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HookaHittn Jems All Summer long



Glad you enjoyed it m8.
Photos are great..I get to see the world from my armchair. :headbange
My Grandpa has been hunting this area for 40 years and never seen one till that day.
That alone makes it all worthwhile.

Sorry to hear about your buddy...hope it sorts out for him.

I think tomatoes make brilliant disguises for AF's.
I cannot wait to see them growing. :yes:

See what kinda yield I can get this time around....
Do you use tomato ferts or is it all soil conditioning.
I think all canna appreciate tomato conditions/ferts..so I have my fingers crossed for improvement for you.


Mossy - That elk sighting made for a good trip for sure... Well semi good , I wish we would have found that deer. Ive hit that lady in the tomato garden one time with some veg ferts before I left on my trip. Just plain ole miracle grow, same stuff I put on the Veggi's. When I got back I hit her with some bloom ferts. She seems to be responding already. I think I'll start hitting her with it ever other watering. This is the first time I've had a garden in this yard. The soil doesn't seem to be the best. The tomatoes and MJ are growing in potting soil I put in each hole. Next year I will till in a few bags of steer manure. Might even put some in when the season is over. Let everything break down over the winter months. I have a compost pile that I keep putting in every so often too. I planted 8 more jems today. One already had a white tail coming out. I have good feelings about this batch. Temps have been in the low 90s this week. Should help out with the germination not having 100+ degree temps.... Sheeesh.


the first one I grew..(NL Male)..grew 8 ft high 6ft 6 ins wide in a 20 ltr pot using Phostrogen powder feed and a bit cow manure.

I grew it on the simplest instructions ever given..
"just grow it like you would a tomato"..
(they could have explained the male/female thing though..:biglaugh:)

I think MG liquid feed is great..phostrogen too..
just the way I was taught was "passing ferts"..
no shop bought pre-ferted compo.
They love cow poo too..

If you scratch the skin on the tomato stalk...do you not think it has a
similar-ish smell.

:listen2: If they get up to anything..and you get a tom-anna..I will be first in the queue...:muahaha:


I'm going to be the first breeder of Tomatoes that contain THC. Eat one tomatoe and you're good to go. Don't worry though guys ill get some seeds up on the bay for you....haha


I have some good news about the seedlings I just planted. 5 out of 8 have already popped their heads out of the soil. That's pretty good for only being about 4 days since I put them in. These were the seeds I made my self so that makes me feel pretty good. At least I know I made some viable seeds. We're having some thunder storms today. Temps should be in the mid 70s or so. Good weather for young seedlings. Not the sweltering 100 degree heat we were having a few weeks ago...


Quick Update

All 8 out of 8 seeds have popped. I had to put them all in a 5 gallon pot as I'm leaving to go hunting again tmrw. Will be gone till next friday or so. I didn't think they'd be able to last that long without water. They all look pretty good though. I have a feeling there's a lot of females in this batch ha. Ill put some pics up when I get back.


Fingers Crossed for a light rain..every night you are away m8...and glorious sunshine through the day...:yes:

Have you considered sinking the whole pot into the ground...the surrounding soil might lessen the natural evaporation rate.

I will be leaving my girls shortly too..and I am fretting already.


Recovering UO addict.
I just read through and, wow, those jems are amazing looking...probably the coolest looking plant I've seen, I can't believe I haven't heard about them till now..but I guess I don't know much about autoflowers..but I shall learn.


Whats Up Fellas???

Made it back from my trip up to the hills a few days ago. Got some good news and some bad news. Ill start out with the good news. I shot a deer and we actually found it this time... Ha it only ran about 10 feet and died. Shot it right in the lungs and part of the heart. It was just a small deer though. We had seen some trophy sized ones but just couldn't get shots at them. That's why they get so big, because they are smart bastards.. Anyways overall good trip. Meanwhile the weather down here was in the 100s again. I had replanted those 8 seedlings in the bigger pot and put them in this bush to keep them out of direct sun. I get back and they were so stretched out.... Looked like they stopped trying to grow leaves. The soil wasn't dried out at all. Kind of pisses me off. I had 8 solid sprouts and now they might be stunted stumpies.....So I put a little more soil in the pot because they were so lanky. Looked like a light breeze would snap their stems. They are looking a little better today. I may just have to take them out of that pot, I think its not draining properly. They other girl in the tomatoes is doing fine. I dusted her with a small male that was growing before I left on my trip. She looks to be making seeds. Ill get you guys a recent pic tmrw. This pic of here is from when I left.


The Buck




Update Time

Temps have cooled off as of late. A few days ago it was cloudy looking as if it were going to rain but it didn't. The lone female I have has about 2 more weeks left. I'm waiting for the seeds to fully develop. She is starting to get frosty. I just wish it could get more sun. Hours are at around 12/12 right now. She's behind a few tomato plants so its not full sun all day. The other seedlings are looking a lot better than when I got back from hunting. I lost the two biggest/ lankiest ones. We had some pretty good wind a few days ago that I think snapped their stalks. The ones that are still alive are starting to take off. Hopefully they'll have enough time to finish. Weather has been weird lately but I think it'll stay dry for awhile....




Jem BX-1


Whats Everyone Been up too????

I've been really busy the last couple weeks. Haven't really had a chance to update pics or anything... I think this may be the end of this thread till next year. Weather has deff started to change. Started out with just cooler temps. Then a few days ago we had what seemed to be a hurricane come through our parts. I had to pull that seeded lady in my tomatoes. It was about a week sooner than I'd like to have done. I wanted all the seeds to be fully mature. So far I got about 15 nice fat dark seeds. I think there may be another 15 or so to get out of her. My Jems BX1 have not fared to well either. I don't know why but they were just wilting up and dieing... I think it was from the cool night temps and then warmer days. I got kinda pissed cus they kept dieing and left them out in the storm. The 3 that were still growing survived though i was surprised. Thought i was going to come home and all the soil would be washed out of the pot. That lady I did pull before the storm was so sticky and smells awesome. I think a lot of growers around here had probs with this storm. Deff not something we expect to get this time of year. 50 mph winds and 3 inches or so of rain in 24 hours... that aint no joke... Anyways just checking in with you guys. Ive been fishing a lot lately, got a new personal best striped bass. Weighed in at 24 pounds, but we've been catching about 10 others in the 18 pound class or so. Here's a pic of the one I got.


Not the best pic but you can see the roll of foil next to it for size comparison.


:yummy:Hey HHH...
got here eventually...:biglaugh:

I got to read you hunt update before I went..but didn't get time to reply.

Glad you had a Great time.

Ha ha..love Billy the Bass.
Can you remember when they had those singing Billy the Bass out..
Drove me Nuts in the shop when everyone was setting them off..
but as soon as you said bass that "don't worry..be happy" song came into my head..it always makes me smile.

It is a Great fish. Alway nice to beat a personal best..satisfaction of the heart.
Bet it tasted great too. :yummy:

Bad to hear about your weather m8...we are about the same here.
We had 10 days of thunder storms..between 2-4 pm every day..then 4 days warm and back to thunder and over-cast.
The Mozzies are going nuts..I have never seen as many except in Scotland one year.

But my girls have ground to a virtual standstill.
Deffo lack of light. Timing them off has gone out the window.
But hey..I class everything harvested after the end of Sept as a bonus anyway..so I am still winning.

Last year I got a girl self seeded in Sept came off late Dec with an ounce dead on her...took her a lot longer but she did me proud.
Don't think I'll be lucky this year though.
Give me freezing cold winds over the Dank any day.

Have a look at the link above.
Bearing in mind the baby was safe..I still can't watch it without feeling my heart miss a beat.
Talk about Lucky..:nono:


Well guys I just checked on those seedlings I have going in the pot. They look like they are all about to start sprouting balls... Most likely because of the bad conditions they have been in. Cold temps and heavy rain cant be good for getting females. Anyways.. I guess I have to wait till spring time before I can get some going again. My yield wasn't as good as it could have been for these AF's, but it was also the first time I grew them. I cant wait to try them again the the temps and sun is better for growing. Hopefully I can get some jems crossed with some clone only strains. It just didn't work out for that kinda breading this year. At least i was successful at making my own AF seeds this year.


ICMag Donor
I threw some AFs into the ground real late season and they were mostly male. The one female didn't make it very far tho before being frozen solid.

Glad to see you were successful in making your own AF seeds, always nice to have a pile to play with!


Yeah I will be making a bunch more whenever we get out of this rainy season. I dont think I will have a prob running out of beans. I think it was deff a good idea I seeded the last lady I had growing. I would have missed out on making 30 or so more beans. Thanks for stopping by Blynx


I think it was deff a good idea I seeded the last lady I had growing. I would have missed out on making 30 or so more beans

Glad to see you were successful in making your own AF seeds, always nice to have a pile to play with!

I would agree 100%....:headbange

I have this vision in my head already of your garden next spring..I will tell you if you match it..
But I just have this vision of a Mini (AF) explosion next season..:chin:

I can feel it in Me water...:biglaugh:

Have a great weekend m8..:joint:

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