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any one acually worried about posting here?

i mean what are the chances that the pigs are watching what pics we post and what info we give, imo they should be searching the net for kid porn offenders and not pot growers, but they probly do anyways.

i have a pic of myself 4 wheeling and someone thinks that its a security risk even thou i blocked out most of my face. i mean for sure if i get caught they could have more proof of shit if they get my pc but,
what are the chances they are patrolling this forum.

personnally when i was younger i would get high and be all paranoid, but i live in quebec canada where everyone smokes and grows lol, they police here are corrupt and the bikers run the streets, there are people i know that are alot heavyier than i am into the crime life and hide it less than i do and these people dont get picked off, i believe that if there are dumber people out there doing the same shit as me and more than they will get caught first,

anyone think im setting myself up for a fall, or are some people too paranoid, i know im gonna hear better safe than sorry and can never be too careful but who here is afraid?


I ain't sceert thats fer sure! F.U.C.K.E.M if they're watching! LOL.....


Even in Arcadia I exist
i mean what are the chances that the pigs are watching what pics we post and what info we give, imo they should be searching the net for kid porn offenders and not pot growers, but they probly do anyways.

i have a pic of myself 4 wheeling and someone thinks that its a security risk even thou i blocked out most of my face. i mean for sure if i get caught they could have more proof of shit if they get my pc but,
what are the chances they are patrolling this forum.

personnally when i was younger i would get high and be all paranoid, but i live in quebec canada where everyone smokes and grows lol, they police here are corrupt and the bikers run the streets, there are people i know that are alot heavyier than i am into the crime life and hide it less than i do and these people dont get picked off, i believe that if there are dumber people out there doing the same shit as me and more than they will get caught first,

anyone think im setting myself up for a fall, or are some people too paranoid, i know im gonna hear better safe than sorry and can never be too careful but who here is afraid?

Don't be silly, we all know police don't know how to use computers . . . . you ever get booked into jail? Fuck man, one time it took them like 3 hours to figure how to re-take my thumb print . .. .
someone who is good at computers can they remove my added on glasses and mouth cover? i really dont care i dont have fuck all to hide where i live except my rolling tin and a bag for personnal consumtion, lol


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
My identity was compromised 5 years ago when I started. I am still careful though. Any pictures I upload have my full name on it. Now I know. I know how to change that, but there is still some risk. It depends on how much damage a poster is doing to their community. IMO


Active member
i mean what are the chances that the pigs are watching what pics we post and what info we give, imo they should be searching the net for kid porn offenders and not pot growers, but they probly do anyways.

i have a pic of myself 4 wheeling and someone thinks that its a security risk even thou i blocked out most of my face. i mean for sure if i get caught they could have more proof of shit if they get my pc but,
what are the chances they are patrolling this forum.

personnally when i was younger i would get high and be all paranoid, but i live in quebec canada where everyone smokes and grows lol, they police here are corrupt and the bikers run the streets, there are people i know that are alot heavyier than i am into the crime life and hide it less than i do and these people dont get picked off, i believe that if there are dumber people out there doing the same shit as me and more than they will get caught first,

anyone think im setting myself up for a fall, or are some people too paranoid, i know im gonna hear better safe than sorry and can never be too careful but who here is afraid?

you made a comment in another thread saying cops were wathing us thr our comps.


Active member
sooooo fucking what....some of us are legit, some of us arent, some playing games as kids, ...haha.

ive spilled pics for years on here and og...haha, come get me.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I don't think anyone wants to bust the 4 plants that I have for personal consumption. Waste of time. Get over it, I did.



Active member
Use a proxy, nuff said. ;)

Hey Highlighter & I M Hail- I haven't tried Tor in several years now, you jogged my memory about, so I decided to give it a whirl.

It's still kind-a slow, but it's definitely faster then when I first tried it - thanks for the memory-jog, I think I'll start using this instead of JAP.

Perhaps I'll become a Tor relay, and be a part of the solution instead of a part of the problem?
sorry i suck at jokes, anyways i have a firewall on and im using a proxy, so is that enough or should i use Tor or another program to be extra safe?


I use to use tor, but I get flashbacks of the 56k modem days, so slllooooowwww

I don't use anything now, however haven't really posted any real pics on this account. In the past I didn't care and am still here.

Besides, this is the internet, nothing is true and photoshop is god, not to mention the flashdrives I find on the ground with pics in them....


Canadian man TAKE THAT PIC OFF..such a huge and UNNECESSARY risk..no offense but wed much rather see your PLANTS..then YOU..now cops on the other hand..they much rather see you..anyone with basic computer skills can edit out those makers..also,atleast COMPLTELY block your face out..not jsut the eyes and mouh..if anyone here knows you in real life..they CAN recognize you..your haircut,skin tone,face,heigh,wight,body build..you mgiht as well post a pic of you without the eye and mouth dots...same thing..

In my other website,we used to make fun of kidws who postsed themselves smoking a blunt or with there plants or w.e..we used to be like "oh wuzup tony,see you this weekedn"..lol....and they used to get SLAMMED for their pics..tough love..
lol meaning cops wouldn't use all the resources it takes to track your ass down over this site unless you're posting pictures of hundreds / thousands of plants. just my opinion though
Dude they are most probably some cops on this site but no need to get worried about a couple of plants for personal use, they only go for the big fish, if you are planting 50 plants in your house then they will know that its not all gonna be for you. I dont worry at all I got 5 outdoor plants and it is all for personal use :D

`Need nothing
Enjoy everything`
