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aNOTHer fng...


NorCal (Native San Franciscan...yes, West IS best...which Wicked Witch survived the house crashing down? HUH? SHE was high enough to survive!!!)
Back to the bud after a 25 year hiatus.
VAST changes in the landscape since 3 finger bags for $10...y'allz call it 'shwag' now?
Hehehe...I didn't really care back then, it got me skewed for school.
Logged some research hours here and elsewhere.
Grow room in it's infant stages.
Frame's up: 10x12x8 total, 2 5x6 rooms laid out.
Lots of drawings and notes about what goes where and figuring out how to get the best bang for the least buck so I can grow...some vegetables...yeah, that's it...:YaRight:
Doc sched for next week so I can go 'legal' and be a fine, upstanding, card-carrying 215'er.
I don't look or act the part of a 'mind blind weed farmer'; this will be an interesting turn of some pages for me.
Signing on saves me the pain of wading through 7 pages of forum to get a partial answer to a question...I can post 'em now!


Welcome.... on side note: Wizard of Oz just turned 70........milestone... and after 25 year break.....back at it......another milestone!