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Increase resin production

Never heard of it, but IMO, there is no resin promoting product that would ward of bark beetles.....that is just hogwash.

Now, good genetics, good growing mediums( I prefer living soils), and great climate controls will promote good resin, not some miracle marketing BS.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Resin is not the drug from cannabis though. Resin is just a carrier for the drugs. There might be some industrial benefits to increasing resin, but not benefits to how high it gets you.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Never heard of it, but IMO, there is no resin promoting product that would ward of bark beetles.....that is just hogwash.

Now, good genetics, good growing mediums( I prefer living soils), and great climate controls will promote good resin, not some miracle marketing BS.

Resin is not the drug from cannabis though. Resin is just a carrier for the drugs. There might be some industrial benefits to increasing resin, but not benefits to how high it gets you.

BRAVO !!! :yeahthats


Active member
I wonder if it might not help the trees. Resin is what allows redwoods to live so long, no?

I started some mazar recently. I'm not expecting potency, but I would like to see fresh ooey gooeys. Reminds me of my carnivorous plants with their mucilage.


IDK man..tehre seems to be 3 EXPERIMENTAL way to maximise resin..lots have tried them and said it does indeed work..while others disagree..I myself havent tried either..so Im just telling ya to google them yourself..and try it out..

1.leave plants in complete darkness for 48-36 hours before harvest..

2.use a uvb bulb

3.stress plant in any way right before harvest..the idea behind this is that the more stress the plant gets,the more itll think its dying..and make resin to ensure the reprodctuion of the species..nail through the stem..feed them ice water...very hot water..very cold temps..do wahter you feel you can,to trick the plant into thinking the season is over and its about to die..since it has not prodcued seeds yet (sinsemilla)..the plant will do its best to try to get pollinated OR protect the seeds it already has..idk..
I wonder if it might not help the trees. Resin is what allows redwoods to live so long, no?

I started some mazar recently. I'm not expecting potency, but I would like to see fresh ooey gooeys. Reminds me of my carnivorous plants with their mucilage.

Ahhhh, resin makes the Redwoods live long? You might want to switch your weed up a little, cause that is definitely wrong. Most trees, especially coniferous, if given no pests ( insects, microbes, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, climate shifts, other stress factors),would live on and on, and in theory, for thousands of years, just because of their simple makeup. Its simple, as the vascular systems of the plants would stay healthy enough and the bark layers would not become stressed to allow any further damage...all in all, its not the resin in a tree, it is their cellular structure working at its finest that keeps showing up in old growth forests....not to burst your bubble or anything......


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Only I'm thinking the bubble is a bit deflated rather than burst. Resin in trees does help trap certain pests, thus making the tree live longer due to that pest not killing it.
Only I'm thinking the bubble is a bit deflated rather than burst. Resin in trees does help trap certain pests, thus making the tree live longer due to that pest not killing it.

Pitch is a very different makeup than resin on Cannabis. Pitch or sappy sap, is a defense mechanism due to an injury, yes agreed, but only plays to a certain point for pest infection, hence back to the bark beetle subject. Bark beetles will not stray away from a conifer simply because its plugging up its injuries, nor will a heavily pitched conifer keep away the pest. Pitch canker, necrotic blights, vascular necrosis, pine wilt, etc etc. will always find themselves in conifers alike, and a great deal are carried by insects, nematodes, the air currents, etc, and the pitch can only defend to an extent. It is up to the vascular system of the tree that really combats the intrusion, as well as the immune system of the tree. So back on subject, the resin aka pitch aka sap is only a tool to the schematic, not the whole machine that creates life expectancy within the tree. So making a tree more resinous does not guarantee a longer life, especially when you encounter bark beetles, weevils, sawfly, etc, it is simply breeding out the weak pines that have ineffective vascular systems, thus promoting superior pines / or conifers that can easily fight off the pest, especially since most infections attack the vascular system, and improving this will not only build up pumped up xylem, but will help the pine withstand years of torture.


Active member
No hortpro, you thoroughly burst that bubble

I was exactly wrong. Redwoods have no true resin and it's part of why they live so long. Makes them fire resistant. I do remember hearing from a guy in a PBS dcumentary talk about their bug resistance though. The resin part I apparently made up.


how about the ice water/nail thru stem/etc stress techs??

i added a 400MH to see if that will crystal my funk up.


TRy as much as you want..or get creative..rember all you want to do is completely stress te plant into thniking its dying..but not enough time to become a hermie and self pollinate,which is can under too much stress for too long..torture it for 2 days..then throw under the 48hour dark,THEN harvest..

Nezxt time,do a side by side grow..1 with all those techniques,and the other normally grown..some people swear by it..


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Pitch is a very different makeup than resin on Cannabis. Pitch or sappy sap, is a defense mechanism due to an injury, yes agreed, but only plays to a certain point for pest infection, hence back to the bark beetle subject. Bark beetles will not stray away from a conifer simply because its plugging up its injuries, nor will a heavily pitched conifer keep away the pest. Pitch canker, necrotic blights, vascular necrosis, pine wilt, etc etc. will always find themselves in conifers alike, and a great deal are carried by insects, nematodes, the air currents, etc, and the pitch can only defend to an extent. It is up to the vascular system of the tree that really combats the intrusion, as well as the immune system of the tree. So back on subject, the resin aka pitch aka sap is only a tool to the schematic, not the whole machine that creates life expectancy within the tree. So making a tree more resinous does not guarantee a longer life, especially when you encounter bark beetles, weevils, sawfly, etc, it is simply breeding out the weak pines that have ineffective vascular systems, thus promoting superior pines / or conifers that can easily fight off the pest, especially since most infections attack the vascular system, and improving this will not only build up pumped up xylem, but will help the pine withstand years of torture.
According to the story, the idea was that once a tree becomes infested with the pine beetles that ODC could be applied, increasing the resin production which would basically force the beetles out of the bark. Caddy Shack gopher hole + fire hose.
No hortpro, you thoroughly burst that bubble

I was exactly wrong. Redwoods have no true resin and it's part of why they live so long. Makes them fire resistant. I do remember hearing from a guy in a PBS dcumentary talk about their bug resistance though. The resin part I apparently made up.

Not exactly, and I mean no disrespect at all, totally. Really, I like snappy convo's...The tannin in the bark system, the outer cambium layer, is more fire resistant and pest resistant than other coniferous trees, which makes up the vast support against fire and pest infection. The sap is just a tool like I said, but is not the main machine to what makes the tree more fire resistant, and if you ever look at the vascular system of a Sequoia or hell, Metasequoia or Sequoiadendron, you will see the makeup is quite unique. Whether this goes on in the discussion, doesn't matter to me. My fight and ongoing research with pitch canker-bark beetle evolves on a yearly basis, breeding and selecting cultivars more resistant to the vast problems that plague our conifers. From Bark Beetle, pitch canker, and sawfly in the NW, to SODS infecting numerous hardwood and softwoods along the West Coast, at this point, sap should never be overlooked, but like I replied before, healthier vascular systems are the key to a brighter future, not just sap.

I wish all you well, and seeing the destruction first hand, I hope everyones landscape is healthy and lives on. Just hopefully, the US Agriculture Dept. can actually receive relief on fighting these problems, with a great amount of these pests actually arriving through shipping containers and bad international inspections.

Peace, and grow well.


nice thread cob! :D

GH has a chitosan product called "Chi", a foliar spray

2.5% mirinasan chitosan, also .2% N/K

"contains chitosan salts, a naturally occurring polymer found in the outer shell of crustaceans, insects, and many fungi"

i used this on some seedlings and it caused the leaves to thicken up....it basically signals to the plant that it's being attacked by pests to trigger it's natural response to pest attacks....IME the thicker the leaf, the more pest resistance


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ok i dont have any specific evidence to back this up, but i have a theory that the resin production in cannabis is a throwback to it's ancestors that were insect pollinated. just about evey wind pollinated plant is evolved from an insect pollinated one. the resin would have attracted the insects.

if true, then the best way to increase resin production would be to grow sensi, which we all do, keeping the plant producing resin to attract those insects and thus pollen that we try so hard to keep away - makes sense really.
am i right in saying that, although the resin is not what gets you high, the thc etc production is linked to the resin production and thus more resin = more thc ??
