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Is it cool to be rude? Opinions.


Active member
listen to bob marley



That being said, I can be the nicest guy in the world, but piss me off, and I can be a huge prick. Rude ain't even the word! :D

I'm right with you! I'm sweet and polite until you fuck with me, then I can become the most horribly evil thing you could imagine!


First you have to define 'What is rude'? I think Kanye West jumping up on stage recently was rude.


Active member
I think it's cool to be nice to people when you don't have to, to smile and say hello to strangers, to help someone without expecting anything in return.
I'm not completely there yet, but that's the kind of cool I'm working on.


I'm right with you! I'm sweet and polite until you fuck with me, then I can become the most horribly evil thing you could imagine!
I also am fine with all untill somebody messes with me.......then the demon comes out.:laughing:


Not trying to make this a religious discussion but...even if just a story...was Jesus rude by going into the temple and turning over the money changers tables or was it righteous? He for sure made a scene. Maybe Ghandi is a better example about dealing with things in life...getting beat to a pulp for what you believe in? For sure at times I make a 'scene'...sometimes in retrospect I was 'wrong' and need to deal with it and sometimes I 'needed to' and my actions were 'justified'...still subjective from my perspective.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I'm right with you! I'm sweet and polite until you fuck with me, then I can become the most horribly evil thing you could imagine!


Case in point, I'm at the store the other day. A lady is trying to reach some stuff up high, so I walk over, get it for her. "Here ma'am." Nice as can be, right? 10 minutes later some guy driving like an idiot in the parking lot gets a piece of my mind, so he jumps out of his vehicle, runs over, and promptly gets set on his ass with a kick in the face. He picks himself up, gets back in his Jeep and leaves. As I'm getting in my vehicle, I see that lady who I'd helped in the store, she'd apparently seen what had just transpired. She shot me a grin and a thumbs up. :D


Jesus in the Temple and a question:

Jesus in the Temple and a question:

Not trying to make this a religious discussion but...even if just a story...was Jesus rude by going into the temple and turning over the money changers tables or was it righteous?

I feel that the moneychanger story illustrates what alot of people are talking about in this thread. Jesus had reached his limit, and decided to kick some ass. The "Fightin' Christ" if you will, cleaning the trash out of His Father's house. He wasn't being rude, he was enforcing a law that had been ignored for too long.

Annother thing, speaking of mental hygiene. Am I the only one who finds that listening to guys like Howard Stern or Doug Stanhope or maybe Dennis Leary is bad for my general attitude? I love Stanhope's humor, but If i listen to it I find myself more tempted than usual to be an asshole? Maybe I'm just easily led, or maybe I'm just predisposed to being an asshole, but no matter. I do my best to stay away from rude, angry people no matter how amusing I find them. Weird huh?


Active member
I feel that the moneychanger story illustrates what alot of people are talking about in this thread. Jesus had reached his limit, and decided to kick some ass. The "Fightin' Christ" if you will,
You'd like to think that the omnipotent son of God, God himself actually, would be just a bit more patient, if you already know everything that will ever happen before it does, then why get upset when the time comes?
Just another flaw in the jumping jesus creation myth.
Any wants to talk more about it join us in the "does God exist" Thread.


Not Me...

Not Me...

You'd like to think that the omnipotent son of God, God himself actually, would be just a bit more patient, if you already know everything that will ever happen before it does, then why get upset when the time comes?
Just another flaw in the jumping jesus creation myth.
Any wants to talk more about it join us in the "does God exist" Thread.

I was making no effort to support or refute the idenity of Christ as the Living Son of an omniscient omnipitent God. I'm just sayin he (the Jesus in the story about the money changers in the temple) was pissed off and decided to clean house. Let's don't make this annother sad debate about whether or not God exists.


You'd like to think that the omnipotent son of God, God himself actually, would be just a bit more patient
I don't see it as a god thing at all and basically made that statement in my earlier response...just someone took a certain action and people interpret it, read into what they want or use that 'story' to justify or support their actions. Guess you can question was that particular action 'right' or 'not' and does the person behind the action make a difference in the action being 'right' or 'not'? Then there's the circumstances behind the action...and EVERYONE will see things differently.

For me it still comes back to the thread title 'Is it cool to be rude?' That's a very general question and without an agreement on what is rude you get the wide range of responses.

So what is rude?

It's my day to be a pundit...LOL.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Of course not. Bob Marley is awesome. I *try* very hard to be peaceful. :)


Active member
Let's don't make this annother sad debate about whether or not God exists.

Then lets not make sad references to non existent entities to support your arguments.
That's like saying even Santa loses his temper every now and then.


people look stupid when they are rude, you always get more respect when you are kind, plus it is the right thing to do, any time you dont get respect you just walk away bc it isnt worth the time lifes too short


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I've really found quite often that many chronically rude people don't even realize that they are. I've also run into tons of folks who think etiquette equals politeness or even friendliness.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I feel that the moneychanger story illustrates what alot of people are talking about in this thread. Jesus had reached his limit, and decided to kick some ass. The "Fightin' Christ" if you will, cleaning the trash out of His Father's house. He wasn't being rude, he was enforcing a law that had been ignored for too long.

Annother thing, speaking of mental hygiene. Am I the only one who finds that listening to guys like Howard Stern or Doug Stanhope or maybe Dennis Leary is bad for my general attitude? I love Stanhope's humor, but If i listen to it I find myself more tempted than usual to be an asshole? Maybe I'm just easily led, or maybe I'm just predisposed to being an asshole, but no matter. I do my best to stay away from rude, angry people no matter how amusing I find them. Weird huh?

I know what you mean ! ;>}


Owl Mirror

Active member
So what is rude?

I took the question to be commenting on a person who, for no apparent reason just goes off on someone.
I have had it happen in these forums a few times.
Usually by people who are gear snobs. Like HAZE aficionado's who feel if you don't know everything there is to know about their favorite strain you are a complete idiot and have no reason to be posting in their thread.
Just simply rude behavior, calling someone an idiot because maybe they got a fact wrong or don't fully understand.

I don't think the topic meant to portray a situation where something happens to anger or upset you and you then become defencive.

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