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Congrat, Still2big! I cant wait til my day of freedom comes. I have another month of parole, then 12 more months of probation! I cant wait man. Its so close now! I have been on probation for 6 years now!



Active member
Congrat, Still2big! I cant wait til my day of freedom comes. I have another month of parole, then 12 more months of probation! I cant wait man. Its so close now! I have been on probation for 6 years now!


Good luck with it bro! It goes pretty fast but you probably already know that. Ill drink one and smoke one for ya tonight! :joint:


congrats very good to hear you had a cool PO

nothing like that weight being lifted off your shoulders.

i remember when we moved long time back I was in the middle room downstairs summertime doing bong hits with a lady friend....knock on the door it is my fucking roommates PO.....checking up on our new house. I did not open the door, told him he was at work just down the street. Very cool guy too, he just said he would stop by the workplace.

fuck scary memories



Non Conformist
PARTY AT STILL2BIG'S HOUSE TONIGHT! lol..... Cheers ta you man! glad to hear it's over! Take care and stay outta the lime light..... BC


Active member
Congrats man!! I've been cut up with the NY justice system since last St. Patty's Day.. They screwed me and gave me drug court an A-misdemeanor with no prior record.. Drug court can take up to 2 years they offered me that or 3 years probation. My first day of drug court I got sent to jail for a month for pissing dirty and missed my college finals..

Now this Thursday I have a new court hearing and I'll be transfered to probation for only 1 year and off drug court!! I'm pretty pumped cause I know it will be less intense, no more NA or AA meetings and I graduate drug counceling in a month.. Maybe I'll even be able to smoke again soon!! Haven't blazed in 5 months now.. Wish me luck and congrats!! :joint:


Active member
Congrats man!! I've been cut up with the NY justice system since last St. Patty's Day.. They screwed me and gave me drug court an A-misdemeanor with no prior record.. Drug court can take up to 2 years they offered me that or 3 years probation. My first day of drug court I got sent to jail for a month for pissing dirty and missed my college finals..

Now this Thursday I have a new court hearing and I'll be transfered to probation for only 1 year and off drug court!! I'm pretty pumped cause I know it will be less intense, no more NA or AA meetings and I graduate drug counceling in a month.. Maybe I'll even be able to smoke again soon!! Haven't blazed in 5 months now.. Wish me luck and congrats!! :joint:

Hey bro, I understand all that. Total after my raid i did 286hrs of drug classes. I was suppose to do 2NA/AA shit a week but they cant confirm that shit so i never went. Stoner in college sitting 4hrs a day with crack heads and heroin addicts. It was freaking crazy man. Once they get you in this shit its hard to get out man. Just keep your head right and do what you have to do. Good luck man! Keep me posted


Active member
I feal ya bro. I'm a young white college kid and deffinatly don't feel like I should be caught up in all this, and I definatly didn't fit the jail bird description while I was there for a month. And I've been going to drug counceling for 5months for 6hours a week plus 2 NA/AA meetings a week and drug court every week and random drug tests usually 3 times a week for 5 months now. It sucks. I'm glad I'll have a lighter load when I get off drug court and put on probation later this week. Who knows, maybe I'll even be able to sneak a toke once in awhile when I graduate drug counceling!!

I'll be caught up in the system for the next 12 months or so.. I can't wait til its all over, I totally got screwed.. Thanks for the support and congrats again
im glad u have a huge weight off ur shoulders... congrats.
never been on it but basically everyone i assocaite with has or still is.. can be a very bad situation!


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Hell yeah man, we'll be seein' ya in CO soon, then it'll be smooooooth sailin'! :woohoo:
f*ck yeahm keep your head up, bro hopefully lesson learnt, i saw your not phased, pretty fucking ballzie like many said, i never been on poroal(SP) or probation, i already live with a fear of people passing by, let alone a po, so im happy to hear its done hopefuly never again, good luck, and fuck the police, this ones for you


Congrats on being free at last. Glad you could keep your head together, some don't.

@ Marcellas: always remember they don't test for salvia if you need something to "take you away" for a bit. ;)


Active member
S2big-I just saw this thread, sorry I'm so late to reply.
Wow,thats some good news,i'd have a big party.
All my friends say I have big balls for some of things I do,but Bro,you got me beat my a mile,growing in your house while on probation:yoinks:.:jawdrop:
:friends:Heres to you bro,wishing all the best.