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2200w, do I need AC?


Active member
Air conditioners have a limited lifespan,so unless you buy one exponentially cheaper than new,you're losing money,efficiency,and potential reliability over new,all to save a few bucks.
"Buy Right the First Time." is a standard like "Measure twice,cut once."
If you did the research and what works for you,works-then I think that's great.
I've seen corner-cutting ass out many gardens in twenty-plus years,and imo The Point is,"Why save a buck now,to lose thirty later?"


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Well, yeah, they were exponentially cheaper, I got five for the price of one :D

I am fortunate in that I live near a bunch of colleges and universities, so right at early summer when the term ends, they're all looking for every dollar they can spend on booze and pot :biglaugh: I paid about $25 per :yes: