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Botrytis/Mold/Mildew Thoughts...

I am wondering if anyone has noticed a correlation between drought stress at flowering and higher instances of mold?

I know that most turf grasses are much more disease prone (and diseases are more prevalent) when the weather is hot and dry, as opposed to wet. It seems as though the plants, when stressed with heat and drought, become weak, and the fungus can easily attack. It also seems it is the opposite one would assume (you would think wet, rainy, cloudy, etc.).

I ask because this year we have had a very dry Aug/Sept. (I am still packing water), and I have noticed more powdery mildew than any other year. I am very scared of Botrytis attacking these same plants. We are getting heavy dew cycles (dew point and temps hitting same early morning) higher than usual temps (mid to upper 80's), and no rain for a month.

Anyways we are having the fall I have dreamed about for years- hot and dry. Yet, my mold issues seem to be right on track if not slightly worse this year. Thought I would see if anyone else has noticed similar things, especially those in drier climes.

Peace and stay safe,


Well-known member
Hey guerrilla I remember Silverback had a thread on powdery mildew once. Doesn’t exactly jive with what you are saying but if I remember correctly someone chimed in and said that after a couple dry years if the following year is wet that PM can be quite severe. Not sure the reason.
Been a tough season for leaf blite here in the midwest because of all the wet weather so I feel for you.


New member
Yea OP, I don't know dude, sounds like there may be something to that theory. Hot and dry and moldy, how strange. Regardless, if you aren't harvesting for another week or more you need to spray your girls with some organic fungicides.

Hash Man

its probably the transpiration causng it... even tho its dry where u are at, the leaves sweat... and just like when ur armits sweat, it can get funky unless you put something on it... Use kaligreen, a cheap ag product that is a curative and combative agent for pm, is refined baking soda.. aka potassium bicarbonate... PM has 2 types, one that like moist warm conditions,, and then there is another which likes hot dry conditions... and they are both pm! if your temps are getting down to 60-70 at night(when the hmidity raises) and then 90-100 in the day, then u actualy have perfect conditions for it to thrive and spread. dont be afraid to spray your nugs im on all designer strains now and they all got srayed none are injured... just use it right....with a sticker spreader at night or in the morn u should be golden... good luck
Thanks guys,

Hamstring, I remember that first post by SB on greencure (I had a different alias then), and it is what I use now. I will have to try and search for the SB powdery mildew thread. For now my theory is if we get some rain and cloud cover for a day or two, and the rain is a light all day rain 1/4" or less. The conditions will be supreme for the mold- saturation of the air with moisture, no sun to dry, and plants that are still weakened from drought (and the 1/4" of rain will do nothing for the plants with how dry it is here). These are the types of weather patterns they are predicting here for the next week. After the piss of rain we're supposed to get, it is going to be hot/dry again. I hate to make too many trips in this time of the year, because of trails. I may try and make a trip in to hit them with greencure, then reapply after the rain (although that amount of trips in worries me). Oh well, it's always an adventure!!

bubble bobble, good advice- I will be using greencure on them. If I can make it another 2-3 weeks, life will be good, and I can finally relax a bit.

Hash Man, I think that Kaligreen and greencure are the same?? I am not using a surfactant of any kind with the greencure. The only surfactant I find locally is a crop oil, and I am worried about this on the bud. What are you using for a spreader sticker? I am growing guerrilla so I am concerned about my trails. It is bad enough when it gets to this time of the year, and I have to stamp/remove all vegetation around the plants for airflow (especially in the low, taller grass areas). Damn, they look just like weed "beacons", and that makes it hard to sleep at night!

Another note, some of my nicest plants are blockheads this year...yeah I know, mold magnets!!

Peace all and stay safe,

Hash Man

yea man, geencure and kaligreen are the same other than the sticker spreader... i found serenade seems to stop the boytritis crewated by cats.... sucks either way tho