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new girl on ic

hey girls. im new to this whole ic mag thing and still real new to growing and stuff. this is my first grow, that im doing with my BF try comb..
just thought itd be nice to get into some threads with girls.
any advice or anything to say, get back to me. thanks! cant wait to get to know some of you :abduct:

ms try comb

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Very nice to meet you Ms. Try comb. The ladys in here are great! Good luck with your first grow!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i'm not a girl but if you need help ...just ask :)
welcome to IC mag :wave:


ICMag Donor
hey ms try!!! welcome to the boards, Its so cool to have you around!
try is a great guy and Im sure you'll love it here too.
welcome again!!
thanks mrs babba... yeah try comb turned me onto this for sure.. im starting to get the hang of it though! thanks to everyone else!
ill try to get some pics tomorrow or something.. gotta go to work here in a few mins.
Hey Ms Try Comb! It's nice to meet you. I started my first grow w/ my boyfriend (thekingofny) about 8 months ago. I wish you luck with yours. = ) See you around!

hey wonderwoman! im glad someone here has the same experience... its really interesting to see everyone elses techniques on here! i'll keep you posted on how it turns out, im sure try comb wont let anything bad happen to his plants though haha. started some babies inside, going to put them outside within the week. ill let you girls know how that goes and show u some pics, we have more strains going outside soon which will be nice. all we have outside right now are blue dream and afgoo


Natalie J. Puffington
Hi Ms TryComb! :wave: Welcome!

You got me drooling merely at the mention of Blue Dreams MsTC. :)
I have been toking on some fantastic BD full melt, from CA a while back; and I've been getting some really nice BD bud recently. Super tasty, frosty stuff. :yes: Good Luck!!

I've got some little babies that just sprouted last week;so let's hope we all have some luck!! :eek::

Hope this finds everyone well. :smoke:
nattynattygurrl.. thanks for the welcome. yeha we have an army of blue dreams.. i believe 53 of them out there. theyre budding really well and have only had one rain so far which is nice.. stay away from mold haha. but yeah, they look great.
boys started camping outside last night so that we wont have any ripper problems.. apparently thats an issue here although theyre pretty hidden.


Garden Nymph
Hiya ms try comb, nice to meet you :) :wave:

I am basically in a similar situation as you. Growing with my BF. What are you growing out right now?