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18 Critical Mass, 3 Green Poison, 1 Shark. 1800W


Here we are for a new cycle. I've bought 18 Critical Mass from Mr. Nice (regular), 3 Green Poison from Sweet Seeds (feminized) and 1 Shark from PyramidSeeds (feminized).

I germinated them Monday 31, august, 3 days ago. I had a 100% germination rate with the paper towel method.

For now they're on spring bottled water, pH 6,5.


Hi Equi,
Looked like a good germ rate. Those tiny seedlings are so amazing...frail yet resilient. Hope they all do well. This'll be fun..

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hey nice genetics

Looking forward to watching them shoot up


Thanks guys I took some pictures for you an hour ago...

I put 4 in dirt. I water them with water and a diluted solution of BioRoots (GHE). I watered the dirt with michorizae.

They're on their 6th day since I put them to germ:

PS: someone knows how to avoid that twitter ad?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you see that area between rockwool and stem, you should have that so that it is filled in.

Light at that area of the plant is not good

but otherwise looks good dude


Mikeross, Hella THC: Thanks guys, I'll try to update the diary as often as possible!

Dr Dog: Thanks for the advice. As I'm putting them on dirt, I won't bother with it this time. I'll remember the advice for future seeds!


Hi Equi...
Hey, your little seedlings are looking sweet. So cute at that age. Now is a good time to put a little wind to them...to strengthen the stems a tad.

And as I was looking through your pictures, I remembered Dr Dog's advice about plugging up the hole in rockwool cubes. Just wanted to add one more reason why that's a good idea.

Ever had a seed pod stick to the cotyledons and prevent them from spreading out? It'll kill a seedling. In rockwool, if you take some rockwool tufts from one of the corners (tweezers or hemostats work good) and cram that into the hole after you plant the seed. Then the young seedling is more likely to shed it's pods as it works it's way to the surface. And it will then cover the roots better as Dr Dog pointed out.
Anyhoo...stoned on Maroc and Vodka...


New member
hi equilibrium,

looking good but put the lights down to 1inch above the plants so they dont stretch so much and its more efficient.


Riboflavin: It would be an honor. I'll follow your grow too.

SaltyBalls: Be my guest!

ShamelessJames: These are small pots, 9cm x 9cm x 9cm (3,5 inches...). I'm going to repot them sunday maybe...

ET: Hi bro! Yes, they are so cute hehehe! Now they're a bit bigger tho :) About the rockwool hole tip, that's a brilliant idea indeed! Thanks for the contribution, you're always welcome here. And today is my turn, I'm going to drink some ""rhum añejo" hehehhehe...

Potsteady: Thanks for the advice! They are now under an unique 600w HPS... 60 cm (24 inches) away...
I think I'm going to add the 125W CFL that I have: It has a blue spectrum and it's designed for plants...

Pics coming now guys... thanks for the comments!


Indeed Nomaad, indeed... very interesting... heheehehe :)
She for sure has a really indica dominant style.

My room size is 2,60m x 1,10m (8,53 feet x 3,4 feet)... Maybe I'll downsize it to two 600W HPS and one 400W MH? I don't really know what to do right now...

I need to put them in flower as soon as possible because I have a tight schedule for christmas... The goal tho is to take a clone of every one of them and keep the most interesting ones, transform them in mothers and go perpetual from then.

I don't really care about that first harvest you know... I just would like to find some very good phenos.

About the growing style, another unknown variable. I'm sure it will not be vert. Still hesitating between normal growing+topping (or LST) or a SCROG.

I have the room to do a vertical experiment with a 600W, but it will be later (march, april?).


Hi E,
I thought you were drinking rum today...later?

Bike ralley where I live so that'll be my weekend.

Plants look good. Healthy...that's the key. That shark certainly does have wide indica looking leaves. Don't know much about it but I'll learn from your thread here.

The critical mass show some growth rate variation. I never know how important that is. I won't bother growing out a stunt, but ones that just were slow to get started, but then do fine. I keep those to see how they turn out.

I use two 600w and a 400w in my bloom room. That's a decent size grow. My room is 44 square feet but long and narrow, so those lights work out good.

I'm also in the clone Momma hunting stage. I took some time off and lost my Mommas while traveling. Takes forever to get going again.

Have a fun weekend!

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