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Parnoia with bud but not with hash....

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
My home boy is getting to the point where he just doesn't want to smoke bud anymore, because he gets paranoid.... and it seems to be getting worse and worse every time he smokes bud. I figured I was loosing one of my puff'n buddys. I gave his girlfriend some bubble hash, figuring he wouldn't be interested in it, being more concentrated than bud. She told me the other day that he checked it out and didnt get any paranoia from it, just a great mellow stone. Needless to say, my boy is stoked. Thats all he wants to smoke now. Which is cool..... I get to keep my puff'n buddy!

Im just wondering if anyone has any info on why this would be. I dont get the stoner paranoia so I cant relate.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Well, he gets paranoid from the same bud that the hash is made from.... So.... I dunno. Its a Hawaiian sativa.
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Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Well, that'll be on him to get. I only get what I harvest, and thats Hawaiian sativa. I was just wondering what the difference might be between the buds and hash from the same plant.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Hawiian sativa can definatley do it, but he needs to know that the paranoia is all in his head. Switch him over to afgani or something really indica. Let him know indica doesnt cause paranoia, then switch him back to a sativa later with out telling him and he will be fine i bet.


I swear I've read right here on icmag that the people of some traditional hash smoking culture believe that smoking bud causes insanity and that's why it should always be made into hash but I can't seem to be able to find it right now... Anyway, maybe they were onto something?


i think your right about using hash vs bud in some cultures.....

odd though....maybe he smokin too much bud, just stop after hit or two.


I seem to notice the high from hash or oil cleaner then the yuck feeling I sometimes get when I smoke pot.


Active member
paranoia could be lower because there is likely more CBD in hash than buds. CBD counteracts the negative effects of THC like paranoia.

it is all in his head. so is everything.