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Ask a smart grower.


New member
Hello, and welcome to this thread. Here you will find a smart grower and he will answer any questions you may have regarding outdoor cannabis growing.

Growing cannabis outdoors is something very special. I have devised this thread idea for this reason. Growing weed outdoors is something special and this thread is a special idea.

In this interactive thread lies a simple but effective premise. One grower dubbed the smart grower answers questions raised by any forum member that has a question. If the forum members think that the smart grower is doing a bad job at answering questions, the smart grower is overthrown by the forum members and is replaced.

Some rules will need to be enforced to help keep things orderly.

#1. Only the smart grower may answer questions posted in the thread.

#2. To the asker.

All questions are directed at the smart grower and only he can answer the questions. What questions get answered is at the sole discretion of the smart grower. However, he shouldn't miss too many questions, or forum members may boot him (see #3 below).

The asker asking the smart grower a question can only make exactly two posts: One to ask a question, and the second to follow-up to say how the smart grower's advice has helped. The asker may ask additional questions in his or her second post. And as usual, it will be solely up to the smart grower whether to answer or not.

An asker cannot make additional posts pleading the smart grower to address his or her question.

Again, an asker makes exactly the two posts outlined above. No more than two posts, no exceptions. The violation of this rule is the fastest way to ensuring that the askers question is dismissed.

#3. To every forum member.

Every forum member that has been registered for at least 1 month and has at least 8 posts can participate in deciding who gets to be the smart grower. There are two ways of participating.

a. Any poster can disagree with the smart grower about any post that the smart grower made. This poster can make one post per answer can be made to state their disagreement on that particular question. The smart grower is not allowed to respond to this post. There is to be no back-and-forth bickering between anybody for any reason. If there is something to be said, make sure it was said in your initial post. Be sure to specifically quote the smart grower's bad advice if it makes it easier for others to follow the discussion.
You are allowed to make one post explaining why the smart grower is wrong on a particular question. Make sure it is a quality post. A quality post will be more convincing to the people who decide who gets to be the smart grower - the forum members.

b. If at any time you feel that the smart grower is just overall doing a bad job (by missing questions or giving bad advice) and needs to be replaced, you are allowed to make one post demanding the smart grower step down and make sure to state the reason why. You can make one and only one such post per smart grower. Do not ask the smart grower any questions, he cannot reply to you.You are encouraged to suggest a replacement smart grower.

#4. To the smart grower.

You will use your discretion on which questions to answer. If this thread is flooded with questions, some of them obvious or repetitive, don't try to answer every one. Your answers as the smart grower will be judged by the forum community based on quality, not quantity. You are to answer the questions directed to you in a knowledgeable, authoritative way. If you feel that you are not absolutely 100% sure of the answer, you either skip the question or you research it. Note that if you miss questions that are important to people, or if other people regularly object to your answers and offer alternatives that work better than your advice, you will not last as the smart grower very long. The populace will overthrow you and have you replaced.

The smart grower is not allowed to respond to any post made by a poster described in rule #3. If a member of the forums posts questions or corrects the advice given to the asker by the smart grower, the smart grower cannot respond to this post. It is up to the smart grower to have made sure that the advice he initially gave out to the asker is accurate and has no holes that anyone can poke through. Violation of this rule forces the smart grower to step down and to be replaced.

Overthrowing & replacing the smart grower

If the current smart grower is doing a poor job, and there is popular outcry to have the smart grower replaced, another grower will take the place of smart grower. The people posting to replace the smart grower (see #3 above) will suggest better growers and one of those growers will come and replace the smart grower. The new smart grower will simply start posting and answering question in place of the previous smart grower who will step down in shame - until the population demands his return.

The smart grower also naturally has the ability to step down at any time and for any reason. In fact it is encouraged to announce your leaving than it is to simply disappear for days on end without answering questions. In the case of a smart grower stepping down, the general forum populace is expected to show support for another grower, and it is then up to this grower to step up and be the smart grower.

After writing this idea that spontaneously came up in my brain onto the screen here, I will take it upon myself to be the first smart grower.

I hope these rules work out. I also hope this gets some posts.

Does something like this have potential? Let's try...

Ask me a question. I am a smart grower and I will help you solve any problem you have with growing cannabis outdoors.
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New member
Well, the first thing I want to know is this: do you think I should pee on my plants?

Ah, what a good question. I find great interest in this one.

Though I have not tried it myself, the answer is yes, you can use human urine as an effective fertilizer for your plants. But no, you should not directly pee on your plants :yoinks:

A quick google search for "urine fertilizer" yields such results as a 2007 Washington Post article titled "Human Urine Safe, Productive Fertilizer". Another interesting result near the top of search results page claims "human urine is the fastest acting, most excellent source of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and some trace elements.". In fact if you look for yourself, I think you will find that there is a consensus among people that have tried it, that yes it works.

To what extent, I don't know, because I haven't tried it for myself. But it makes sense that it diluted pee would work, the same way diluted bat guano, or earthworm castings, or anything else we put into our soil.



A study on fertilizer application for human urine/feces: http://conference2005.ecosan.org/presentations/jonsson.pdf

etc, there is a wealth of information out there with a simple internet search engline query.

Thank you for your question.


can burying dead animals like roadkill or the neighbors cat underneath you outdoor plants increase yields?


New member
can burying dead animals like roadkill or the neighbors cat underneath you outdoor plants increase yields?

I understand the temptation to succumb to the amusement in confronting me with theoretical and zany questions to see how I weasel my way out giving you a straight answer. This is how.

The purpose of this thread is to attempt to lend some additional credibility to the information provided herein.

But I appreciate your comment because it gives me an opportunity to say this here at the very beginning.

But since I typed all this, to answer the question... I think no, there is no data to suggest that burying roadkill underneath your plants will increase yield.

Aside from asking real questions instead of made-up hypotheticals, I'd suggest that the askers make their questions clear and help the smart grower to help you.


Active member
seems kind of a silly dick-size game rather than your typical open discussion in pursuit of the best possible information out there. this is what ICMag is great for and what differentiates it from many of the other canna-culture websites.

"Hey guys. I'm a smarter **** than you. Flame me well enough, and you can be the smartypants for a day."

Can somebody say "RIU?"
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I ain't smart enuf to play this thread.

My ADD kicked in before I could read all the rulez.

My question is:

When shooting down enemy aircraft, does one lead the shot like skeet?

What do I do with the downed helicopters? They are piling up. :D


lol....this is something so easy turned so technical.....you know how threads are....well maybe not i guess...all kinds of people put there input in...thats what this site is for bubble bobble...im not downin you, but cmon man...


Active member
What do I do with the downed helicopters? They are piling up. :D

Great question Lola. Since I am a smart grower, and you are obviously not, I will enlighten you. Your best course of action would be to collect the working parts of all your downed copters and with them, assemble your own fully functional helicopter. In the future, please try to be a smart mujihadeen- i mean, grower- like me, and not so stupid. Oh... please try not to forget how much smarter I am than you.


Well, all I got is this BB gun, so it takes a bunch of hits to the right spot....

I been practicing at the fair, shootin them red stars out of the paper.

I also need help with all the pilots and stuff. They are beginning to eat more in captivity than they can grow. What is a good cheap thing to feed them?


Active member
this thread is buggin me out man!...lmao!

That wasn't a question, dummy. Stop wasting my time. I am too smart for this. on a serious note... I too, was unable to read the OP in its entirety at first.... I'm like "Rule 1...uh huh...yadayada...blah blah... mmmhm... burble burble, yep" but, for lack of something better to do till I have to make Jedi themed bday party for my 4 year old I have been posting here and reading bits of the OP as times goes on. I'm always trying to check myself, see if I am being a douchebag to somebody coming from someplace I had not understood. That is not the case with this thread.
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New member
I had a question on lights and soil. This is a first grow. How far and when do you start putting light on the plant? And also. What size pot and how much soil should be used? (per plant) I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest.


Active member
I had a question on lights and soil. This is a first grow. How far and when do you start putting light on the plant? And also. What size pot and how much soil should be used? (per plant) I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest.

how much light? how many plants? how much space? anything other than lights, plants and fans or are you going to keep it simple for grow numero uno? have you been to the comprehensive INDOOR FORUM? search for "indoor grow" and your intended number of watts: "indoor grow 150w cfl" i like to ad "icmag" to my search thread and use google search... Fox Farms sucks if you have access to other good soils. If you do not have access, Fox Farms is great soil...its all relative. the OFFICIAL smart grower is not here. Check back in 24 hours or so for an official answer from him. Until he has been officially usurped by somebody else, nobody can answer your question. (please refer to rule 3, section b17) There is a stack of applications under review and we are studying the rules, hand counting the ballots...etc. if you post your email address and your mom's telephone number, we'll have somebody get back to you by the end of the business week.


Active member
Thanks Lola... easy to be king smartypants when the rest of you are so f-ing dumb. Sheesh. And, thanks.

I wish the post came with Mod powers so I could close this thread... not to be mean, just cuz I CAN'T FRIKKIN STOP POSTING IN IT!!!!!!


Life is one big grow........
My question is: am i a smart grower?? am i allowed to give answers???

mhhhh guess if i even don't know that - than i am not??? but i don't know!! i only guess!!
Please help me!!

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