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grand canyon sized hole in my heart


Just a little background ...

I bought a pure breed brindle pitbull from a friend of mine's family that had a litter. I named her Natty.

When I got her she was 2 months old ... and the day I lost her she was 9 months.

I live in a city that demonizes these dogs like they are some sort of serial killer. While at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles last week, my grandfather who has alzheimer's let her out the back door to do her business and unfortunately forgot about her. He apparently witnessed a guy, who he thought was me, trying to coerce my little baby in the car from my front yard.

When I got home, I was in a panic. I couldn't find my girl anywhere and my grandfather had left to do his daily "mall walk". I immediately got in my vehicle in search of my baby girl. When I couldn't find her anywhere, I decided to come home and call my local animal control. Sure enough they had a female pit in heat that matched her description. FUCK :wallbash:

Law in my city states that any pitbull confiscated in the city that resides in the city will be euthanized. My heart broke in 4 million pieces. I have tried to have my mother adopt her so I could get her back. I have tried to tell them my mother was the owner and I was just dog-sitting (my mother lives in a county in the same state that has no laws against pitbulls). They are going to murder my dog.

After days and days of restlessness and tossing and turning in my sleep (she always slept right next to me), I have decided that I must fill this void. I have searched on craigslist and found a dog who needs a home soon, or will be sent to the pound.

My question to you guys is this:

If you were in my position, would you continue to mourn and try to deal?

Or, would you try to fill that void aswell?

The dog I am thinking of getting is a Pitbull/Greyhound mix and her name is Roxi. She is 2 years old and looks amazing. Apparently just as sweet as she could be.

So what would you guys do?


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Active member
man i had a pit for 2 years and some cock sucker stole her. If i ever see anyone who steals dogs, i will seriously beat their ass.

Its the worst feeling when your best friend is gone.

I would wait and see how yu feel dont rush your grieving


I live in Co, and DENVER bans them , and euthanizes them immed. I am a happy dog owner , the first in my ADULT life, a border collie / aussie, he 's my best buddy, and soooo cute and freaking genius smart einstein motha. If I were you, i would be shattered as well, my heart would be broken, makes me feel terrible just thinking about it... I would allow some time to greive, it's what's logical at this initial point. Meditate and honor her. Please allow time and step to gain your constitution back. Meditation is a good 12 step program.

or read tons of inspirational good books, MAN'S ETERNAL QUEST: PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA. VERY VERY GOOD book while healing.


I appreciate the replies.

I just can't believe my little sidekick is gone. My weekends, when I would normally take her over the RR tracks to the creek and let her run as she pleased, have turned to shit. I can't figure out what to do with all this extra time. And seeing her toys in the yard, choking on all the hair, I can't even look at her water bowl with out breaking down.

Shit ain't fair man


Most of the bad rep a pit gets comes from the owners. They are just dogs like all the rest but the types of people that have owned them have given them the bad rep. Ya they can fight and yes they are dangerous.......as with all dogs.

Jermey, if you cannot get the girl back you will have to mourn and then move on. I have all my dogs cremated and I take their remains every where I go. But I move on. ME AND my wife now have 4 and 2 are rescues.

The little girl that needs a home needs you. Show her kindness and she will return it.

I hope it works out for you.



another heart breaking story about dogs here in about a week...

My condolences and karma are with you man, stay safe.


Active member
bro...i would first have known the dog laws where i lived.

then as soon as i heard that shit i would have moved....that is fucked up nazi laws...pits are awesome!

if they took my dog i would have slept on the pavement, or dirt of the place holding my dog and put forth every effort in my blood to get my dog out even if i had to relocate out of a fucking nazi county w/ him.

give me the addy of the assholes, and i will be more than happy to send a well spoken message in regard to you and your dogs situation.

that shit is pissing me off more and more and my next dogs might be pits cuz i know a few that i love.

fuck ppl acting like nazis on dog breeds, and fuck ppl like mike vick making bad names for great dogs.


Listen to me jerky
Man that really sucks, sorry for your loss. Everyone morns differently some people get over this type of thing in a day. For some it can take weeks. I would wait a bit until you get another dog though, but that's just me. Once you have "moved on" then it's time to get another companion. Not until then, only you will know when that is.


Active member
Man that really sucks, sorry for your loss. Everyone morns differently some people get over this type of thing in a day. For some it can take weeks. I would wait a bit until you get another dog though, but that's just me. Once you have "moved on" then it's time to get another companion. Not until then, only you will know when that is.

with all due respect bro...now isnt the time for homie to "get another"...it's time to move and "fuck these ppl"...those dog laws are for the fucking birds, and i def know enuf about dogs to know that pits are awesome dogs, and in the right hands there can not be a better companion..


cant stop wont stop
I'm at a loss of words.. thats the most fucked up shit ive heard in quite sometime.
i have a brindle pup too and as god as my fuccking witness i would tear someones head off if they took her. if i couldnt get in that 'animal shelter' i would commandeer a bobcat and drive right through the front doors of that bitch.
stay strong man, and dont give up yet if its not too late.

my deepest regrets to you and yours.


man i feel for you..i too have lost a dog i had for more than 8 years..cutest thing EVER..had to let her go..am emotionally "numb"..so i never got really sad..but DAMN i sure do miss her...


Well-known member
nokuy. I loved that. that got me kinda choked up in side.

as I too have lost a dog befor. even thou I have a new one my old dog still meens lots to me.

and jeremy Im also very sorry for ur loss. but don't give up hope just yet. as said befor.


Listen to me jerky
with all due respect bro...now isnt the time for homie to "get another"...it's time to move and "fuck these ppl"...those dog laws are for the fucking birds, and i def know enuf about dogs to know that pits are awesome dogs, and in the right hands there can not be a better companion..

I guess what I said came out wrong. I was try to answer the two questions and the end of the original post. He asked:

"If you were in my position, would you continue to mourn and try to deal?

Or, would you try to fill that void aswell?"

I wasn't stating that he should get another dog. I was trying to say that if I where in his shoes I wouldn't be able to get a dog, personally, right away. There are some people out there that mourn rather quickly and might have the capacity to go out and find another companion rather quickly.

I tend to used quotations when I can't define something well. I am unable to define what "getting over" is to him. I don't know the op so how through this computer am I able to define that term? I just use "......."

Personally instead of "fucking these ppl" I feel they need to be engaged. They need to be shown why these types of laws are total bullshit and how they really accomplish nothing. The dog plays a much smaller roll than the parent that raises said dog. There are amazing pits out there that are owned by scumbags. Has very little/to nothing to do with the dog or breed.

All it comes down to is his loss and the small compilation that there are some people out there that hopefully can say a few words that might make his lose a fraction of a bit less painful.

Cookie monster

I love how these animal control people can just legally steal somebodys much loved pet and put the poor pup down with no valid reason other than it's a specific breed.

Jesus if the cops were to do the same to anybody they thought looked like a gangster there would be blue murder...but sure it's ok there only dogs is the mentallity i guess??

Jeremy i'm deeply sorry for what those bastards took from you and i only hope karma catches up to the policey makers soon.

My last dog was put to sleep old age and health issues, it took me nearly a year befor i ready to share my life with another pup.
Time will ease the pain so try to stay strong.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
dude i didnt even bother reading anyone elses responses. if that were my dog i would walk stright in there and take her, regardless of the concequences. i doubt there is a padlock on the cage. i would trespass throught their halls and coridors , ignoring everyone that may try and stop me. once i found the cage i would simply remove her and walk out. that dog is your family. even lilo and stich know that "nobody gets left behind" bring a 9mm so they know you arent playing. dont take it out, but make sure it is clearly visable in your waste band.

Cookie monster

dude i didnt even bother reading anyone elses responses. if that were my dog i would walk stright in there and take her, regardless of the concequences. i doubt there is a padlock on the cage. i would trespass throught their halls and coridors , ignoring everyone that may try and stop me. once i found the cage i would simply remove her and walk out. that dog is your family. even lilo and stich know that "nobody gets left behind" bring a 9mm so they know you arent playing. dont take it out, but make sure it is clearly visable in your waste band.

Sounds like a sure fire way to get either shot by the cops or end up in jail on trespass and fire arms charges...leave the gun at home!!!!


Sorry to hear this.. Is there no insane activist thing you can do about this? People will understand that you love this dog and it will not be a fighter..

This could be your only chance or you can talk to an attorney, but that costs $$

take care

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