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Need Advice Germinating Old Seeds

If anyone has any knowledge of this I would like to here your experince...thanks krk

Give them a scruffing which could help and then soak them in water for 12-24 hours with a tad bit of super thrive or rooting powder. Then put them back in the paper towels and see if that helps.


Just bury them in a good mix or put em in jiffypellets rw or whatever you use n hope for the best. Let nature take it's course good luck hope they're survivors.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Weed did not go extinct 10,000 years ago because Little Omar couldn't find a 7-11 to buy a roll of Bounty. Paper towels have no magic powers of germination. Whatever they'll do in paper they'll do better in a legitimate media (soil, coco, rockwool, perlite, water ...)

Scarification is a different matter. It simulates the damage a seed endures over the winter. Sand or scrape the seeds edges to weaken them and drop in your final grow medium.

If you can't grow in it, don't germ in it.


Active member
germing old important seeds

germing old important seeds


I know there is a topic like this i used the search funtcion but didn't find it immedialtely

So sorry for a dupe topic


We have been having troubles germing old seeds. For the moment we don't even dare to germ them cuz there are so few left.

Here a list

Skunk nr 1(sam the skunkman)
golden leaf
Thai Stick
green dragon
Citral nr 5
cali orange bud
Misty x Afhgaan

all old positronics seeds(xcept the stsm seeds and some thers)

What can we do to improve the germ rare except constant 25-27 degrees celsius

We also tried scrubbing the shell of the seed but to no avail


Active member
ICMag Donor
Use a fingernail file and take off a little of at the seam of the seed (end that opens).
Also, mix up distilled water with 30ml/gal (1 oz) of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use this water for soaking and germing.
Only do a seed or two at a time, in case you have something hosed up. Anything can happen...like the dye from a paper towel, or something else could cause problems...so don't commit all the seeds at once.


Old seeds????????

Old seeds????????

Hello, I recently was given some seeds, that i gave a friend like five years ago. So he gave me the seeds back as they were no longer in my stock, nor could i by them again.

My question is, What is the best treatment of the seeds to get better germ rates?

I was thinking soak them in some superthrive. Any advice is greatly apreciated.

danny karey

Id scuff the seeds too before I tried to germinate them, you should have better germination rate.



Active member
at this point you have to hope they were stored in good conditions.

scuffing only helps if they are very hard.

superthrive is nasty, not cool for organics stuff.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

With old seeds they will still germ.

1st. put seeds in jar of distilled water with a pinch of rooting hormone powder for 24 hours.

2nd. take seeds outa that jar. Put some more fresh distilled water and put a pinch of grow feed in, mix well and put seeds back in for an hour to four.

3rd. Get some airy seedling/cutting soil and water well until no run off from the little cups that the soil will go in. Make a hole about half to one centimeter deep. Put seeds in and cover each pot with clingfilm,

Make sure everything is as sterile as possible.

Think the info might be on these forums somewhere as delta 9 labs posted about it. Germed an old skunk seed from the '80's to make their Fruit Of The Gods strain.

I did as above with some 10 year old Northern Lights from Sensi and got 15 outa 15 to germinate.....just took a week to 2 weeks for them all to come up. Once they are up and just as the secound set of leave's come out, a drop of superthrive in a gallon of water will do them wonders.

Good Luck.
Chill Out

Chill Out

Use the seeds natural processes.

Put them in the refrigerator for two days, then in the freezer for two days, then remove & let them get to room temperature.

Next, pour 3/4 glass of distilled water and drop the seeds in.

( The safest supplement to add is a "normal", or lower, dose of seaweed extract ( Maxicrop, etc. ) in the water ... a Tablespoon per gallon, at most. )

Stir the seeds every 15 minutes or so, and allow them to become waterlogged.

When they sink, or hang in the middle of the glass, take them out.

Ordinarily, they can be left overnight, but with questionable seeds it's better to err on the side of caution. Three or four hours should be enough.

Dampen four coffee filters with distilled water, squeeze lightly, and flatten.

Place seeds in the middle, not touching each other, and fold over the filters.

Put the package in a saucer, with a matching saucer or small dish on top.

Fill a 32 oz plastic yogurt or cottage-cheese container with hot tap water.

Place the "clamshell" on top of the water container and leave it there.

Change the hot water 2X a day, plus overnight, and dampen the filters once a day with some fresh water.

( left alone, the warmth will dry out the filters )

The warm / cool cycle, plus the pre-freeze and the soaking, produces very good results.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Some great methods there one other thing.....Sometimes with old seeds u need to help them out of their shells as they are a little weak to break out on their own.....JBo ;]


Active member
jesus that's a lot of voodoo. No offense guys, but they are stored well or they are not, and nothing you do to it will bring back spoiled seeds.

Every year, the germination rate drops depending on the seed itself and conditions. That's just the way it is. Some seeds last longer than others. It will germinate or it won't, but if the voodoo ceremony makes you feel better go right ahead.

Cannabis does not need cold stratification to germinate. It's not an onion. The soaking helps though. I guess planting shallow may increase your rates but I prefer to sow normally and let the weak fend for themselves.

danny karey

Im assuming there stored well, captain obvious. Scuffing does help if there old seeds, it makes the shell thinner in spots, making the seedling be able to break threw the shell.



Active member
that's quite an assumption given the scenario he described. I wouldn't trust my friends with seeds.

scoring or scuffing has nothing to do with age. It merely helps speed up the process when the seed is very hard (ie it has thick walls). It is called scarification and can be done by scuffing, cutting, or with acid. It works by allowing moisture to penetrate. The seed always splits down the middle like it normally would. When you scarify, does the germ come out the spot your rubbed like a turtle from an egg, or does it split?

It won't raise the germination rate of old seeds any more than it will new seeds. It will help if and only if the seeds are very hard.

Also, the seed within, if still viable, is no weaker than it was the day it was harvested. It has not been consuming energy as it waits. That's the whole point of evolving seeds as a survival technique. And out of every so many seeds, you get a very hard and impermeable one. It is a hedge against a bad season where everybody dies and there is no seed crop. It sits out the season for two winters, until the moisture finally penetrates and it germinates, giving its parents a chance to reproduce.

while we are on the topic of storing seeds, does everyone hang on to those silica gel packets that come with food and other products? Keep them with your seeds.

danny karey

My friends now how to store seeds properly, actually im pretty much in the same situation as the op.

Im not disputing the fact it depends how there stored, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS, Im pretty sure most of us know that thats the most important thing Captain Obvious........do ya get it know?.

After I got my seeds from my friend, I SCUFFED THEM and had a 90% germ rate.

Do you get it!!

Jesus christ man,what part of Im assuming there stored well don't ya get.

Man, my friends now whats up, I could trust them for sure, cause I have done it.
