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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2

3rd I

Stellar nomaad...:)...btw i think sacko wants his purple leaf back though..hehe..j/k

HL..definitely post some pics of that in operation...maybe some stage by stage pics? trimpro pics too?...ended up getting that second trimpro locally, just easier...both should be here by the end of the week


classy grass
I always thought GDP was urkle/big bud. Hum, you ever grown the purple elephant? My homie is trying to get me to take it, but I'm not reaaaly into purple weed to much. This purple monkey balls on the other hand...very special. Your OG's look nice...you musta had things flipping a bit before us over here...


I have never heard of the elephant. All of my clones started to bud pretty early. I was pissed but now I can't complain. I would actually like all of my weed to come in early rather than getting more weight with later strains. Years of battling mold in October has put me on the search for earlier genetics. My friend invented the God's Gift probably about 8 years ago. It was Barney and he just gave it a better name. That is how those others came about too.


Active member
Fisher: 99% sure that GDP is a BB cross. when you wrote it, it spurred a memory from my original strain research more than a year ago.

isn't purple money balls anothe name for the DC? the afpak purps too... but in a so green its purple kinda way.

3I: i was wondering about that leaf. so its a robotic thing that will revert to sacks custody as soon as I get too busy to post so much? now I get it. the first day it showed up it came and went... never noticed it on sacks posts. far as i am concerned hev deserves it.... i mean who else is gonna bump our tired threads on a daily basis. we love you sack.

humbboldt: are u using any kind of product (like Bushmaster) to speed up your strains?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nice grow, love the pictures. Glad to find this and will keep an eye on the outcome. What a story, from start to...?
Hope to see you around...!


classy grass
pmb is a rumored dc cross...probably to some kinda purps. Big dense dank spear nugs, I really like how it grows.

How far along is the bubba?


HL..definitely post some pics of that in operation...maybe some stage by stage pics? trimpro pics too?...ended up getting that second trimpro locally, just easier...both should be here by the end of the week

Bubba is done

I have never used bush master, I guess I just got lucky with these clones.


Well I red the whole thread these last days: absolutely wonderful grow you have here.

You know I always underestimated outdoor grows, thinking that indoor weed was the saint Graal.

With your op and some other I can see here at ICmag (Humboldtlocal, those nuggets are a freak...), I'm radically changing my opinion.


Active member
Thanks EQ. Glad you're with us and with an open mind. Only way to be. The group of serious outdoor growers that I have been working with here have been truly inspirational. I could not have been in better company for my first grow.

Outdoor vs Indoor. I originally came to the 707 with the intention of growing indoor. I'm an environmentalist and a conservationist and an anarchist, so the idea of using all that electricity so inefficiently bothered me... Now, I cannot see myself ever growing indoor. Why would I? Clandestine gardening came out of legal necessity, not "optimal growing conditions" but rather "the best contrived growing conditions possible".

I believe that indoor has come to be considered better and more potent for a number of reasons (and I am sure there are trolls waiting under this bridge to start flaming this opinion)... First off, indoor growing separates the men from the boys, so to speak, in terms of basic ability. Those that are capable of planning, building and operating a sustainable indoor grow prove a certain level of ability... you would assume these guys would grow some of the best herb.

On the other side, you have the whole outdoor, hippie old-timer dominated scene. Stck in their ways, happy with very mediocre product and crappy yield to boot. There are obvious exceptions of old-timers pushing the envelope... I am just using the generalization for the sake of the indoor vs outdoor debate. Anyhow... you've now got a solid core of growers, young and old, who are applying the best of what has been proven to be possible inside, playing god, to a paradigm that includes the sun.

I'm just rambling... the debate is endless and I haven't even touched on the thousands of angles from which one could view it... I'll leave it at this last though: Have you ever had an apple that was grown indoors whose quality rivaled that of an outdoor apple, plucked in the early morning while still cool off a tree that has lived its life in the sun? Well... I have never had an apple grown indoors, but it just doesn't seem possible.

Greenhouses... that is the next frontier for me.


nomaad said:
On the other side, you have the whole outdoor, hippie old-timer dominated scene. Stck in their ways, happy with very mediocre product and crappy yield to boot.

nomaad said:
Greenhouses... that is the next frontier for me.

Growing up....hu

P :smoke:


Active member
i shouldn't bash old-timers. I have mad respect. But you should see some of the ganja that is being grown around here!! Atrocious.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Its a beautiful thing to beable to experience such success brother. And that goes out to all of you.....rock on! LET FREEDOM RING!


Active member
temps around 100. bone dry. can't complain. no rain in my 15-day forecast... so that gets me to O:11... Razz could come down any day, but I am letting it go till wednesday, i think. Goo, Berry White, Afpak all still slated for a full moon takedown a week from yesterday.


They're looking fantastic, senor... and thanks for taking the time to document all of it! :yummy:


Active member
No worries, chez. Sharing here has been a very enjoyable part of the grow.

I just notices some dead orangish gnats dead in the bottom nugs of the Razzberry... I started prying open the nugs and lo and behold, I found some nanners on the inside of a bottom nug... I only found one or two others, but not a whole lot.

Last round, the Goo started to throw nanners and I chopped her... but it was nearly her time anyway... I was advised after I had done the deed that nanners this late in the process are likely sterile. Anybody have any thoughts on the matter? I am not as freaked out this time, so I am not going to go chop the plant right now... I was going to wait till wednesday,

I'm going to go back out and take some pics for an update.


I was advised after I had done the deed that nanners this late in the process are likely sterile.

I have heard of people letting plants go too long specifically to throw nanners to create feminized pollen. Perhaps some might consider them sterile because they are chopped soon after showing, not allowing time for seeds to grow? Indoors I did find an odd seed in a subsequent harvest after having nanners show late but I never really minded finding a femmed seed or two.

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