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Hemp And Marijuana: Genes Producing THC, Active Ingredient In Cannabis Plant, ID'ed


This is really, really bad news IMO. GM hemp is a horrible idea. It will destroy the Cannabis gene pool very quickly.


Hemp And Marijuana: Genes Producing THC, Active Ingredient In Cannabis Plant, Identified

ScienceDaily (Sep. 15, 2009) — In a first step toward engineering a drug-free Cannabis plant for hemp fiber and oil, University of Minnesota researchers have identified genes producing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive substance in marijuana. Studying the genes could also lead to new and better drugs for pain, nausea and other conditions.

The finding is published in the September issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany. Lead author is David Marks, a professor of plant biology in the College of Biological Sciences.

The study revealed that the genes are active in tiny hairs covering the flowers of Cannabis plants. In marijuana, the hairs accumulate high amounts of THC, whereas in hemp the hairs have little. Hemp and marijuana are difficult to distinguish apart from differences in THC.

With the genes identified, finding a way to silence them—and thus produce a drug-free plant — comes a step closer to reality. Another desirable step is to make drug-free plants visually recognizable. Since the hairs can be seen with a magnifying glass, this could be accomplished by engineering a hairless Cannabis plant.

The researchers are currently using the methods of the latest study to identify genes that lead to hair growth in hopes of silencing them.

"We are beginning to understand which genes control hair growth in other plants, and the resources created in our study will allow us to look for similar genes in Cannabis sativa," said Marks.

"Cannabis genetics can contribute to better agriculture, medicine, and drug enforcement," said George Weiblen, an associate professor of plant biology and a co-author of the study.

As with Dobermans and Dachshunds, marijuana and hemp are different breeds of the same species (Cannabis sativa), but marijuana contains much more THC than hemp, which is a source of industrial fiber and nutritious oil.

Hemp was raised for its fiber — which is similar to cotton but more durable — in the United States until legislation outlawed all Cannabis plants because they contain THC. Today, marijuana contains as much as 25 percent THC, whereas hemp plants contain less than 0.3 percent.

Hemp was once a popular crop in the upper Midwest because it tolerates a cool climate and marginal soils that won't support other crops but, after drug legislation, hemp fiber was replaced by plastic and other alternatives. Recent popular demand for hemp products has led some states to consider the economic and environmental benefits of hemp. North Dakota legislation aims to reintroduce it as a crop, and Minnesota is considering similar legislation. At the same time, California and other states permit the medicinal use of marijuana.

"I can't think of a plant so regarded as a menace by some and a miracle by others," says Weiblen, who is one of the few researchers in the United States permitted to study Cannabis genetics. In 2006, Weiblen and colleagues developed a DNA "fingerprinting" technique capable of distinguishing among Cannabis plants in criminal investigations.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this is dumb shit. if they dont have that stuff they will die. it is their natural defense mechanism. It protects them from certain animals, drying out, and certain molds and pests. THC is like a candy coating. these people dont know shit.
this is dumb shit. if they dont have that stuff they will die. it is their natural defense mechanism. It protects them from certain animals, drying out, and certain molds and pests. THC is like a candy coating. these people dont know shit.

:party: they must know already, but what makes me upset is that we're always regreting the chains we broke over the past 2 centuries and how the planet is dying. People'll never learn.


if we legalize cannabis overall then the govt won't have to worry whether there's THC or not. Hemp grown for fiber not buds has such low THC as it is, we dont need to completely deplete the plant of it's natural defense mechanism, its like taking the thorns off a rose or the smell out of a skunk, its unnatural and wrong. fuck this shit, let's get it legalized already.


Active member
What is funny is today I talked with an AG lab here in California that does DNA fingerprinting. They agreed to test samples that I provide them. For a fee ofcourse.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
technically ever chemical in cannabis is illeagal if you read the federal law, so even if they accomlish their goal it is useless. I read on another thead about how a chemical in weed is the same as one in black pepper. therefore black pepper is illeagal too. really. it is just no one in there right mind would enfore that. that is how we have to make people view pot.

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=135916 there is the link for yall


Active member
Well if they GMO it they could patent it as a different plant. With just enough genetic modification it can be changed from the Cannabis genus to another one and then be legal...


The barely-existent THC content in industrial hemp is the government's only excuse for continuing to ban it, and even that one's pretty far-fetched, so why are they robbing themselves of it?

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
OK this all seems a bit schizophrenic to me. folks mostly seem to care about growing herb rather than hemp production. Will science end cannabis? Not on your life! Cannabis is extremely intelligent and complex, it is a survivor.
I dont buy the drug factor argument for the govt not allowing hemp to be grown. A former drug Czar has admittedly spoken that industrial hemp could be the ultimate weapon in the drug war. Think of all the outdoor growers that would have hemp pollen flying around their crops from hemp fields...game over. So there are other reasons. consider Big cotton. They dont want to compete against hemp. either do the petroleum companies making big buck on synthetic fibers, lubricants, etc.. its a money/power holding issue for industries that would lose profits/marketshare competing with hemp.
Kinda like the alcohol industry being against drug cannnabis legalization.
People want the latest and greatest technology gained through scientific research whether it is light bulbs, digital ballasts, or new nutrient/growth products that are a response to new knowledge of plant physiology via research done by similar people as these folks at the U of MN.
Hemp will still have resin in the future. maybe it will be void of thc but it will maintain its environmental defenses against pests and disease.
Farmers and researchers know this. What good is full thc elimination if it causes an increase in disease and pest damage of the crops? farmers dont want higher pesticide/fungicide/herbicide use. It only lowers their bottom line. There will be positive things that come out of this research as well as the bad. Would we know anything about terpenes/thc/cbn etc.. without past research?
just some food for thought.

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