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Supercropping vs. LST debate

Greeting to all of you cannabis lovers, I have read a bit on supercropping and LST i would like to apply one or both these methods to some of my plants.
But I´d like to see what your opinions are

LST or Supercropping?
Let the debate begin :D


New member
Many would say it depends on the plant. Some plants are great for LST like Sativa. While others are great for topping and supercropping. I would get familiar with your strains your growing and what does best for those strains.
Yep LST is tying the plant down, waiting for a stem to point towards the sky again, then tie that down, this is repeated to desirable shape.
I found several training methods and its seems it is worth it to apply them to the plants
May you all have a green day :D


Active member
I don't think its about LST vs Supercropping vs HST vs topping.

Its all of the above!

Especially in the great outdoors.
LST works well when supercropping. Supercropping is preferred over topping unless clones are needed (in my books). The time it takes for the branch to recover helps other growth catch up. Especially if a main cola is supercropped, you can tye those side branches down...creates alot of surface area and bushy plants.

Lst makes a noticeable difference in yield, its a sweet technique..


i use all to my advantage. nothing better than breakin necks. if your top is stretching out of control, break its neck. pince branches(not supercrop) to strengthen and fatten em up for better nutrient absorption. tie branches into the light that are having to compete with bigger ones. pull over plants, or their tops to allow other budsites light. get creative. i have some monster sativas as a product of supercropping and lst.


I just want to add that I've supercropped a main branch, then weeks later I wanted to LST that same branch, well it wasn't happening because the branch became stiff as a board. But I agree with the post above about pinching main stems and LST lower ones.


Devil's Advocate
i learn from experience, not a book.
Why make all the mistakes when someone else has made some of them for you already?
I have just started doing a little supercropping.
I'll be trying it on my next round of SOG girls before I flip to 12/12, we shall see if it really does help with nutrient absorption.


Active member
Why make all the mistakes when someone else has made some of them for you already?
I have just started doing a little supercropping.
I'll be trying it on my next round of SOG girls before I flip to 12/12, we shall see if it really does help with nutrient absorption.

hes saying, experiencing plants and all the strains you try and how they react is far more informative than a book. and i agree with it.

you soon learn what control method you need to use in what situation to give you a desireable outcome.
I agree with Smokeythebear, a long experience with a strain creates a bond between the grower and the plant, the grower will be able to observe what the plant needs at a particular time from the plants body language, this a far more valuable than anything a book can teach you, but it is certainly interesting to see different points of view from different growers. I personally think that spending time with the plants is a beautiful learning experience, and exchange of vibes and body language, truly beautiful.