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Leaf tips are turning brown?


New member
Hey I have a few pictures of different plants i need the doctor to take a look at. All of the tips are turning brown and I cant figure it out. My Ph is fine. I think it might be to much heat but im not really sure.

Im using xjust rightx soilx. I do not have any pictures of the grow space but should have some up later. I am using cfl's and distilled water. Keeping it simple.


Thanks for any help!


looks like some of your pots are a little big
your soil also looks pretty moist, are you letting it dry?
could be suffocating your plants root system especially if you are watering until runoff
plants that small shouldn't be watered too heavily until they've grown into their pot

i'm not familiar with that soil mix, what is in it?

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Those pots are too big. With big pots you don't know where the roots are and can't tell when it's time to water. Underwatering and overwatering go hand in hand, one almost always follows the other as we try to compensate. Underwatering kills roots which then rot in the soggy soil we created by watering too late. Also, cannabis needs lots of oxygen at the roots, and big pots make the penetration of air very difficult. I use much smaller pots;



New member
i appreciate your help but there is no way the leaf tips dying has to do with pot size. The same thing is happening to plants in small and big pots. Look at the tips in all of the photos.


Active member
DID you overwater in the beginning? Or is this tip browning recent? It looks like some good soil. Too hot for your strain maybe? The one plant IMG 9780 looks like classic OVER watering to me. Are you SURE you're not overwatering?


New member
it possibly could be overwatering. i have been trying to be cautious seeing that alot of beginners make this mistake. do you think it could be nitrogen deficiency? my guess is the heat. its a pretty small closet and i have been running 24


New member
yeah i know the 9780 is definately from overwatering. im really trying to figure out what is wrong with 9782. Its my last deep chunk plant. I only have three deep chunk growing the rest are really goood bag seed. Im worried they will turn out to all be males so i am trying to keep it alive.


First what are your temps? The brown tips are not from over watering. That looks like they are getting burned. Your soil mix might be to hot. What medium are you using? I hope you haven't feed them yet. Also what is your runoff ph?

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