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Multiple med cards per household?


New member
I was wondering, if a residence has 3 people in it and they all get their medicinal marijuana scripts would the amounts to cultivate double and triple in size? Instead of 6 and 12, the 3 people would be legally able to produce 36 immature and 18 mature?


Yes. You can all grow separately, or you can "aggregate" your cards and grow as a cultivation collective. Two of the members can be non-growing members.

Please become extremely familiar with all of the pertinent laws, ordinances, codes and guidelines.


i thinks it is 3 max per house...don't quote me on that one tho...


New member
Yes. You can all grow separately, or you can "aggregate" your cards and grow as a cultivation collective. Two of the members can be non-growing members.

Please become extremely familiar with all of the pertinent laws, ordinances, codes and guidelines.

I can't see anything in Prop 215, or Senate bill 420. Anything that says specific ordinances regarding this issue. Maybe i missed a part. My County laws are of California's as of now.


I have never seen a law specifically limiting the number of aggregated cards. I'm not saying such limits don't exist, just that I have never seen any. I heard recently that LA county limits aggregated cards to 10, but have not seen a document as such.

I have never heard of an aggregated card grow consisting solely of members of a household running afoul of the law.


Active member
Is this not how collectives and coops are formed? And using the aggregation of cards method couldn't that mean you have pretty much unlimited patients?


Yes this is how cultivation collectives are formed.

As far as "unlimited" patients you need to be very careful with that. The cards that you aggregate should be from people that you are very familiar with and associate with. Over a certain, subjective number of cards LE will be very skeptical and suspicious that you are a commercial grow and will investigate your cards. They will contact the members of your grow and ask them about their involvement in the collective. If they get a negative response such as "I don't know anything about that", you'd likely have a problem. Many arrests have been made based on large numbers of aggregated cards.

Keep your membership low (10 cards or less in my opinion) and make sure those members are fully knowledgeable concerning the collective and how to respond to LE.


Active member
Yes this is how cultivation collectives are formed.

As far as "unlimited" patients you need to be very careful with that. The cards that you aggregate should be from people that you are very familiar with and associate with. Over a certain, subjective number of cards LE will be very skeptical and suspicious that you are a commercial grow and will investigate your cards. They will contact the members of your grow and ask them about their involvement in the collective. If they get a negative response such as "I don't know anything about that", you'd likely have a problem. Many arrests have been made based on large numbers of aggregated cards.

Keep your membership low (10 cards or less in my opinion) and make sure those members are fully knowledgeable concerning the collective and how to respond to LE.

Thanks for the advice man. I am not in cali but I find it fascinating nevertheless. In the future I may think about moving out there and forming a collective. However, I would want it to be a very active collective with a couple of meetings per month and an office where members can call in and ask questions, ask for advice, put in their two cents, etc. I just think it would be a cool experience. My only problem is that I would like to only have serious patients and I am not sure how I could set up the screening process to make sure I was within the law as far as that goes. What I mean is that I don't want a bunch of kids with a bum knee coming in who are one of those "yea its time to 'MEDICATE' guys" if you know what I mean. I would really like to help people who need it rather than those just looking to get stoned. However, I am not at all against just getting stoned, I believe mj should be legal based upon my ideas of liberty and the pursuit of happiness(there was actually an article reposted here today that sums my position up well). But yea, very interesting.
Do it by "3's" if you have SB420 minimums.

3 recs is a magic number in SB420 math. 12 in veg, 12 in flower. One person has the 12 in veg and the other two have 6 in flower each.

You don't get AND! it's 6 in flower OR 12 in veg, not both.
36 immature and 18 mature is not correct. You can't have both. OR is the word, not AND.

The 12 vegging go to flowering. Rinse. Repeat.

Blue Dot

They will contact the members of your grow and ask them about their involvement in the collective. If they get a negative response such as "I don't know anything about that", you'd likely have a problem. Many arrests have been made based on large numbers of aggregated cards..

After this recent CA supreme court decision it appears that all the card holding members have to do is respond by saying "I contribte finacially" and this should stop the cops from arresting the collective organizers.

Judge Roberts' ruling also rejected Butte County's policy of requiring all members to physically participate in the cultivation, thereby allowing collective members to "contribute financially."

And yes, this is exactly the way collectives were intended to be formed but some businessmen couldn't make enough this way so they figured they'll just open up a storefront and call it the same thing.

That was ruled illegal and now we are back to where it should have been all along with collectives like these all over the state.

Blue Dot

Do it by "3's" if you have SB420 minimums.

3 recs is a magic number in SB420 math. 12 in veg, 12 in flower. One person has the 12 in veg and the other two have 6 in flower each.

You don't get AND! it's 6 in flower OR 12 in veg, not both.
36 immature and 18 mature is not correct. You can't have both. OR is the word, not AND.

The 12 vegging go to flowering. Rinse. Repeat.

Each member gets 6 or 12. Under one roof some members could choose to have the 6 and some could choose to have the 12 so all told it could theroreticaly be perpetual.

Or is that what you were saying and I just misread it?
Each member gets 6 or 12. Under one roof some members could choose to have the 6 and some could choose to have the 12 so all told it could theroreticaly be perpetual.

Or is that what you were saying and I just misread it?

That's the idea. Unless you want to grow different strains at the same time.
Then the "OR" really impacts your plant counts. So you agree with your housemates to grow one strain at a time. This creates a reserve to hold you for a while.
Then you can choose another strain and repeat the process.

The "OR" wording can benefit or hinder you. If the 3 housemates each grow a few of this and a few of that, someone gets stuck with too many vegging plants.
A few years ago, someone asked me "what if we all can't decide which strain to all grow for each round?". I told him that if you can't agree, it's likely that you not only be bad grow partners, you likely won't be good roommates either..... :dueling: