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can someone tell me if the myth is true?


cant stop wont stop
idunno submit it to mythbusters..

i tried to submit the idea of testing myths about majuana i.e. does smoking a menthol cigarette after chiefing get you higher, does marijuana make you sterile, ect..
got no response.

maybe you'll have better luck :joint:
Yeah, my exwife out smoked me as well. I don't think I realized how common that is.

Chef Dude, it's no myth brother. Women will do all kinds of stuff in the beginning of a relationship that they will not do so much after you become serious or get married. Men do the same thing--if in different ways. Think about how much time you spend preparing for how cool you will act, dress, etc. whenever you go out with a girl the first time.

The big mistake men make is to put a nice looking girl on a pedestal and then sacrifice what they really want. Most guys are not confident enough with women and sell themselves short. If you believe that you deserve the kind of chick you really want, then nothing can stop you.

Of course, this takes discipline. Next time you're dating a hottie and she's getting annoying or expresses views that go against your values, you must have the self respect to put her on ice. You must make yourself date multiple women and let anyone you socialize with know that you have extremely high standards for anybody you might go to the next level with. Let them wonder what you are doing with your Saturday night and reveal your world to them only slowly.

Most attractive women get hit on and get a lot of compliments about how cute they are in the course of their daily lives--DO NOT BE THAT GUY!!! The hotter she is the more important it is to let her know through you words and actions that that is not a big deal to you. Let HER wonder: "does he think I'm cute?" She should assume that you date hot chicks all the time and that if she wants to progress in a relationship with you, she must be outstanding in OTHER areas.

One rule of thumb I like to use is to never spend a lot of dough (i.e. nice restaurants, gifts) or do favors (i.e. fixing stuff or airport pick up) for a girl until I've seen her naked. Until then, we're just casual flirting friends. You will gain much more respect from a woman when you don't fawn all over her.

Practical advice: get on craig's list or other site and post an ad for a female friend/smoking buddy. Meet a few chicks to just be friends with and soon you'll find someone who has a lot of cute smoker friends or makes a move on you herself.

Good luck, brother...

de Toke-ville
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LOL de Toke-Ville....and while you are playing hard to get....she's dating guys who value her company, appreciate her, and let her know it....

I can see it now...The phone rings at TokeVille....it's that super HOT chick.."Hey, My car broke down & I'm stranded! Help me Tokeville"... and you say "No, I've never seen you naked, so you are on your own" In the meantime, hot UPS guy volunteers to help out.....
LOL de Toke-Ville....and while you are playing hard to get....she's dating guys who value her company, appreciate her, and let her know it....

I can see it now...The phone rings at TokeVille....it's that super HOT chick.."Hey, My car broke down & I'm stranded! Help me Tokeville"... and you say "No, I've never seen you naked, so you are on your own" In the meantime, hot UPS guy volunteers to help out.....

:laughing: And then the UPS guy blushes as she kisses him on the cheek in thanks for all of hi help. Then as he sheepishly asks if they could go out sometime, she just lies and says she has a boyfriend--'cause she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. As soon as he's out of sight, she checks her phone to see if that guy that she spent the night with last week but hasn't called yet might have texted her. As she hits the speed dial number she knows she shouldn't be calling, she's already forgotten about hot UPS guy.

I don't blame you Lola, if I was a chick I wouldn't want guys to get this advice either.

I will say this, girls who are more average looking will tend to appreciate nice guys more--but even then, a man should never be too nice--you WILL pay for it.

de Toke-ville
Come to think of it, Lola does make a great point. Hot chicks ARE going out with other guys too. Just another reason you want to stand out and be the guy she has to prove herself to.



livin my way the high way
i just met a beautiful girl thats in 2 of my classes and the first time i actually talked to her she told me shes goin to see my bloody valentine this weekend on shrooms. right then i asked here if she wanted to go to my place and smoke a bowl. were now getting to be friends but im trying to go further than that cuz she seems so cool. in the middle of the bowl she said im gonna have to smoke u back for sure. she seems to be on the same level as me and pretty level headed as well. well OP i hope u find the right match.
i just met a beautiful girl thats in 2 of my classes and the first time i actually talked to her she told me shes goin to see my bloody valentine this weekend on shrooms. right then i asked here if she wanted to go to my place and smoke a bowl. were now getting to be friends but im trying to go further than that cuz she seems so cool. in the middle of the bowl she said im gonna have to smoke u back for sure. she seems to be on the same level as me and pretty level headed as well. well OP i hope u find the right match.

Hey Zinga, what's up bro. Allow me to make a suggestion--if you think it sucks--that's cool. I think you made a really good start. My advice would be to consider, the next time you see her, to say something like "It's cool to meet a chick that can handle her weed. Maybe we could become regular friends--if you have a lot of cute girlfriends to introduce me to."

I like to call this putting a girl in "friend jail." Girls do this to guys all the time--mostly when they want to get something from the guy but don't really like him THAT way. It will make her wonder if she's attractive to you and if she's carrying a little tourch for ya, she will become competitive. Plus if she's not the one you've laid down the marker that you expect her to introduce you to prospects as part of your friendship.

GL brother,



Don't listen to him! He is going to get YOU in friend's jail..... Never ask a girl you like if she has any cute friends.... What a turnoff. Crappy advice!
Umm, okay. If you don't believe me, Zinga, try this: go to the book store and buy the "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Also he co-wrote a really good one called "The Mystery Method, how to get beautiful women into bed. "Mystery" is a pretty famous guy and he had a show on one of the cable channels re: picking up girls.

Women will never give men good advice about how to get women. You can let yourself be scolded by erstwhile Dr. Lauras, or you can learn what guys who are actually successful with women do. If i'm wrong you can always go back to being a doormat. But you will never know what you are capable of until you mentor under a MAN who has been successful in the endeavor you are pursuing.

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so im sure a lot of you are familiar with this situation, You are dating a girl or just hooking up on the regular and she says she is ok with the fact that you smoke at first. then after a while they start to rag on you every time you want to toke or go score a bag(in between harvests of course). then after a while its not complaining anymore but move onto, "you know baby, you should really stop smoking so much weed". and then after that you just kinda lose interest and its down hill from there.

So my question is, do stoner girls actually exist? or is it a myth? I think that no matter how honest you are with a non toker, they will always be just that and close minded to our cause.

I just sent my girl packing last night because of this reason and i'm starting to lose hope that i will ever be able to find a decent looking girl who shares my passion, or at least accepts it.

sorry for the out of place rant but im sure some of you will want to voice your oppinion on this matter and I couldnt figure out where this post would best fit.

-His Dudeness

Dudeness, just reread your orig post and thought I would get back on topic for a minute. It seems to me you're already on the right track. You recognize who you are, what you want and are willing to show some discipline and acceptance of delayed gratification in order to achieve your goal.

A lot of guys in your spot wouldn't stick to their guns and kick her to the curb, especially if she is especially cute or sexy. Sometimes it hurts to do what we know is right. Whether you do it anyway determines your fate.

In the meantime, consider just dating some girls and staying out of serious relationship for a while. Let yourself interview a whole mess of applicants for the job! That way, girls who don't smoke will be an advantage because you won't be tempted to go to the next level with them.

Then, just when you got bachelorhood dailed in and are starting to think you could stay single forever, well you know what happens...



New member
My gf and I been together 4 yrs and This week may be the first 3 days in a row we havent been stoked up. I dont know which of us is Jonesin' more.....


Just what a grower needs is a good woman pushing him to grow the finest !! My wife loves to smoke and its what help drive me to grow the best I can :)

I could be happy like that.
Hmmm well actually my woman got me back into smoking weed. So yeah they are out there, and I couldn't be happier, and I aint gonna share either.. Grow safe.
stoner chicks exist, just watch that they dont smoke you out of weed and money. hard to find a balanced one, but i got mine. so i have hope for you. sorry to hear about the break up they are never easier but if weed is really part of your life than it was a good choice. take it easy bro,
and youll never have a girl that will love you as much as your dog.... thats why pussy isnt mans best friend, lol


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
So my question is, do stoner girls actually exist?
-His Dudeness

Pot smokers yes, "stoners" who follow "our cause" probably not as many. I don't follow a cause other than ones of my own choosing. I got hitched to a geologist that just happens to like pot. I wouldn't characterize her as a stoner however. I've known plenty of people both men and women who I'd characterize as stoners, but I doubt I'd want to date any of 'em.

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