I tried a supercrop, but she laughed at me and stood right back up, so we'll see how she goes. I'll end up training if necessary... Same deal with the highlight cola.

And it wouldn't be an update without some man fuel in here too. Pretty girls are nice and all but here's a PPP about to bust his load... I cut him at the bottom of the stalk, put him inside a container with some water and nutes, and am going to let him drop his load all over the place and collect it up. I'm not opposed to a little accidental pollination on these PPP girls at all :nanana:


Thanks IC...

fully baked

I threw my 2 OHS#1 plants into their first night of flower. They will be flowered out in a 2 liter container as of now, and maybe I will up it to a 1 gallon pot once I can see the sexes. I'm just realizing how quickly time is flying by this year. In order to make it I need to get some more girls into the flowering room asap and these haze crosses will take a little extra time I imagine!!

I might even end up converting my veg cab to a second flower cab in a few weeks to finish off those C99's I decided to start :woohoo:

As of today..
NH --> Day 3 of 12/12
PPP --> Day 17 of 12/12
OHS1 --> Day 1 of 12/12

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
nice cab you have a shot of the stealth you speak of?

would like to see what it looks like with the doors closed

fully baked

You know I didn't really want to take outside shots of the cabs, but since you asked so nicely, I'll dig up some shots a bit later of the outside of the two cabs for you doctor...

Thanks for stopping by :nanana:

fully baked

Hey there dr dog...

Got those stealth pics for you. This is all anyone entering the grow room would see... Just some junk, a dresser, and a cabinet. Both cabs open from the back, so it is a pain to get to. A pain for me, makes it even more of a pain for anyone else IMO...

Of course we assume that no one knows what a 250w ballast looks like... :yoinks:

The flower cab with a new bulb for next round...

And the veg cab with my dehumidifier to blame the sound of the fans on.

Thanks for stopping by

fully baked

I'm glad you like the stealth. Apartment growing is not exactly optimum conditions but I like to think I make it work.

As always thanks for dropping by, and any comments or questions are always welcomed...


Here's some PPP pollen for you...


i got that same ballast lol, dunno if it was my reflector or the ballast but this sun system 250w was alot brighter, wasnt the bulb tho

the wires going into the hole in the box is the most obvious thing, then 2nd would be the little gaps in the drawers

fully baked

Haha ya wires into the box is a dead giveaway. I turned my ballast around for the picture just so you guys could get a good look at it. Normally it is turned towards the box and isn't quite as noticeable. Still there though and that is something I'll look into hiding better.

The angle caught the caulking I put in the box perfectly... Should have gotten black caulk :wallbash:

Ballast is the econo model. It's lasted four years now, on its third bulb, ready for the fourth next grow... Might not be the brightest but damn has she been faithful. An upgrade is definitely in order when the funds coincide...

When I upgrade, I want it to be a 1000w or something big and manly :dueling:

fully baked

My PPP ladies have taken off. They stretched just enough so that most of their branches are within an inch or three of the top of the cab. They are starting to swell and put on those budsites now... I'm thinking some plant sex will be in order in the next few days. I have a decent amount of PPP pollen to play with now.

At Day 18 here's a shot out of the cab


And one of the wall of plant that is formed in the cab. About an inch away from the cool tube at the closest part, no burning whatsoever.

Loving the new setup...

FB and out

fully baked

thanks for sitting along during the ride mrred

Tossed out a male DSD x OHS1.

Tossed another female DSD x OHS1 into the flowering chamber after a repot. At least I think she is a female. She hasn't tossed out any hairs but she looks sexy enough to be a lady...

Both of the OHS1 plants that were put into flowering a few days ago look to be male, but I'll let them live it out for a little longer.

Flowering chamber is something like this...
2 NH --> Day 6
2 PPP --> Day 20
2 OHS1 --> Day 4
DSD x OHS1 --> Day 1

The veg chamber is still rocking. She might be switched over and produce some flouro buds soon still...

5 C99 - 4 have broken the surface, one more got planted today. Thinking about an open pollination with the ones I have for some beans.... The nicest will probably take over my cab after the holidays in clone form.

2 TNT Mix


Full update tomorrow unless there is some urgent need to see fully baked's vert grow show...

fully baked

glad you think so labtec. I only wish I was lucky enough to be able to do a two tiered vert setup with some big boy lights...

Here's the veg cab. Down to 1 DSD x OHS1 in the back right corner...
5 c99's on the makeshift shelf.
2 TNT's in the front...

And the flower cab.

2 NH on the left wall with a OHS1 sitting between them in a 2 liter bottle.

The back wall. A DSD x OHS1 girl and a OHS1 in a two liter. Both OHS1s will probably bite the bullet in the next few days once their balls drop like I think they will. The DSD x OHS1 is a stretchy girl, so she got some major bondage before the transplant today.

My attempt at a shot of the whole cab... There isn't exactly a lot of room to manuever around.

And finally one of the PPP girls



fully baked

Quick little update here. Just a shot of what the flower cab is looking like these days. The dsd x ohs1 I threw in a week ago just stalled out on me for the past week after the repot. Not allowed here when I have too many plants for my space :noway: I tossed her... I also wound up with 2 OHS1 boys...

So in the flower cab we have...
2 PPP on the right at day 29 of 12/12
2 NH on the left at day 14 of 12/12
2 TNT Mix in the back at day 2 of 12/12 (Unsexed)

Here's a shot and a upper canopy shot of the PPP girls


I also let my PPP boy pollinate the PPP girls. I'm thinking I should have ~50 seeds from each plant to mess with. Yay for variety.

Then there's the veg cab, soon to be second flower cab.

She is currently entertaining 1 dsd x ohs1 that most likely won't make it to flower either... No sex and no room in the main flower room for her unfortunately...

There are also 5 C99's that will be used for a seed run so I can get another go with these ladies. I'll take some clones if I can, but the lights are getting flipped in a week so I leave them time to finish up. I'm feeling an open pollination so I have a better shot at finding that pineapple pheno. Quick shot of them


Questions, comments, concerns...

fully baked

Since the update a few days ago was weak and filled with hps yellow, here's another to any of you out there watching...

There's some yellowing going on with the older PPP's. I upped the nitrogen a bit and added some cal-mag, but the yellow is mostly concentrated on parts of the plants that are close to the lights. Maybe some heat stress as well?? We'll see what the extra grow and cal-mag does to them...

So here are the PPP's at 31 days of flowering. In 2.5 gallon rectangular pots and are around 2.5 feet tall as well...

Thicker one with the side closest to the light. Bud formation doesn't seem hindered at all...


Lankier one



Here are the NH's at 15 days flowering. In 1.25 gallon pots and are between 1.5 and 2 feet tall.

Shorter one

Taller one


Here is the lone TNT mix beaner that made it hanging in the front with the two NH, really hoping for a girl. The other TNT mix was a male. Tossed out two OHS1 males, one DSD x OHS1 male, one slow growing DSD x OHS1, gave a needy med patient my other DSD x OHS1 female. So I'm left with 'her' at day 4 of flowering also in a 1.25 gallon pot.

Thats about it for the flower cab.


TNT flower day 1 -- 10-23