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Wet spliff


The Tri Guy
water damage is one thing, but I wouldn't want to smoke chlorine. All depends on what chems you put in the pool. See if they say poisonous. I can't see them being as its a safe bet somones gonna swallow some pool water at some point, but then I don't want to say stick it on a radiator and smoke it later as it could do you some damage.


I would pull the paper off ,lay myself and the joint in the sun and get a tan and when the bud dried i would re-roll it and smoke it. Such a small amount will never have any ill effects. How many gulps of water have you accidently swallowed which would be 20 times the amount or more. Smoke that bad boy!!!:2cents:


Smokes, lets go
If you not smoking a raw unbleached paper your smoking chlorine (bleach) anyway so who cares. But i smoke RAW unbleached papers, come in a 300 pack for 3 bucks and are a better alternative to regular joint papers. (joints are white because of the bleaching process, raw papers are naturally a brown color)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
What was the question and why is that doobie still here?



i was smoking a joint on the boat one day and it got wet 15 seconds in the microwave it was dry and alight again. trippy


natural medicator
if you don't need the smoke right now: unwrap, let herb dry, watercure for a week, dry back out, smoke cleaner herb than you started with


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Nick, if you can honestly tell us all that NOBODY ever pees
in your pool then go for it, otherwise you know the answer.



Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Just dry it out and let it sit for a day or so. Then tell yourself you're not going to smoke it. Then break down and smoke it. Then cough a lot and having a hard time smoking it. Then complain that it's all IC Mag's fault and that you swear someone told you it'd be just fine. After that, quit dropping things in the pool.

h^2 O

that you yummy?

yeah water just absolutely destroys thc :nono:

dry it out and smoke it. Probably won't be smoking it for 2 days though. Just leave it out to dry. Fan might help.


Tinfoil, lamp, done. Break the buds up smaller so they dry. On a fishing trip my bro dropped a bag of weed twice into water. Twice. It had been dried by the fire the first time, but the hotel dry was quite nice, I suggested the lamp and it worked in a night.
Haha I gotta say that the spliff in the microwave really made me laugh Squiggles nice one lol
In the end i just dried it in the sun with tin foil on the bottom (it is really hot here) it dried in couple of hours rolled it up and it was actually nice, I didnt have any more weed so could roll another, good replies
Thanks to everyone for repyling :joint:
Does anyone have another 'wet spliff' story? :D

James Morrison

didnt read the whole thread..dont know why...but once when i was just a small lad...some buddies and i were smoking phatty blunt and somebody dropped it in a puddle.///...thats all i remember//i think we ate it or tried to...


Does anyone have another 'wet spliff' story? :D

Way way back....Me and a buddy were flying from NY to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for spring break. We had brought a nice doob with us to smoke in the plane's bathroom while flying.

About 20 minutes into the flight, my buddy goes to smoke his half first. Five minutes later, he comes back, all smiles, and hands me the rest....all wet! He said he thought he heard somebody knocking on the door and panicked, drowning the doob under the faucet...hehehehe.

So, I had to go to the bathroom and dry that sucker out. Got out my bic and slowly heated the half-doob with the flame until it dried out. Then I smoked it, what a fuckin trip :)

Really strange feeling being high while flying in a plane. Especially the air turbulence, up and down, up and down. I'm certain the flight attendant knew what we were doing, she was totally goofing on us when she walked by to deliver food and drinks :)

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