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I'll bite....

Fred is pissed and explaining why to his buddy.

"So I haul my classic porsche all the way from Toledo on this little trailer thingy and when I get here.... The F'n window has a crack in it. Do you have any idea how much it costs to replace a windshield on a porsche like this?!! Now my weekend is just ruined."

A guy filling the tires of his stationwagon turns to Fred and says....

"Wow..... you have a vintage porsche? That's frickin cool!"

Fred smiles at the guy and thanks him for the compliment and then stops a moment, deep in thought. After a minute his smile deepens and a new vigor overtakes him. Fred turns to his buddy and asks "Hey, do you have a car-vac I can use for this glass? I have a porsche to clean up."

Personally I've been without everything in my life and am constantly thankful for what I do have, when I have it. Sometimes we all need a little reminder that life isn't as bad as we're crabbing it out to be. :D

edit: Not to imply you're crabbing LOL, just threw that out there as food for thought. :D


Nok were u the dude who said he has dreads and has a job in E. Texas that cant lose his job?

h^2 O

i bought a plasma tv and a surround sytem and this huge stand for it, been putting the stand together for like 5 hours. HAd to backtrack and lost a good hour because I forgot to use washers


LOL 25min into Hot Rod FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGIN FUNNY. I thought this movie sucked until this part LOL Dude rages on a guy "I'm freaking pumped! I've been drinking green tea all g-ddamn day!"


im in the no subject mood myself.....toke'n on some hash whats up NOKUY
me too been boozing. smoked smoke sandy hash and outdoor from last season, dying for my harvest in about 2-3 weeks. been a long time since i have good bud. sucks i dont have access to any boxing matches or nothing.... but im not much of a tv watcher anyways, pretty much only watch deadliest catch and some of the jackass style shows, and discovery.. i only got cable and being in quebec there are alot of french channels that suck as....


Saw some girls and their guyfriend trying to climb the side of an abandoned hotel on my way home, stopped and gave them some advice. Drove by twenty minutes later and they still couldn't figure it out. I helped and then left as soon as they were in, even though they were begging me to show them around. Kind of kicking myself for that, but I hurt my kicking foot jumping off the overhang. I'm pretty sure they're going to be stuck on that overhang for hours trying to get the blonde to jump down...

About to start drinking as I have no cheeb, but I'm definitely not looking forward to getting that crap to stay down.

Pretty bummed that winter is about to arrive and all I've accomplished this summer was gaining 15 pounds. At least it's indoor skatepark season...


I bought some 7 dollar a bottle wine(class, ladies). I then realized I didn't have a corkscrew, so I watched a youtube vid of some guy slamming the end of the bottle against a tree and popping the cork.

Slammed too hard. My NORML sweatshirt is currently getting the bleach treatment in the tub. I invested in a corkscrew and got more wine. It's 4:00am here and I'm completely shitfaced. It made the wine taste that much better.


This is why I, in addition to hoping I can do a bigger grow, etc. think I want to move to a canna-friendly area. Stoners galore. Yeah sure, there are people who smoke where I am now, bu it's not the same. People are way too paranoid about it and it can ruin the experience. The threat of jail over a joint is very real, and it makes it hard to reach out and make stoner friends.

I spend too much of my life alone. A change is needed. Still in the process of acquiring the funding, though.

I love this website.


i wonder if i should buy a bmw. theyre just so much fun


where are all of the smart stoners?

h^2 O

i wonder if i should buy a bmw. theyre just so much funandwhere are all of the smart stoners?
BMWs kick ass because the dash lighting is red like a Navy fighter at night. I don't have one, but I've driven them, and I intend to buy one. Back in the 90's they made an 8-series...like 840 or something. I saw one, they're pretty tight (both in looks and handling)


yeah 8 series was interesting. im thinking of a 330ci. it feels like it would be such a waste of money but so fun at the same time, the way a bmw drives is amazing within its class of sports sedans oooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeee love it

i didnt mean to insinuate that nobody here was smart, either. just generally asking that question because i dont find too many stoners who are into education

Cookie monster

I bought some 7 dollar a bottle wine(class, ladies). I then realized I didn't have a corkscrew, so I watched a youtube vid of some guy slamming the end of the bottle against a tree and popping the cork.

Slammed too hard. My NORML sweatshirt is currently getting the bleach treatment in the tub. I invested in a corkscrew and got more wine. It's 4:00am here and I'm completely shitfaced. It made the wine taste that much better.

Wise man once said...is better to push the cork into the bottle rather than to beat a poor tree senseless with the bottle..

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