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any one acually worried about posting here?


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I think ordering off the net is riskier than posting.. When it comes to the net you are a stranger. anyone can impersonate you.. so what I recomend is just common sense. when you take pics Immediately upload them to your album then DELETE them off of your camera/computer. I have no worries because I leach my internet. That really is impossible to trace.

Everyone always says "they are going after the big fish"
I think this is hogwarsh and I think pigs use this a lot. The fact is. look at the news. They are always busting personal grows. Even one plant. The fact is they are after YOU. so dont kid your self man. and always go with your gut.

Honestly though The way this site is set up.. you have to get to 50 posts to do anything. not many cops are going to take the time to do that.

43 post.......maybe your one of those lazy cops?


Yes I am a cop.

I dont know. Have you ever seen an undercover? I mean really??

all im saying is its a nice feature of the site that you have to get reputation. it can and probly will weed out lots of law enforcement. Remember they can lie but they cant actually break the law.
If this many people are paranoid about it then why dont you send an email or start a thread to increase the security on the site to protect our privacy?

How about we put cop bait in the boards.. first you set up a secure non grow location that is free of breaking any laws, and put up some webcams. then we make a fake account and start posting pics.. make it a huge operation.. and then start sharing information about the location. have the fake account almost post the entire address..

sit back and wait for the raid. as a matter of fact we should keep the webcam going 24/7 and catch the raid on the cam. next we share the footage with the media and court rooms maybe even take it federal.. it could be a big win.
Ya Know, ive been reading these forums for a looo0ong time, but didn't start posting until recently, I first posted on Roll it Up, but moved to here, just because people are smarter here! I also heard that Roll it up is on American soil! SO, if were over sea's here, should be no biggy! besides, ive got well under a hundred plants, and all of them are accounted for with licenses!
im not too worried just tired of people mostly (Mobb Deep) constantly telling me every pic i put is a security risk and the haters. i got a good grow going and it has been for a couple years in the same house,, ive had to change houses before but i was only paranoid.
the only people that know about me in real life all grow themselfs, and as for people reconnizing me on here, try n come to my op house and rob it. lol your mistake. im not paranoid, i have an excellent lawyer, and a stash to pay him with, not to mention i have a clean record. so here in canada for what i have id probly do a month 1/6th of 6 monthes and thats if im in the house during a raid, most likly not lol... only my partener and wife know the house and im not worried about them.. ive always thought better safe than sorry and tried to keep MY home where i sleep super clean.. with nothing incriminating.

threatening someone if they rob your place is not smart...if they actually do and you do harm, they can sue you......I know it sounds crazy, but they have rights and sometimes more.....I have seen in the news where a guy breaks in the house, had no weapons on him....and the home owner puts a beat down from hell on him....the robber sued the home owner and won. home owner had to pay dr. fee's.....if leo can prove your pre-meditating your personal beat down on someone for breaking in to your op, then you will go down hard young man..I promise that.
as for everything else about leo in here........as long as your not selling big time, then you are golden...if you are selling big time then you deserve what you get........I dont agree with the law, but we still need to try and follow it as close as we can......selling a few pounds a year is not big time...IMO........

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