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2nd Grow, 18 Days from Seed n Having Leaf Problems



Ok iv started my second grow and im having problems with leafs curling up. At first I thought it was heat stress but my temps are fine, If anything they are better this time round (80f) than my first grow (about 90f). I was feeding her with plain PH'd tap water (whenever the top layer of medium was drying out) when the problem started. PH about 6.0. I flushed her with 1/4 strength nutes for the first time 3 days ago as I thot she may need nutes to fix those leafs. Leafs have now got a better color to them but the curling is still happening. I have a fan blowing around her but not directly onto her. Only ventilation i have is an opened door. My medium is pure Atami Bcuzz Coco Substrate in a 6gal pot. Running 250watt metal halide light 13inches above top of plant

Iv read most threads on this site about cupping leafs and know the ins and outs of why it happens but just cant work out whats causing it to my baby. No matter what i do it keeps getting worse. Im thinking bad ventilation? Its rather stuffy in there at times. Any more info needed let me know. Pics will be up soon. Thanks

Edit: I just realised i probably should of posted this in the Cannabis Infirmary. If a mod wants to move it that would be grand.
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Sounds a lot like my problem.

Keep in mind the coco holds water below the surface, so for young plants sometimes you may be overwatering even if the surface seems a bit dry. Its best IMO to pick up the pot and feel how heavy it is to determine if it needs water. What is the RH like in your room?

Edit: I just noticed you have your seedlings in 6gal pots, I'm going to guess overwatering.


Edit: I just noticed you have your seedlings in 6gal pots, I'm going to guess overwatering.

Its an Autoflower. Sorry i should of mentioned that in my first post. Im led to beleive AFs should be planted in there final pot from day 1.

I will cut back on the watering tho and see if this makes a difference. My only concern is salt build up in the dry coco. That was the problem i had with my first grow
you said you feed with plain water, then flush with 1/4 nute solution!?! what!?!

if you have that light a foot away you need stronger nutes....a 500 ppm solution should be adequate....and if your in a 6 gal!? pot then wow....you should be feeding(watering) once a week would be my guess. starting off in a pot that HUGE brings problems if you arent exactly sure about what your doing. they will start needing some nutes as new leafs develop, yet you havto be careful about over/under watering problems in a pot like that.

your problem either has to do with what your feeding the plant, or your frequency of feeding.

post some pics and we might be able to 100% diagnose for you


no way in hell an auto flower needs a 6 gallon pot

that is likely contributing to your issues.

really truly to help you, you need to post a pic.


you said you feed with plain water, then flush with 1/4 nute solution!?! what!?!

I was feeding plain water until this problem occured. I thot it may be because i hadnt started nutes so i flushed then fed with quarter strength nutes.