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Somebody gonna get a hurt - real bad...


Active member
Classy, if you think you can handle this guy physically then wait till you can get him alone for about 3 min tops.
You don't have to punch him in the face and bust up your knuckles, kidney and rib punch 3-4 times and head out, do it right and it will be at least a few mins before he can even stand up.
Then deny it, his word against yours, you will be fine.

Sometimes you have to toss someone a beating, the up side is usually word gets out around work that your not to be fucked with, and you probably won't ever have to deal with something like this again.


Pay back is a bitch. I suggest not breaking your hands on his face. Body shots and stomping are more then sufficient. If your hands aren't bruised then its your word against his. Deny Deny Deny.

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