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GreatWhiteShark CFL show

Hey everybody!

I'm finally free from tons of work, so I decided to start a report of my current grow. Its GreatWhiteShark by GHS, sitting on an 8litre (~2gal) DWC under three 105W CFL (2 yellow and 1 blue)
The box is from this topic - http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=130001

The DWC:

I use GHE FloraSeries for the whole cycle.

I planted my GWS on 11th of August and just in 5 days I went on a vacation for two weeks, so she had to stay at my friend's place until the 7th of september, when I was finally ready to take her back home. All this three weeks she was growing under only one 65W CFL with very little fertilizing in a small 1litre DWC and w/o any LST. When he finally returned it I replanted into the 8l DWC and started the training as the stem at that time was straight as a stick :whip:
So the veg was pretty long (about 5 weeks) much longer then I planned.
Anyway I'll do my best to get the most yield from this plant and here are my three golden rules of getting great results under CFL:

1) Grow hydro! (they've got no chances in soil, sad but true)
2) Do LST! (training the plant is the only way to getting nice branches on wich the buds will form)
3) Keep the plant as close to the light as possible (the CFLs are good but only close to the lamp)

So nowadays (23rd of september) my GWS finally started flowering :woohoo:
I'm feeding it with (per litre):
1,5ml FloraGrow
1ml FloraMicro
0,5ml FloraBloom

to strengthen the plant and get it ready for 8 weeks of flowering

Here are the photos of the progress:

And today:

I'll try to get a better camera I promise)

Here's today's video - Watch on Youtube

So that is all for today)
Cheers everyone!:wave:


Pass That S**t!
Hell yea herman! :jump: 'bout time! :party:

Let's see you push those CFLs to the limit. :whip:

Grabbing a seat front row. :lurk:


my second great white shark sighting today....still not safe to go back into the water....JAWS was a awesome flick....and you got an awesome thread going! keep them pics comin and as stated, push them cfl's and flowers to the limit!!!! peace. canna
Just finished trimming GWS from OD this year... I know I know kinda early for the area... those look gorgeous and I bet that you have some kill with this strain and that setup...


New member
can you give me a description of your DWC?how i can replace your DWC?
how i can germinate in expanded clay?sorry for my many qustions!!


Nice, Ive got one GWS in veg right now and 5 other fem seeds in my closet.

Is this from GreenHouse Seeds aswell?

edit: yep
Thanks a lot everyone!) I'm also hoping for some nice heavy buds :canabis:
pappapella, The DWC is a simple 8litre container with a pump and an airstone, to germinate the seeds just put them in the medium (I use rockwool tablets) pour some water and wait ;) Nature will do its best)

So today I was changing the syrup for my green lady and thought it will be a good time for some update.
First of all I changed the proportions of fertilizers, after reading some thread that I can't find at the moment.. anyway, the author (who's a well-kown grower around here - I just can't remember the name) offered to use 9ml of FloraBloom and 6ml FloraMicro without any FloraGrow per gallon
So as my DWC is 8l (~2gal) I feed:
18ml Bloom
and 12ml Micro

Here are the new photos:



And here's the today's video - Watch!
Still can't see the plant's mustash on this vid, as its quite small atm and the quality of my camera is "not the best" :)

The approximate date of harvest is on 20-23rd of november, so its about 55 days remaining until the real take off

Thanks for attention, see you on air)
Peace :rasta:


Pass That S**t!
Looks absolutely amazing for CFLs. :yes: Nice and compact; one may think you have a sodium or halide in there! :eek: I can't wait for the budshots. ;)
Hey everybody!
So its 46 days left until the harvest and we've finally started flowering!:woohoo:

Here are the pictures:





And the video:

Right now we have about 12 colas of pretty same size, in the future I plan to polinate one of them with my PowerAfricaxLowryder2 hybrid, as I really like the genetics of GWS, hope the seeds will get the most of it

@pontiac, thanks for reply man) I also can't wait for the buds, about a month and a half and we'll see the final picture:canabis:



Бро, ты только не обрывай ничего! Бросай ты это грязное и не благодарное дело.
Уверен, что грейт вайт шарк - заставит призадуматься даже опытных бойцов.
Немного пофантазирую: пролеччка завершиться к середине декабря))) и тогда.... уууууу!

гибрид с африкой будет интересен +1

ладно пойду курну косячок за тебя! Желаю успехов!

Keep youself in safe.


i keep a shark around all the time, mine finishes a lil quicker than yours though, prolly just the lights.


Pass That S**t!
Oooh wow! :eek: look at all those bud sites! :D C'mon herman... Are you sure you don't have an HPS in there? :biglaugh:

Can't wait for more. :lurk:


Wicked sick looking plant. Taking careful note of it's health and nutrient supply helps so much when using CFL's. Best of luck to you. As for inspiration here ya go:


I managed to pull that with around 220 watts of CFLs

PS tight setup!
Бро, ты только не обрывай ничего! Бросай ты это грязное и не благодарное дело.
Уверен, что грейт вайт шарк - заставит призадуматься даже опытных бойцов.
Немного пофантазирую: пролеччка завершиться к середине декабря))) и тогда.... уууууу!

гибрид с африкой будет интересен +1

ладно пойду курну косячок за тебя! Желаю успехов!

Keep youself in safe.
я на цвете не обрываю, так что в целости и сохранности растиха
надеюсь результат порадует - буду держать до предела) до оранжевых шиш)

i keep a shark around all the time, mine finishes a lil quicker than yours though, prolly just the lights.
I already can't wait to see my at finish :canabis:

Oooh wow! :eek: look at all those bud sites! :D C'mon herman... Are you sure you don't have an HPS in there? :biglaugh:

Can't wait for more. :lurk:
Heh..) pretty sure man) I think I'll keep it as long as possible 8+weeks) so we'll see some real bud porn :D
Wicked sick looking plant. Taking careful note of it's health and nutrient supply helps so much when using CFL's. Best of luck to you. As for inspiration here ya go:


I managed to pull that with around 220 watts of CFLs

PS tight setup!
Great result man! And thanks for the picture, really an inspiration ;)

I'll update with new photos a bit later
Ok, here's another update bros:

We're flowering :) ands its only 40 days left until harvest!
Still watering with 6ml FloraMicro and 9ml Flora bloom per gallon.
The flowers are growing bigger and bigger every day and there are about 12 colas now. The resin started appearing on the leaves near the buds. The smell became kinda fruitty and flower-like :canabis: delicious
I'll pollinate one of the colas this week, hope it won't slow the overall bud growth. Anyways my GWS sweety looks happy)

Watch the video: Linkie!

And here are the photos:






Peace everybody!
Stay cool ;)
Pollination yeah!)

Pollination yeah!)

Ok.. So yesterday I pollinated my sweet GWS with my own PowerAfricaxLowryder hybrid.
I used the aqua-pollination tek, it's when you put the pollen into a small amount of destilated water mix it and then use a syringe to pollinate the buds. This method is used when you need to pollinate not all the colas but some definite ones.

While pollinating small water drops appear on the buds - when they dry out the pollen sticksto the trichomes and seeds begin to develop.
When I started suddenly noticed one already developing seed on the cola that is nearest to the intake fan!


A nasty surprise - here's another rule - never place a male plant in the same room with a female unless you want it to be randomly pollinated.
So I did the three medium-sized colas, including the one with the seed





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