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HR 45: Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
a wrench could kill someone, so could my a sucker punch, but a wrench and a sucker punch cant take out 25 school kids in 5mins either..
Regester guns and the shootings will end. If we regester knives will all stabbings end as well..let's regester everything dangerous then we'll all be safe. Sounds great..but did you really think that through? DD


people will do what they do with their guns, still not a big deal to register a gun


The Hopeful Protagonist
And this has what to do with cannabis legislation exactly ?

*scratches head*

Glad I have all the defense I would ever need right now.

Bring on the zombies


sheeple. goverment is only concerned with maintaining it's power and reducing the threat to it's power: you the citizen with a gun they are afraid you might perhaps rise up and kill them all?your point being?my guns are not about any context of your supposed self safety as you are cannon fodder in the face of any potential social darwinism.
they are about my own safety from threats to my liberty like the goverment or my constitutional right to own a gun period. and with 6.7 billion people and climbing i really don't care about 10000 20000 dead juxtaposed say with 1,200,000 dead iraqis and and 733,000,000 dollars spent for fing what? so I can hear some tool echo the sentiments of a goverment that i could care less for?yea health cares unamerican too because then an hmo couldn't kill you.
buncha crap for you people who think goverment is for the people and not the elite.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Owl I'm curious why you didn't answer this? How will it make you feel better about guns? thanks DD.

Sorry, been a bit busy lately.
I believe the purpose of this law is not directed towards the individual gun owner but, those firearms dealers who purchase 100 weapons, show the sale of one legal transfer, can not account for the other 99 because they sold them out the back door to the black market for a higher profit.

I believe it is this practice which is the target of such legislation.


Active member
. And if and when the day comes that I'm told I can't have them, and that day will never come anyways, I will buy them off the street....

This has to do with security and legal issues how?

JJ, when that happens it will be next to impossible to find one for sale on the street, and the price will be insane if you do.
Pick up a couple unregistered guns NOW, and don't tell anyone you have them, so if they do eventually round up all the registered guns they know about, you won't be left naked(unarmed) with nowhere to go for a new one.

Lt. Herb

I think it should be mandatory to carry a gun at all times, THEN you will see a decrease in crime.


edit:added a snip from the link, since I know folks don't like to click 'em

KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

The ordinance states the gun law is needed to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants."

Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed, everyone "went crazy."

"People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes," he said. "Of course, that wasn't the case."

In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge.

Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law's passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the modest 10 percent drop statewide.


Active member
that's a little different than carrying a gun on you at all times. some people have poor impulse control. i don;t think you would want to mandate this. lol.

I agree with those who say that this is a precursor to confiscation. There are massive preparations in place for martial law. If you are a student of history, or economics for that matter, you will be aware that we are heading toward a time of serious upheaval... whether it be caused by disease, problem in the food or fuel supply or whatever.

The right to bear arms is for the purpose of keeping the government honest. Yes, it has translated into problems in our society, but the main purpose is as valid and necesary as it ever was. Our governments are dishonest (Obama and Bush are two differenmt marketing strategies for the same product.

Please explain how a database of who owns the guns and where they are located would be used for anything besides confiscation.

As fucked up as the United States is (i have spent more than half of my adult life living in other countries and cultures) and as fucked up an idea as a half million gun-toting rednecks is, there is an intrinsic beauty to the "pry it from my cold, dead hands ideology."

I am not a violent person. I am a lover of peace and communication. But our governments have been playing their great game with great violence and aggression. We are all expendable to them... a means to the accumulation of wealth and territory. When they come to press my children into military service, or to appropriate my water they will have a fight on their hands and they will NOT know how well I am armed. This was the intention of the constitutional congress and the second amendment.

Owl Mirror: You keep asking how this ends our right to bare arms. While the registration of firearms is not a complete negation of our second amendment rights, it is an infringement. A complication. A re-organization. A step toward the complete or effective negation and CERTAINLY a negation of the intention of the bill of rights to control the power of governments over the people.


Active member
I think it should be mandatory to carry a gun at all times, THEN you will see a decrease in crime.


edit:added a snip from the link, since I know folks don't like to click 'em

Kennesaw is one of the safest cities in America. I think they had the first murder there in over ten years last year. It is a beautiful place but no doubt people own and carry guns there. Its actually kind of refreshing to go from some parts of Atown to Kennesaw, a 20 minute drive and its a whole new world. This law is horse crap. If you want to stop resellers go about it in a better way. This only hurts legal gun owners. I could have a clean unregistered handgun with no serial numbers in my hand in 30 minutes flat. A throw away gun for 400-500 bucks... now thats the problem that you want to get rid of, criminals with guns, stop that black market and you have done it. It will never happen though. Like I said, I could have one in 30 minutes.


Bottom line it's a stupid law... It doeesn't fix anything.. So in essence it does nothing.. So if it does nothing anyway what's the point of passing it?? It's just going to make getting a gun more of a nusiance because now you will have to register it.. Meanwhile shootings will never stop and gun thefts will always be a threat.. They already have background checks and that is all that is needed in my mind.. Not a crimminal? Then you should be able to carry a gun wherever you go..

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