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Light durring dark time


New member
Hello I am a newb. My friend is super anal about all light sources during the 12 dark hours. He thinks the light from the ac (you know the led lights on the read out) is not good and thinks any little crack of light from the veg room is not good. I think he is crazy. If the plants were out side at night they would have light from the moon and possibly ambient light from being close to or in a city/town. Please let me know what you guys think :1help:


Active member
i dont think the light from a single led would be enough to disrupt the light cycle, and even if it was present through the whole grow the plants would get used to it since its a natural part of their environ,ent like light from the moon at night.

Big V

Brockf4i, you should listen to your freind. When we grow indoors we are growing in what is referred to as a "controlled environment" therefore the plants are more particular to any disruption. Any light in the growroom durring the 12 hour dark period can cause your plant to go hermephrodite or hermie. The only light that won't interupt the plants photo period is a green light. I have used a strand of green Xmas lights to work in my flower room durring the dark period but only on emergancy basis. I put black tape over all the little red led lights on my powerstrips and climate control devices and you absolutly must keep that veg room from leaking into the flower room. I agree with your freind on this. Light durring the 12 hour dark period is very bad news, any light at all.


Active member
your call, ive always gone by the no more than 15 minutes of light interruption during the dark period rule. never had a hermy from light leakage. its not like the plants know when the light is on immediately. they have photosensitive cells that react to light. a little light wont make them think its daytime. not that im saying go in your growroom every night during lights off. but if you have to make sure its no more than 10-15 minutes. and a really dim led in a large growroom would most likely not cause anymore light response than the moon at night.

if its a bright leg that can illuminate the room enough for you to see then no, but if its just an led barely bright enough to know theres a light somewhere in the dark i wouldnt worry about it.


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What time in the night the light leak happens is an important factor. In the middle of the dark cycle seems to cause the worst problems. As it gets closer to dawn, or close to dusk, leaks don't seem to matter as much.

That said, in nature, hermies aren't a bad thing. Outside plants hermie all the time! Even stabilized lines sometimes hermie outside. They seem able to ignore the spectrum of the moon, but there's a lot of ambient radiance in our world from various sources. Some are man made, some are natural.


The Tri Guy
it seems to be strain dependant. Some are rock solid and wont herm on you without a lot of work whereas others will herm with little to no help at all. Those so close to the edge that an LED will push them over, well its for the grower to decide if thats what they want/are confident enough, to grow.


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ICMag Donor
i grew some bagseed that had herm tendencies and it was close to a power strip that had 1 red led and half the plant closest to the red led light produces about 8 male flowers in the 3rd week of 12/12, i cut affected flowers and tapped up the light and i didn't see any more male flowers on that plant so i put it down to the little red light


Final conclusion - you want to MINIMIZE light leaks into your grow area when the plants are in lights off of flowering. IF they do receive constant light during the dark cycle they will start to stress out and that kind of stress will bring out the most prevalent hermaphroditic tendencies in whichever of your plants is finnicky enough to react. Some strains will react strongly against light leaks, others will fold to the stress and hermie. I definitely would not want to take the chance on giving the plant constant stress during flower time or possibly bringing out a hermie.

Making sure your area is lightproof in and out should be one of the first general steps made by anyone looking to grow indoors.
I've heard of hermies from LEDs on power strips and fans in a number of cases. I am like your friend, extremely anal about any light sources during dark time. I had to look for a while to find power strips without LEDs, and taped over fan leds when I only had a couple of fans with them. Ultimately, I moved them out of the tent so I wouldn't have to worry. It's a small thing, but if you get hermies because of a power strip and seed your whole crop, aren't you going to wish you dealt with it?

Big V

I don't understand why someone would go to all the trouble to grow indoors and spend all the time and effort they do into feeding it right and training it and not take a little effort to seal out the light leaks. I thought like that when I first started growing and I had hermies on everything I grew. Then I got anal about my light leaks and my hermies went away. Your choice but it's a little effort for removeing any doubt. I guess that is what seperates those who are just growin some weed and those who are growing high quality connesure cannabis. All I know is I like my shit to be the best it can be.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
These dudes are crazy, there are only three colors of leds that are going to be on tht ac green, red, or orange (maybe blue).

If it is green absolutely nothing to worry about. AT ALL. if it is any other color, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.

it is not hat big a deal, those are VERY low power LEDs of the wrong spectrum, anyone here that says a SINGLE LED from an ac is going to produce a herimi is INSANE.

Its not a fuckin light leak its an led.

If you are really that paranoid about light get a fucking Auto-Flowering plant.


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it seems to be strain dependant. Some are rock solid and wont herm on you without a lot of work whereas others will herm with little to no help at all. Those so close to the edge that an LED will push them over, well its for the grower to decide if thats what they want/are confident enough, to grow.


New member
thanks guys I appreciate all the input. better safe than sorry is my final conclusion... It is easy enough to do it right the first time... Molon Labe

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