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Sea Solids make plants EXPLODE in hydro!!


New member
Hey Osirica420

Thanks for bringing seaminerals in, have you ever gotten the minerals straight from oceangrown.com?? Have you checked out emamerica.com? i hear those as a mix yields some pretty epic stuff..


:dueling:i have heard about growing 92 mineral wheatgrass with sea water , id like to try some of this stuff but i think your grow is just a basic good grow with ph balanced chem/organic (pbp aint organic) food plus this salt water product u use, its alright. i myself was asking in another thread about concentrace minerals from the great salt lake of utah? nobody had anything to say, maybe youve heard of them? ive been curious about salts for a while.


Active member
i just recently started a 100% organic hydro grow.. Check out the link in my signature....
I will post pics here also..

Sea minerals as main course and small amounts of Guano & Sea Weed for extra NPK.. :joint:

All ceritifed organic... :rolleyes:


Active member
a quick pic..

will post a full update in the next few weeks..


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i just wanted to know if youve heard of great salt lake mineral salts before? u guys that go a little natural always take so much enthusiasm to your grows its funny., let me tell u that no mineral salts are going to replace a heavy feedin plant, youll grow some wheat grass with it no doubt but cannabis i dont think so, as you in your own grows have yet to eliminate guanos,kelps,,pbp,,etc. it is what it is.


Active member
lol at first its the fact i was using PBP, now its i am using supplemental 100% organic NPK LOL...

you don't see many 100% organic hydro grows specially this style, I am not even checking the PH!!!

i swear for some of you its never enough...

the fact and case here is that i am using sea minerals as the MAIN SOURCE of plant food..

is that enough for you to absorb?....
and give credit to the idea and that it actually produces good results..

1/8th dose of real dose of guano .. 1500 ppm of sea minerals (FULL DOSE).


how is it hydro organic when u have no micro heard? hydro organic dont exist mate, but like u said your nutes are chelated and your plants do look great so far, lets see how they do when they get much bigger and are really blooming, thats a pretty high number ppm for such a young couple plants also, u might have to double or tripple that in full bloom, how will the plants take it? Well i hope they take it great and we all learn about ocean salts being the shit. goodluck


Active member
how is it hydro organic when u have no micro heard? hydro organic dont exist mate, but like u said your nutes are chelated and your plants do look great so far, lets see how they do when they get much bigger and are really blooming, thats a pretty high number ppm for such a young couple plants also, u might have to double or tripple that in full bloom, how will the plants take it? Well i hope they take it great and we all learn about ocean salts being the shit. goodluck

No microherd? Ok so genius what do you call a aerated solution with guano and seaweed and ORGANIC IONIC minerals NOT CHELATED!!


An organic compost tea with no bacteria i think that is almost unheard of..

How does organic hydro not exist when that is exactly what I am doin!..

Explain to me how this is not organic hydro?..
you really don't know whats going on here..

I have grown with this technique ever since i started growing, it never fails check out this whole thread...


I wouldn't mind giving this a run in a little while and posting my results - I know sea solids kick ass on many other plants.

The only thing that concerns me about running this, is I am building an aero setup, and worry that this may cause issues with clogging. My worries of course may be unfounded, but being as I have not yet found a thread with someone running misters and sea solids, I don't know for sure it will work in that style system.

Any thoughts on it? You know any grow threads where someone did this areo?


Ahh fuck it why not?

10 pounds was only 25 bucks shipped, so I ordered it.

While I know it's great at growing many crops, I am still very skeptical about this particular application.

I am not expecting miracles, but want to see for myself what it will do. I will give it a grow, I will run primarily sea-90, and also a very dilute PBP. Besides, worst that can happen is it kills my plants, or maybe they live and I don't like it, but I will have the rest of the solids to toss in my garden, and around my fruit trees.

It will be a month or so before I get going, been very lazy lately, and getting this cab up is going very slow now.


im with DP, for 20 bucks what can go wrong.

Well, if you decide to try it, prepare to wait a while... They are not speedy shippers, nor do they care about your business enough to even send an email acknowledging your order. I ordered, paid, got paypal conf, and have heard jack shit about anything from them. Starting to think SeaAgri is a scam.... If they are legit, they have the shittiest customer service in world history. Not a single email to acknowledge my order, or if it has shipped. Only communication I got was from paypal saying the funds were given to this "Company".

I strongly recommend no one buy from SeaAgri, inc at this point. I am going to give them a few more days before I do a charge back...

If SeaAgri, inc comes through I will update this, but they suck ass on shipping and basic communication.


Well, if you decide to try it, prepare to wait a while... They are not speedy shippers, nor do they care about your business enough to even send an email acknowledging your order. I ordered, paid, got paypal conf, and have heard jack shit about anything from them. Starting to think SeaAgri is a scam.... If they are legit, they have the shittiest customer service in world history. Not a single email to acknowledge my order, or if it has shipped. Only communication I got was from paypal saying the funds were given to this "Company".

I strongly recommend no one buy from SeaAgri, inc at this point. I am going to give them a few more days before I do a charge back...

If SeaAgri, inc comes through I will update this, but they suck ass on shipping and basic communication.

Some harsh words coming from someone who hasnt even givin us basic info like how long ago you orderd! For all we know its only been an hour since you ordered and your just freaking out. Dont file a chargeback until day 40 you have 45 days to do so. If its only been a few days and you orderd on a weekend it is possible they are not open to give you all this info you so desire and you will just make them look bad for no reason other than your being anal!

Now if you ordered a week ago then my appoligies but if you orderd friday night you should delete your post

never mind looks like you ordered on the 26th or 27th going by your last post on the 27th about buying for 20$ if it has indeed been 8 days and you havent heard anything i still wouldnt go around bashing someones company that they pour their life into just because you expected an email. I would not file a chargeback until day 40 still as it wont matter you wont get your refund for at least 30 to 60 days or more so just be patient!


Some harsh words coming from someone who hasnt even givin us basic info like how long ago you orderd! For all we know its only been an hour since you ordered and your just freaking out. Dont file a chargeback until day 40 you have 45 days to do so. If its only been a few days and you orderd on a weekend it is possible they are not open to give you all this info you so desire and you will just make them look bad for no reason other than your being anal!

Now if you ordered a week ago then my appoligies but if you orderd friday night you should delete your post

never mind looks like you ordered on the 26th or 27th going by your last post on the 27th about buying for 20$ if it has indeed been 8 days and you havent heard anything i still wouldnt go around bashing someones company that they pour their life into just because you expected an email. I would not file a chargeback until day 40 still as it wont matter you wont get your refund for at least 30 to 60 days or more so just be patient!

May be harsh words, but I am used to companies being professional in a transaction. Hell, even a seed-bank that will ship to America will acknowledge an order from you.

They certainly don't "pour thier life into" the company, if they did they would acknowledge an order was placed, it's very basic customer service, so basic it's usually automated.

All that said, I did receive the order today, so I am basically happy, would be happier if they did not behave in such a fly by night way, but I guess you can't expect everyone to be masters at thier trade.


Just looked through my box, and they sent what I ordered, and a free pen, a nice one that is fat and comfy in the hand with a rubber grip. Also, the bag feels much heavier than the 10 pounds I ordered, either that or I need more time in the gym, but I have not put it on a scale.

Maybe I was being too harsh, I just hate having to wonder if they got my order or not until it shows up. I like companies that say "Hey, I got your order" then a few days later say "Hey, we shipped that out" -- So I don't have to guess.

Also I have been a grumpy bastard lately, not sure why.


good to know, let us know how it works out, ima be ordering soon when my fnb runs out for outdoors lol.