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long hair guys


Active member
i like nyjahs elementality part better... the this is my element part is so blah... bland. the elementality video in general is bland. skating wise its good, but the music sucks along with the whole vibe of it.

have u checked out tosh townend?



dang i had never seen townend...fuck hes good!

judging by the way he skates i cant help but think that he snowboards too (he seems to skate like alot of snowboarders i know)...style wise...

...but yeah he's good!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Originally Posted by ddrew View Post
I've never had dreads, but I always thought they looked itchy, hard to sleep with, and seemed to be a magnet for gnats, but I'm not a dread expert so I don't really know.

LMFAo, seriously...Specially when they get Moldy...


Active member
i dont know shit about hot 18 year olds..so u dont see me speaking on them do ya?
No but I bet you have an opinion on them, the same as I have on dreads, but because I don't know if what I said was right, I can post it in a dreads thread, and have any misconceptions I may have about them cleared up by someone who does know.
Taking an opportunity to educate myself on a subject I know very little about and what's the harm in that?
Although I have heard that a desire for dreads can make a person irritable and short tempered.


Active member
No but I bet you have an opinion on them, the same as I have on dreads, but because I don't know if what I said was right, I can post it in a dreads thread, and have any misconceptions I may have about them cleared up by someone who does know.
Taking an opportunity to educate myself on a subject I know very little about and what's the harm in that?
Although I have heard that a desire for dreads can make a person irritable and short tempered.

the irritability is prolly booze and lack of weed...tho i did have some weed this week....so that should help...hehe.

i appologize for any of my snappy smart ass comments

Denial N Error

For some reason i've always perceived men with long hair as semi-feminine or fruity, OR a huge metallica fan. Long hair is for women. Dont matter if its dreads or not to me, I still have the same view. Also dreads on white dudes makes me laugh like no other, that's usually the source of many jokes.

I roll w/ 1/8" hair.



Active member
had to post it cuz haha!


Farmer John

Born to be alive.
lookin at my shoulder. :)

Been growin wild and free for 5 or 6 years...had locks before but cut everything off and just let it grow...long ones are about halfway my back, been cursed witha lot of hair growth but dont get me wrong im not one of those very hairy people. LOL.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
I have long hair too...dreads and I dont think I look homosexual or homeless lol. To each their own I say. Some grow it for a purpose other for style or fashion. Mine are goin on 11-12 yrs now and most have reached down to the back of my knees...Sometimes its a hassle with sleeping but not once have I ever had a prob with bugs or gnats as someone mentioned. Despite what some ppl may believe you Can wash your hair/head with dreads to prevent them from becoming foul....patience is key. Make it grow just let your natty grow...grow til it your touch your toes! Anyone who never hear Jr Kelly tune "let it grow" check it out! Big tune

here is pic of mine.....


Jah Bless


Now im unintelligent because I dislike long hair on men?

Where are you gathering your observations from sir?

You already proved to anyone in this thread with some level of tolerance you judge people by how they look. You are going to miss out on alot of good experiences in life simply cause you are a dick with a stick up his ass. Enjoy being miserable you must hate how you look if you care so much how someone else does. :moon:

Also why do you care if a guy looks gay are you trying to get with him? All this judging you do so does make you look smart.

Thanks for the laugh everyday i am reminded about how stupid people on this planet are today you are that person. Tomorrow someone else probably your inbred cousin.

Show your girl my hair she wont stop smiling for a week. :nanana:


I used to keep my hair long, not in dreads, but now I keep it short. I work in chicken barns so long hair especially dreads would end up being a) TOO HOT! and b) DIRTY.

I do miss the long hair, I still get grief from a lot of my riding buddies!

Have always liked the looks of dreads on the right people. Never understood people making jokes about "Whitey" with the dreads, I mean if someone has dreads that are down there back they have obviously made a considerable time commitment to them!
To each his own, people need to start folowing the advice I was given many years ago.

"If you have nothing nice/constructive to give keep your mouth shut!"

It is fine to speak your opinion but it is easy to do so in a polite non negative way!

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