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Too much N? Too little N? i am soooo confused right now


Active member
those pictures are pretty blurry, but from what i can make out it might be theres a hotspot on the plant. ive never seen leaves pointing up except for when its too hot and theyre trying to change the angle of their leaves to catch less light.

Hella THC

I, too, have been over watering my babies and they are showing similar signs, just at a much earlier stage of growth. Here's an example...

You can see the yellowing/burning on the tip and you can notice how "wet" and "heavy" the leaves look. Kind of looks like you hands look like when you sit in the pool for too long. Wrinkly almost.

These guys have given some great ideas :D They have helped me, that's for sure.

Good luck!

- Hella


I suspect not a good ph when plain watering and not drying out enough inbetween waterings. Pot lift method. K.I.S.S
i had another grow two years ago, used the same tap water i use now and didn't have such problems...
i will double and triple check before i water again , i watered every 4 days with these pots , and waited until the water ran out the bottom of the pots , that is way i find this hard to believe problem is over watering. maybe you guys right i will water more carfully and flush the soil in a few days.
any other opinions?


Active member
can you take better pictures? it could also be mag def, which looks like nitrogen def except the veins are still green when the leaf is yellowing.
i've taken new pictures. the condition has worsted ]= some of you guys think this is toxicity and other deficiency

i hope the new pics will straiten things out
i will upload soon
thanks for the help every one.


You haven't reported your runoff ph. The number of days has nothing to do with it, thats why everyone is guessing is probably you overwatered, your ph shot up, you got lockout from some nutrients causing the toxicity. My tip is water on the 4th day about a shot to the top base. Then the bottom will have time to dry out and you will know she isn't dying before then.

If you flush do it minimally as you aren't going to do much but bog your soil down. Use some clearex if you have it and some low low ph water is my guess. Then add a little nitrogen so you know she's getting something. Don't forget some Mg in the form of epsom salts or something.


can you take better pictures? it could also be mag def, which looks like nitrogen def except the veins are still green when the leaf is yellowing.

mg def will also lead to N def. MG assists with a plants uptake of N. If its lacking in MG then the plant wont be able to uptake the N like it should. I dont think its burn at all. And as far as the plants standing up like that I also agree with heat being a problem. Thats the only time Ive seen a plant respond like that. Peace