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Oregon- Willamette Valley


Tip of the hat to ya...

I guess Im supposed to make a post here with in intro being a new member and all.

As the title indicates, Im from the Oregon Willamette Valley. Im a recent graduate from the College of Agriculture at Oregon State University with a Bachelors of Science in Integrated Horticultural Production. Im about 26 and been into the herbs since before I should have been. Naughty me eh!:noway: I am a strong enthusiast of horticulture in general and know quite a bit about more then just Cannabis plants. I have some other interests, but their reletivly minor in comparason to horticulture not to say that Im not a well rounded character who is generally well informed. Ive been in rehab for about 3 months and sober for about 4. Ive got some gnarly insomnia and have been on Lunesta and now Ambian for 3 months. Ill be lookin forward to some good sleepy time herb at the end of this month.

Anyways, Im really into this stuff and have been conducting some small ops for a medi card holder and consequently some crosses. I really need to find a way to expand my opperation, preferably legitimatly, in order to conduct more proper breeding techniques. I kinda have to stretch the rules already with more seedlings then Im the law mandates. I have to do a ~60% of my selection within the first couple weeks after germination (throw away about 30 seedlings), ~30% during veg (throw away about 12 plants), and ~10% after flowering (throw away about 3 crosses keep the other 3 if I grow out all the same line). I consider my selection procedure to be shotty at best- Im probably hitting the 10-30% mark on the curve when I grow out several lines in one grow.

I have been growing Great White Shark x unknown and Trinity Trainwreck x unknown crossed with some unknown chron male (referred to as G1) that I happen to have at the time. The original males for the Shark and Wreck were of high quality, but I cannot remember their names. I have recently added Arjans Haze #3 and Gypsies freeby Mazar to the mix. The Haze is a fem that I will be keeping as a clone and the Mazar is a male that I have crossed with some of my current lines including the Haze. The Mazar seemed to have put out a few pistils and appears to be producing a couple seeds. Im hoping theyre viable so that I may play around with their genes further.

I should continue this in the breeding section.

I like to do experiments with hormones as well, but this makes it difficult to get good yields cause Ive fucked up a few crops- Mostly with Indole Acetic Acid. Ive stopped using IAA now. But since Ive done that, Ive learned a few good tricks. :laughing:

I supose Ill be on my way now. Im lookin forward to kicking it on the IC Mag forums. I swear, from my perusing, these forms are filled with some very high quality material. This is probably the or one of the best Cannabis forums on the net.

Good day :smoweed:


Active member
Welcome to the forums.......sounds like you've found the right place!!! :woohoo:

Happy you joined:
(new welcome dance......)

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Welcome to ICMag.....a great place with great folks!!!
I too will be working in the next few years on a degree in Horticulture/Agriculture(a combo of the 2 for more opportunity.I live all around ag, so it just makes better sense for me, besides I hate being inside for too long, got to stretch the legs and toke a little on a nice stroll thru the crops!!!!

Clackamas Coot

Active member
As the title indicates, Im from the Oregon Willamette Valley. Im a recent graduate from the College of Agriculture at Oregon State University with a Bachelors of Science in Integrated Horticultural Production.

Up in downtown Portland there is a 'University of Oregon' store and around the corner is a 'Oregon State University' store and both stores carry t-shirts, sweatshirts, bumper stickers, cups, mugs, etc, etc. from their respective universities.

My favorite shirt from the "UO" store has their mascot (Go Ducks!) standing on a dead beaver and it reads "Friends don't let friends attend OSU" - LOL

Welcome! Willamette Valley here as well in the middle of the agriculture business.




Hello neighbor. sounds like you have some really good ideas coming down the pipe. The forums here are quite nice.

Dont worry my t-shirt has a decapitated duck on it. GO Beavers




thanks. I went to OSU because it had a great horticulture program. Never really paid attention to the sports teams. I do like beaver though!

I live in Salem right now. Im commuting to Albany to do the growing for a card holder. I need to pick up more card holders. :puppydoge I have a whole 400w switchable and 1000w HPS that are just sitting around waiting for someone to put them to work.


Well when you grow up this close to Parker Stadium. You love your beavers even with 30 years of losing.

I used to have to make that commute everyday. Was brutal. Hope you can find some people up your way. Then I can snake your cardholder away from you down here. LOL

hurry up and get posting so I can pm you.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Well when you grow up this close to Parker Stadium. You love your beavers even with 30 years of losing.
Think about the poor bastards up in Portland what with PSU and their 'sport teams'

I think they still have a bowling team. That and underwater basket weaving.


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