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hydrochris said:
And your mother had to ask you to turn yourself in. I have accepted responsibility and am at the mercy of governement procedures, and when the time comes I will be man enough to walk myself in those doors, without mommy calling my dumb ass.
My mother was relaying a message from the Federal Government, Customs, DEA, and FBI task force. They had nothing on me and I was smart enough to realize that, still it had it's consequences. If you accepted responsibility you wouldn't be HELPING the government wage war against your fellow cannabis grower/smoker/seller. Instead you would be fighting your case tooth and nail finding new avenues to attack the constitutionality of Federal drug laws. At the mercy of government procedures???You mean you need to tell on three to go free. The feds don't just knock time off for people off of mandatory minimum prison sentences for nothing. Don't be jelous that my mother looked out for me and didn't give my position to the feds. You'd rat out your own mother for reduced time so of course she isn't going to be calling you.

And what would happen to you in prison for calling false snitch? I imagine it is not too healthy.

Dude he said that he is fully cooperating with the Feds and fully disclosing all information regarding his illegal activities. If he is FULLY cooperating that means he is answering every question honestly and truthfully, such as where he bought his hydro gear, where he got his genetics, who he sold his weed too, where he learned, dude he probably is disclosing information about ICMAG too. Remember this is part of his illegal activities. I understand the severeity of giving someone a rat jacket. If this were the joint I would go on a mission to take care of him... I am that convinced based upon his own statements in the thread that he is telling.

Amstel Light

Dude he said that he is fully cooperating with the Feds and fully disclosing all information regarding his illegal activities. If he is FULLY cooperating that means he is answering every question honestly and truthfully, such as where he bought his hydro gear, where he got his genetics, who he sold his weed too, where he learned, dude he probably is disclosing information about ICMAG too. Remember this is part of his illegal activities. I understand the severeity of giving someone a rat jacket. If this were the joint I would go on a mission to take care of him... I am that convinced based upon his own statements in the thread that he is telling.

your a real genius man "hydro gear" is sold legally do a google search....pretty sure the feds know this, umm lets see genetics are sold from countrys were its legal again anyone could google search...

next "where he learned"? i started learning this from high times mag. before OG or ICMAG...... most newstands carry this mag....

"disclosing info about ICMAG" i really dont think they give a fuk abot this dude "disclosing" info about them lol.

only valid prejudice you have is whether or not he rolled on people he sold weed to, well he never told us how many crops he pulled before this one.. so he may have never sold a dime bag in his life for all we know????

so great if i get pinched and have not sold to anyone and they will reduce my sentance for giving them info they could google then i will spill my guts lol....but you need to show respect for those that have not ever been busted or caught with contraband..these folks have been better judges of charecter been more carefull and have demonstrated dicipline to hone there skills BOY...


lol...round 2 for me at this thread...

lol...round 2 for me at this thread...

im with randude on this freedom fighter...you do have valid points, but like randude says...your not locked up any more. i just got out in april after doin time. you call someone a snitch who really isnt, and you and most know...your either signin in to PC or your gettin fucked up...you leave a comment on my name that im a snitch...whats up with that man?..All i said is to be real, and look and understand that most people end up snitching...not that i have ever or ever would...cmon man...get lost with that bullshit...look at ll the "gangsters" that today's youth and even a lot of adults look up to.Nicky Barnes, Frank Lucas, Bumpy Johnson, half the Mafia who got caught, and most if not all of real time "gangsters"....they all ended up snitchin..you shouldnt live that life no more man.. do what you do and stay free...and stop callin paople snitches that you dont know..its pretty pathetic and lame man...this is the real world...get into it, and stop livin in your world man...shit...if i acted now like i did when i was in prison, id have life with no parole..its common sense man...im the farthest thing from a damn snitch man...im not braggin, but there arent many people like me who wouldnt tell on my friends or people i do business with...i can honestly say that i have walked the walk, and not talked the talk man...but what the fuck?...thats past bullshit...i dont want you to think i am talkin shit to you man...but grow up, and understand that this is the real world, where most people snitch..keep ur busines to yourself, or someone might snitch on you one day...its common fuckin sense...this guy hydrochris is fucked up in life because he let people know what they didnt need to know, and its bitin him in the ass, and i feel for the dude...i really do, but in his case, and every single other case in the history of arrests, it could have easily been avoided...thats all i have to say...hydrochris..i hope it all works out for you in the best...keep us posted...and for everyone who uses this site, the person who you trust today and let know your business is the first person to tell on you tomorrow, out of envy, deceit, or greed...it happens every single day in all parts of the world! happy growing to all and good luck to hydrochris!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Well hydrochris, I hope you get off nice and light. You dont deserve punishment for growing a plant. I am not gonna get in to the snitch battle. I dont know anything about you, but it sounds like you just got hit by a shit tornado. Good luck rebuilding.
Still no charges, and there are some verry interesting events that just happened that I cannot comment on, as soon as things clear up i will explain.
That SUCKS!!!!!!!!
If someone snitch on you, you will find out when you go to court. If someone did or didn't. The truth always comes out at the end.
Wish you the best of luck
We are going through some stuff, we feel you.
stay safe.


hey hydrochris! i read this whole thread a while ago....but i forget...where are you located, like which state bro...i know the laws for the east coast pretty well....as for as courts go anyways....someone just said something about 1 to 2 years...thats not accurate at all man...here in ny, they have 180 days to indict you. and the rest is a different story....dont think they are just moving slow man...they are diggin and diggin to see what you were involved in, if you were some "big time" drug king os some bullshit like that.....i think in your case, the longer you dont hear anything, the better...but thats just an opinion man....reply to thios thread, and i will give you more info once i know more...like i said, i read this whole thread one night, but my memory is kinda blurry...lol....good luck with everything man!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
its been 11.5 months for me... and NO CHARGES EITHER, got popped with 300+ budding plants... never went back to the house, never got a charge, lost EVERYTHING but im still here to tell u guys the story and drop a lil knowledge for ya... there def watching you cause let me tell u there def watching me... i guess u reach a certain point when you just say FUCK IT they can suck my dick to the day i pass for real. keep a low profile, dont grow where you live... never eat where your shit at... basic rules. other then that keep doing your thing dont stop doing what you love cause the government says so. do what you love an stick it right up there ass... if u need any help im here bro ONE


Active member
its been 11.5 months for me... and NO CHARGES EITHER, got popped with 300+ budding plants... never went back to the house, never got a charge, lost EVERYTHING but im still here to tell u guys the story and drop a lil knowledge for ya... there def watching you cause let me tell u there def watching me... i guess u reach a certain point when you just say FUCK IT they can suck my dick to the day i pass for real. keep a low profile, dont grow where you live... never eat where your shit at... basic rules. other then that keep doing your thing dont stop doing what you love cause the government says so. do what you love an stick it right up there ass... if u need any help im here bro ONE

11.5 months? WTF? What is the statute of limitations? Jeeze thats a long time.


Active member

If I were you I would be sweating it right about now just waiting for that call. Is there like a master thread of security suggestions or something? I was thinking the other day that it would be nice to have some way to offset your electricity bills via a generator or something like that but that isn't something you could do in the city.


Active member
also, just cuz they didn't contact you doesn't mean there are no charges against you.

if you get pulled over for not wearing a seat belt or failing to completely stop at a stop sign, don't be surprised if you find your car impounded and the cops want to take you down to the station for a warrant on failure to appear.

if they got your info, they could purposely mail out the idictment to wrong address just so they could have that "failure to appear" felony charge trumped up with the rest of your charges.

only way to be safe is call the court and make sure nothing comes up under your driver's license #, birthdate, social security, and any variations of your name linked to any of those 3 identification numbers.

you could say you thought you had a ticket for speeding and weren't sure or something like that. clerk isn't gonna do much to get you in trouble, so if some serious charge is on there at least you'll know to wear your seatbelt.

personally I recieved a felony indictment 1 year and 2 months after the fact I was released from holding with misdemeanor charges. fuck texas


Something is just not adding up with this.Maybe you should just leave the whole life behind you.


New York statue of limitations is 2 years for a Misdemeanor and 5 years for most felonies and no limit on murder. You might want to check that. Now as far as how long they have to charge you with a crime i aint so sure on that. Google it and read up. New York is pretty tough on MJ crimes and i believe #1 in busts in the USA. I hope the best for everyone involved in an MJ bust and i dont understand why they wouldnt charge a person for several months. Dont know what state Aeroguerilla is in but i would think you might excape charges if none has been filed in 11.5 months. Hope the best for ya.
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