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Magnetite, and the effect of the recombination of magnetic monopoles in plant life.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I have known of this theory for years now, and though I have experimented with it myself in various plant life, I have never had the opportunity to use this principal in marijuana cultivation. Due to my current situation I am not able to grow at this time, though I am hoping that this thread will spark the interest of those of you whom do have the means to go through with this experiment.

With that out of the way I will briefly explain the theory...

It is well known that photosynthesis (2n CO2 + 2n H2O + photons → 2(CH2O)n + 2n O2) is not possible with only light as a source of energy. If light alone did contain the energy required to break down H2O and CO2 molecules then these chemicals would not exist in the natural world. They would break down simply if the sun was shining on them, therefore no water and no carbon dioxide.

Though, Dr.
John V. Milewski has a solution to this problem. His theory, which is based of the work of Dr. Phillip S. Callahan[FONT=Arial, Helvetica], suggest that the missing energy comes from the recombination of magnetic monopoles. When north and south magnetic poles combine back into a dipole their is a large release of energy that is believed to be the 'missing link' in photosynthesis.

We know that we can not simply break a dipole in half to create monopoles for it will instantly create a new pole and you are only left with two magnets. In order to create a monopole a tremendous amount of energy is required.We know that the sun emits dipoles constantly. Dr. Callahan, in his book 'Ancient Mysteries and Modern Visions', suggest that monopoles are created every time their is a solar flare due to the extreme temperatures they are exposed to. The monopoles are then sent to earth just as the dipoles are, though each pole tends to attract to different objects. The north poles will attach themselves to plant life while the south poles are attracted to the soil and rocks.

Then the south poles begin to attach to the roots of plant life, as this happens the north poles which are mainly contained in the leaves and such of the plant begin to recombine with the south poles in the roots. The plant acts almost as a wire and a dipole is created, this releases a large amount of energy which is theorized to give the plant the energy needed to complete photosynthesis.

I will provide a link for a more detailed explanation of this process.


As I had said before I have used the method described in the above link on various plants (different vegetables and flowers) with great result. Though have never had the opportunity apply it to cannabis cultivation.

I really hope that this will spark an interest in some of the growers here as I would love to see the benefits, as I'm sure you would too if you were to give it a shot.



Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I realize that I never really stated the benefit, though this is all explained in the link I will quickly go over the process.

First the medium that contains the south monopoles is in the form of magnetic water (read the link for information on how to do this, it is quite simple). This water is used just like you would use any other water. That is pretty much all there is to it. Though the of adding these monopoles increases the amount of energy that is released upon recombination. This results in a more vigorous plant all around. By that I mean size, growth rate, yield, etc.

Read the link for more information and pictures that document Dr.Milewski's work, it is quite incredible. I had actually used this theory in a High School science project with common grass as the plant life. I had used the 3 day 5 day and 7 day water treatment process with a plain water control. No nutrients and all under the same 4 40w floro tube's 2 27k 2 65k. All possible variables remained constant, and after only 2 weeks the differences were instantly identifiable. the non-treated water produced the smallest grass blades. Though the magnetized water had produced much greener and larger blades, the longer the water had been treated the more vigorous the growth.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
From my understanding of the link you provided, it was suggestive that iron contaminates in the soil were the cause of a decrease in plant height. Though the method I proposed does not add any metallic contaminates, no iron oxide (ferrous-ferric oxide, Fe3O4) is actually added to the soil. Only water treated with said chemical to give it magnetic properties, in fact at no point does even the water physically touch the magnetite.

The experiment isn't about using magnetite to increase plant growth, rather it is about how the presence of a higher amount of magnetic monopoles will benefit. Magnetite is only a means to magnetize the water.

There is another method I have wanted to try myself, that is to see if there are all benefits from putting plant life in an electromagnetic field.


AFAIK Magnetic monopole was never found in nature. Your initial posts suggests they can be found in abundance here on earth. I believe proof that magnetic monopoles exist would be one of the greatest discoveries of 20/21 cent. So far nothing ...


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I never said that they were in abundance. That is why I repeatedly used the word THEORY.

Though, even if magnetic monopoles do not exist it does not make these results any less valid. The idea of magnetic monopoles is only a theory to explain way this is happening. I have personally used the described methods and have had remarkable result.


You are using the term theory incorrectly. The "theory of relativity" is a fact proven in many experiments. There is no experimental evidence of a magnetic monopole. It is a hypothesis not a theory. This is not mere semantics as this is also a great source of confusion regarding the "theory" of evolution which is a fact not a hypothesis. The nut job christian right exploits this confusion no end.

My degree is in Physics, the writer of that is a quack.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I didn't say that the idea of monopoles was a theory, I was referring to the idea that monopoles are behind the results of acceleration in plant growth.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
How many times do I have to say that the theory is that monopoles are the cause of the results. Honestly I find it a bit hard to believe that monopoles are behind it, this is only Milewski's THEORY on what is happening.

Still the easily observable results are clear, there is an effect and it is most likely the cause of the treated water.


No, that's impossible because magnetic monopoles do not exist. The man is a quack.

Modern theories do predict magnetic monopoles. We just didn't find any. As we didn't find gravitons, higgs boson, ...

So making hypothesis on magnetic monopoles is a bit strange. :D

Fun to read though. :)


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Really it doesn't make a difference. The point is it has worked, I only used Dr.Milewski's work to add a bit of credibility to my findings. I'm not trying to prove or disprove the existence of monopoles, only sharing my experiences with the described methods.

Personally i think it is the plant somehow using the surrounding magnetic field to help it photosynthesize. I'm sure that you can agree that photosynthesis is a bit of a mystery.
the guy is probably a quack.. he drinks the stuff.. it's like those who swear that drinking collodial silver is good for your health and turn blue....


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Magnets really seem to get people worked up.. perpetual motion machines, health improving bracelets, wight loss devices..

is there anything magnets can't do?

All that aside, "magnetizing" water is probably going to cause ferrous or otherwise magnetically inclined minerals to precipitate out. Probably seeing that effect in the plants.

There's very little worse than trying to explain things like this with handwaving mysticism.


Really it doesn't make a difference. The point is it has worked, I only used Dr.Milewski's work to add a bit of credibility to my findings. I'm not trying to prove or disprove the existence of monopoles, only sharing my experiences with the described methods.

Personally i think it is the plant somehow using the surrounding magnetic field to help it photosynthesize. I'm sure that you can agree that photosynthesis is a bit of a mystery.

Simply put, there is no evidence to support the existence of magnetic monopoles.

So it does make a difference if the difference between fantasy and reality is important to you. There is no credibility added to your findings, in fact quoting "Dr" Milewski's work subtracts from your credibility.

Talking about a magnetic monopole is in the same ballpark as talking about cold fusion or perpetual motion machines or a carburetor that runs on water.

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