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2009..my date with Density..

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the funniest thing there was .... we went to mcdonalds .... a friend was standing behind me (i thought he was) i turned around flipped my middle finger and yelled fuck u at him ....BUT he wasnt behind me so i was looking right in some chicks eyes when i said it ...... never seen such a scared person xD she left instantly with her friends

btw maddam tussauds suxx xD i almost punched the guys that jump out the dark^^


ICMag Donor
Yeah vegetables, termunator... It would be overkill growing herb indoors...Will have plenty enough to last through next season if all goes well this fall... I've been working on the same pipe all morning... :drum: :smoke:Too much risk trying to deal with the odors and everything... Vegetables would still be fun...


sometimes yeah 23h a day xD

my dealer (who got my money to get weed cuz no1 around here got something) called me and said he got stopped by the cops ..... im so pissed right now ....dunno if he got my money or my weed :(


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about that... I've been ripped off more than once.... Grow yer own... Patience is the key.... :D


:muahaha: you can tell when temunator is short..
he is in here causing Havoc...:biglaugh:
Sorry about your loss m8..it cannot be long for your girls though can it..?
Have you had home grown weed before....:chin:
coz..I'm thinkin..if you haven't..
heaven help US when you get your first few blasts...:kos:
we will be demented.

Cheers T.

haha welcome to england
BTW..you ever been to Mdm Tussauds..?

btw maddam tussauds suxx xD i almost punched the guys that jump out the dark
You can just SEE it can't you...:bigeye:

Those power savers are cool!
The prices should be on the site pipe.
They are in $. US firm but the units are posted out of Indonesia.
Friend says he has a saving of approx 30% on his business electric bill.
Certainly Seems to be making a saving here..
But I will get a better compare when I have the cupboard set up and let you know..:yes:
Cupboard will be going soon as I am back from the UK.

Too much risk trying to deal with the odors and everything

Yup..remember..stay pure...
they might have those damn sniffer dogs at the Church......:eek:

Nah m8....:smoweed:
you need to be chilled for the next few days..so look for a good de-odoriser..
smoke under the cooker hood/extractor...
you cannot be suffering nerves And smoke withdrawl..
you will forget your lines...:smoker:

BTW..did you grow any geurilla gold this season..?
vicious bee is giving me the name as a possible comparison for my accelerated budding DC..
just wondering if you had any notes on her.
esbe was posting a cross from her with one of the Royal Danes..(I THINK)...
just thinking it puts you inprime position to give me a compare..because you have both grown DC too..:chin:
That girls in the turtle plot looks PRIMO...:yummy:
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im not sure if my dealer ripped me off .... he doesnt answer the phone i hope he got busted and is in jail if he tried it lol

btw mossy yeah i've grown before ... 14 plants ripped off by a friend whos in jail for min. 1 more year


New member
Hello Mossy. i cant write you PM, and i wrote to your profile, u dint answered....

When will be next seeds of Mossy's Jem availible? and where to byu them? really interested in this purple magic...

Neon, is that u from Growkind?

Temunator, one tip, and this will keep u from getting ripped off 99% of the time. If u need some smoke, never give the dude/chick your money until u get your dope. Stash before cash. If they gotta go pick it up for u and dont have the money to cover it, find someone else to get it. Dont ever give them ur money to go drive around with. Chances are, if they are trying to rip u off, they will go hand it to someone else, and get ripped off. STASH BEFORE CASH, BROTHA! If thats not possible tell them forget it! Id rather go without smoke, than go without smoke and be out my $! Trust me I lost hundreds, Possible thousands getting ripped. Fuck That! I Will go without. Until fall comes! :p

Im still working my way through this thread from the beggining, I know theres lots of valuable info within, and I dont want to miss out on anything. Off for a session of reading!



im just getting my weed from close friends.... they know the dealer way better and get better bags ...but they got busted cuz those fucking al quaida wannabe thugs made some video bput german terror activities ..... my friends were stoned as shit and a cop with a mp5 stopped them lolz ill get my money on the comming weekend back :)


sometimes yeah 23h a day xD

my dealer (who got my money to get weed cuz no1 around here got something) called me and said he got stopped by the cops ..... im so pissed right now ....dunno if he got my money or my weed :(

sucks mate, about here a dealer would get a battering for doing that to anyone.



:yoinks: INCOMING Girls.....:Bolt:



mossy i bet u could sell ur jems for 100$ 5 seeds and the ppl would buy it xD everyone want a jem in his growroom :D

hell yeah tomorrow ill have a blood test 45 kilo@1,70meter btw will they see that i smoked weed? cuz i told em i dont take any drugs except cigs :D



scatti sati tryin a bit re-veg after the ripper..


seed looks just about ripe..

btw will they see that i smoked weed?
Only if they are testing for it m8...I THINK..:chin:


neon..sorry m8..didn't get all my messages replied to.
Replied now...cheers for your patience...:yes:

we all need that one tattoo'd on our foreheads..:yeahthats

I know theres lots of valuable info within, and I dont want to miss out on anything. Off for a session of reading!
GF...man..that will drive you Nuts..
I could talk the hind legs off a donkey...:rolleyes:
just ask..
or you could be away WEEKS..

madam tussauds?? not a chance
Ha ha..thought not..me neither..:nono:
been to London quite a few time..but never done the tourist trail.
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