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400 or 600 in my new tent

Well the issue here is that 2fast4u2 us doing a sea of green where he needs no light penetration. All he is trying to do is hit the tops with some light. For us full size plant growers his suggested light setup is way too weak. So all this argueing is getting us nowhere.
Yep :) we know that now


New member
Last time I did a 4 plant Scrog in my small tent and yielded a little over a qp. I was hoping to get close to a P this time as I have doubled the amount of plants with a greater height capacity. Is that a realistic goal?

I was thinking about getting the 600 for better penetration, so I can grow them to about 3-5 feet tall.

Or do you guys think yield would be higher just using the 400 or 600 in a scrog setup again?

BTW my current temps ate running from 76-82, unfortunately I am recirculating the air back into the same room which is about 15x15, and airing out at night (window fan). The room is also AC'D.

Thanks again for the input.



just beautiful, nice job!

just goes to show that a homebox s can pump out weight, all in how you grow and manage your available lighting.

thanks for posting that pic, goes to show.


Well the issue here is that 2fast4u2 us doing a sea of green where he needs no light penetration. All he is trying to do is hit the tops with some light. For us full size plant growers his suggested light setup is way too weak. So all this argueing is getting us nowhere.

not quite,

a 250 will have the same penetration as a 1000w.

1000w'ers typically are hung at least a few feet above the canopy.

A 250 can sit on the plants making use of all the light, the available canopy real estate on a 5 foot plant only goes down from the top to about 2 feet, after that without lollipopping you are talking straight airy buds.

Im really trying to help the op, ive had several debates over lighting theory and am pretty much saying what i learned from people in the know, and what i felt was common knowledge.

Im new to this particular site, so the "climate" regarding lighting could be very different here.

fwiw, op, i have a growlab 3'11x3'11x6'7'' or something like that with a 400w hps on 6 bubba kushes in an ebb and grow and i am really wishing already that i would have gotten set up with a 600w.

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