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is anyone else injured right now



I've been sitting in bed for almost two weeks now for 80% of my day and it really sucks. I had surgery for a shoulder joint, half of my cartilage reinforcing the joint tore off its bone when I popped my shoulder out a few times. So So they drill shit into your bones, 4 anchors and sew your cartilage to the anchors.

Probably the most pain I have ever experienced, I couldnt sleep for 2 days and had to go to the emergency room for pills that are mg for mg 2-3x stronger than heroin because the percocets didn't work. The same arm bone was snapped clean and metal pins had to go inn it a few years ago, even that was less painful!

Still haven't gotten any good sleep in the last 2 weeks, the only good way is to sit directly up, but that sucks, so I sleep and wake up in sharp pain now every morning. The pain is goinng down aside from the mornings but I have almost a year before I can play sports which really sucks.

I'm bored off of my fucking ass annd have to wear a sling for a month

This sucks a danny tanner

video [simulation] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhiVHLOJpCY&feature=related


king of the dinosaurs
i feel your pain. not nearly as bad by the sounds of it but i broke a couple ribs 6 months ago and still dont feel right. it sucks

og kush

percocets didn't work?
dude, take one perc and drink a rum n coke. than tell me it didnt work.

all in all, sorry to hear about the injury.
i had shoulder surgery last year about this time. had to put a tendant back together and 4 screws. shit sucks not beign able to move your arm for 3 months. but after it all, im glad i did it and my arm hasn't dislocated since!! thats a good thing when your arm dislocates 30+ times a year.

funny thing is, my left shoulder is worse!! gotta go under the knife again soon.


percocets didn't work?
dude, take one perc and drink a rum n coke. than tell me it didnt work.

all in all, sorry to hear about the injury.
i had shoulder surgery last year about this time. had to put a tendant back together and 4 screws. shit sucks not beign able to move your arm for 3 months. but after it all, im glad i did it and my arm hasn't dislocated since!! thats a good thing when your arm dislocates 30+ times a year.

funny thing is, my left shoulder is worse!! gotta go under the knife again soon.

yeah,im kind of not surprised considering they have to jab 3x the normal amount of novicaine when i get cavities filled, and it *still* hurts

percs didnt do shit, dilaudid worked for the pain, it's a really strong painkiller, neither made me feel woozy or f'd up, i must be really tolerant to this stuff even though i barely ever use painkillers


Both of my knees are messed up pretty bad. Not so much at the moment, but anytime I step weird or land hard on my bike they hurt for over a month and I have a hard time just moving them in bed, let alone walking or anything else. I'm pretty sure both have a torn something or other, as I've had tons of injuries in the past and have a pretty good idea what my innards feel like, but I have no insurance, and multiple knee surgeries would cost into the hundreds of thousands.
I want to ride my bike so bad right now...


damn that really sucks bc something is obv wrong, and it's only gona get worse, wish you could somehow pay for that, i cant even imagine foregoing surgery bc you cant pay for it,thats horrible


I've had a pinched ulnar nerve for about 6 months, similar to carpel tunnel but on the other side of the hand. Causes pain and numbness in the hand/fingers, also pain radiates down from the elbow (where the nerve is trapped). Not good, but nothing nothing nothing like what you guys have been going through. Take care of yourselves, and get well soon!


wow thats so shitty, will it get any better? my ulnnar nerve is pinching from the constant pressure on my elbow in this sling, such a shitty feeling, saps the energy out of your arm and replaces it with a piercing feeling


Active member
I tore both my labrems playing football. Had surgery on one and said fuck football, this shit is not worth it.

THE MOST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE! no lie. I couldnt sleep i couldnt walk barely, i couldnt lay down most of all cause my shoulder would be below my heart and pulse.

and my fucking doctor only gave me hydrocodone 5mgs. what a dick. i would take 2 or 3, then pass out only to wake up screaming literally.

add 6 months rehab and fuck that surgery. i would rathr my other shoulder pop out of place still.

on a good note, my shoulder that had surgery is fixed now. No more pain or popping. just the occasional ache due to barometric pressure.


Active member
ohh and to add. taking a shower sucks balls, and dont even try to button your pants man. I wore sweats for like 3 wks. and that fucking cast with the padding and all the straps are annoying too.

man i HATED that surgery


I tore both my labrems playing football. Had surgery on one and said fuck football, this shit is not worth it.

THE MOST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE! no lie. I couldnt sleep i couldnt walk barely, i couldnt lay down most of all cause my shoulder would be below my heart and pulse.

and my fucking doctor only gave me hydrocodone 5mgs. what a dick. i would take 2 or 3, then pass out only to wake up screaming literally.

add 6 months rehab and fuck that surgery. i would rathr my other shoulder pop out of place still.

on a good note, my shoulder that had surgery is fixed now. No more pain or popping. just the occasional ache due to barometric pressure.

yeah i cant even imagine only hydrocodone. i said fuck it and went to the ER to get pills 10x stronger than morphine. id rather have the surgery though, decades with a torn labrum would probably destroy your joint in the long run. this has def been the most pain ive ever expierienced, havent slept right in 2 weeks, i wake up annd it hurts like hell from sleepinng on it bc its impossible to sleep comfortably


Active member
I feel your pain.

Spent a month on opiates for back pain from a car wreck. Flat on my back 24/7 or the pain was just too much, even with the 12hr morphine pills and eating 4mg dilaudid tabs like candy. :(

Cannabis was WONDERFUL for that. Took away the discomfort of the pain and kept me from going buggo in my head. (Opiates SUCK) Never been so moody and out of control in my life either.

Would have been nice to at least have a bed to sleep in but I was homeless at the time. Still don't have a bed LOL, sleep on the floor or I lose functionality in my back.

Keep yourself occupied is all I can say. Anything to keep you from dwelling on the pain and your boredom. Gah!

Good luck and here's to better times soon. :D


To Have More ... Desire Less


i'm alwayz injured too one degree or another........i've....hit parked carz on a bicycle.....fell thru rafterz in a ceiling......electricuted by 340 phaze ....in a pool of H20......knocked my 6 ft back.....and literally made my heart skip abeat or 2.......recently i fell more than 8ft off aladder that kicked out......
and oh yeah.....i'm diabetic w/ progressive neuropathy in my feet.....MAJOR pain.....and IBS......I suffur ever time i ..............:moon:
I'm the poster child for self inflicted woundz...and trama.........:wallbash:
hell 2monthz ago i managed to RIP my entire BIGtoeNail off in one full swipe of a metal door........blacked~out from that one......still growing a nail back monthz later......I hurt myself today................
knocked a utility knife off a lamp reflector and whamo....straight and true...stuck straight UP in the top of my foot............

last month a fan/blower...fell from it'z mount when rearranging a room.....and whammy.....poopped me smack in the face.....cracked my lenses in my glasses and cam DAM close to tak'in out my left eye......when the lense shattered and collapsed back into my eye socket....and i bleed for 2 dayz.......
black eye.....the whole nine yardz.......


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