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Oversized Veg and Crowding. Pruning Tips?



So I prolonged flowering these because I wanted to take clones and I didn't have a place to veg them. I'm finally ready.

This is my first grow and I know they're way too close together. There are 5 plants in that little area.. :wallbash:

What can I do to make the best of a bad situation as I go to into flower? Pruning? Bending? Thanks for any comments



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Bending or pruning tips will increase growth and crowding. Pruning entire stalks will thin the grow but greatly reduce yield. Don't expect much yield from a single CFL. Give plants a good shake everyday to check for moisture. If you see condensation, consider removing the offending leaves, if not, leave them on.


Thanx, Freezer

Yeah, I've got a 400w cmh i'll be putting in for flower


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Whoa, whoa, whoa ... you didn't say anything about a 400. With a 400, some form of LST would be great. Your 400 has a much greater footprint and penetration, take advantage of it.


Hi dasmo,
Just to clarify...it looks like you have your plants all growing in a bin? Very bad idea is that's what I'm seeing. Get some pots and gently tease the roots apart and put each plant in it's own pot. Then as they get larger...you simply move them farther apart. If that's coco, you can probably get by with fairly small pots. Gallon or gallon and 1/2.


Well-known member
thats not overcrowded. just grow it out and if you see big fan leaves blocking light more than it seems to be worth, take that leaf.


Active member
if you can't move the plants just turn them into popsicles and flower them... prune heavily and just grow main colas; wait to do this until your clones have rooted though... if you feel inclined when you prune take the branches u cut off and make them into clones as well... that would truly make the best of a bad situation; and you'll get an idea of how the plants respond the stress and crowding in the process for future sog potential if you really want to consider the glass half full ;)


No pruning, or turn my plants into popsicles.. hrmm..

Putting them into net pots seems like a good idea. Is there any technique for separating roots?


Putting them into net pots seems like a good idea. Is there any technique for separating roots?

However you do it, it's going to cause some root damage. But you're still in veg and they have plenty of time to recover. Plants have roots die off and grow new ones all the time.

There's really no specific technique. Just gently wiggle and jiggle and slowly pull them apart.


Thanks Evil, I was wondering if the root damage would be too much but I guess all will be ok


First off...the advice to severely prune your plants isn't that bad. You could just make a small sog grow. Though personally I think they're a little big for that right now.

So back to the pot thing. Just do it gently. The plants will recover. I've done bare-rooting which is to take the dirt off a plant by submerging it in warm water and gently massaging out all the dirt. I was going to suggest that you try it wet...but you'd really have to flood things and I'm afraid it would turn into a quagmire. So just do it dry.

Once you get them in the pots, give them a nice watering and don't turn them to flower for a week so roots can recover. Good luck...


3 are rockwool plugs.
1 is a rockwool cube.
1 s a rapid rooter plug.

All in hydroton


Shortly after transplant. Limpy :(

Shortly after transplant. Limpy :(


I transplanted the plants into net pots and I took pictures but they got really limp after the transplant which doesn't help much for judging how crowded the plants are now. But I'll post 'em anyways and post again when they've recovered a bit.

I'm a bit curious as to how far away the 400w should be. It's not cooled (although I plan on adding a fan.)

I was also wondering if I should put in the tempered glass plate that came with my hood if the hood wasn't being actively cooled. Thanx all! and hopefully better pics soon after they've made a turn for the better

Put the glass in, thats what it is for. Radiant heat from the bulb is baaad. Run a fan and all should be good. Monitor your temp.

The plants will pick up after a few days.


Affirmative. Put the glass in last night right after you posted that ;) Gracias Outport, for the quick reply

not up to their former glory quite yet but they did feel more rigid.

So my canopy is really uneven. The largest plant (back left) is about 7 inches taller than the smallest (back right, hard to see, sorry). What should be done?




The largest one is kinda thick and not yielding to any temptation of bend. Which leads to the crushing.. or super cropping? i'll do it. I'll fuckin break 'em if you tell me to.


i had to suppercrop my bluevenom,,it was outgrowing the others almost by 2x.Suppercropping breaks thatmembrane in the stem and tells the plant to focus more on lower foliage growth.They will heal and will increase your yeild.