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Topping a plant



Hello everyone, I was wondering if a plant can be topped after the 3rd node starts but the plant is short and close to the soil? If this has already been talked about, sorry for the repeat. I just could not find it anywhere in any of the forums. Hope to hear back from someone.. Thanx and Happy Growing........:woohoo::joint:


yes even if the plant is 10 days old and is only sprouting single leaf sets?


If the plant is at its 3rd node already there should be no problems topping, as long as there is at least one node, topping isnt an issue.


thank-you very much for your help everyone who answered. Happy Growing

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Plants grow slowly when they're small, basically because they are small, and can't use much light or nutrients yet. Doublings of size at seedling stage is not nearly so noticed as during veg but takes basically the same time (a week or so) from emergence to flowering time. It would be hard to cut a small enough portion when only a few tiers of leaves have grown. I would wait a few weeks, then prune.


Prune at night right before lights out or prune first thing in the morning??


that is more of a personal prefferance i like to do it right as the lights are kicking on so they have all day to to soak up that light before Photosyn can happen and the true plant growth happens. i had great success this way GL and wait till u get 5-6 nodes then prune and do what other types of things u wana do but give them a little time to get going then nock urself out GL


Thankyou all for your comments on this thread, I have learned a lot from you all so far and hope to keep on learning, thanx again..


Thank you GMT for the link.. I tryed for nhours trying to find that post hahaha.. thanx again..

Hank Hemp

Active member
Herbal-go to the sticky at the top of this thread. All your question are answered there. Sorry the one on pruning and training.


The info that Sticky gave in that thread was very informative. Thank you Hank for the shove in the right direction...

Hank Hemp

Active member
I'm talking about all the stickies in the forums. That and the search engine, I rarely ask a question that has not been asked.

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