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im not sure how much cooler i can get the room, if i turn the fan up more it doesnt get cooler, i think with it just sucking in the 77 degree air from my house, its as good as it gets. its been at 78 with house at 76. I only have central a/c, nothing extra so i think thats why its at 78-80 also. how cool could the room get if my house is 76? another thing is the speed controller says its around 3/4, but i have no clue, the last 1/4 makes it go from noisy to screaming jet engine, so it really could be more like 1/2. i had no idea 1k only needed 200cfm, i can hella turn it.
thats another reason why i dont think its necessary, but i've never run 600's, let alone 2. i figure temps go down in a month so cooling the house wont cost as much. my power bill with the 400w on 24 hours is 300, same as month before so it should only go up slightly with 2 600's on 12 hours.
also why would i need more power. 10.5 amps for the 2 600s and then just the vortex with is 1.4 i think i have 3 amps left for circulating fans and a cheap as humidifier. when i get the 2 600's i will no longer use the 400, i got it for the hortilux blue mh bulb.

i def want just 1 sucking source if i move the filter down. i am not opposed to this, but i dont want it to be louder up there. if there is no filter on the fan, it will be louder, but i may not need it as high. also, the filter, when i bought it had two cfm numbers on it, 800 and 1600, whats the dif?

Dude your first paragraph...from what I read...is just you confirming everything I told you right? Lol. Your understanding what I'm saying but your not getting it...which is ok too. The whole point is it is not nessesary...but its happening because of the way your shit is setup. Fix the problem...Dont rely on mother nature...thats why you moved your ass inside to grow.

If you dont want to address the power issue now, then you can wait until your ready to flip your plants, do all the work with changing the hoods and bulbs, and see if it pops. Then you can address it and that is imo is not the best option but none the less...a way.

I can only offer advice but not make you take it.

There are also threads on here how to quite down your fans. Check it out for sure and that should help you solve that problem.


man please dont take offense. i came here for knowledge, thats what you are giving me.
i am asking all these questions because you all run much more than me and may not be necessary in my smaller scale setup, thats all.
it just seems like 2 600's with the can 100 in the attic is fine if 1k just need 200cfm.
i had my fan at 3/4 because i thought it needed it, now i know a 400 needs less than 100cfm. if 1 vortex 8 and can 100 can cool 3 1ks, then vant it cool 2 600's the way i have it? the can 100 says it does 800 cfm exhaust, and 1600 as a scrubber

with power, i dont know squat. at first you say just replace the breaker to 20, then i hear it can burn the house down. i cant have that and i do not trust myself with power.

im really just asking lots now. i didnt think i was being an ass about anything, my bad if i was.

Dont get frustrated my friend..You came to learn so learn. I would not tell you to do something if it wasnt nessesary. You would benefit from learning a little about electricity and how it works so you can understand.

Dont wish it were easier...Wish you had more skills.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
4.man please dont take offense. i came here for knowledge, thats what you are giving me.
2.i am asking all these questions because you all run much more than me and may not be necessary in my smaller scale setup, thats all.
it just seems like 2 600's with the can 100 in the attic is fine if 1k just need 200cfm.

i had my fan at 3/4 because i thought it needed it, now i know a 400 needs less than 100cfm. if 1 vortex 8 and can 100 can cool 3 1ks, then 3.vant it cool 2 600's the way i have it? the can 100 says it does 800 cfm exhaust, and 1600 as a scrubber

with power, i dont know squat. 1.at first you say just replace the breaker to 20, then i hear it can burn the house down. i cant have that and i do not trust myself with power.

im really just asking lots now. i didnt think i was being an ass about anything, my bad if i was.

1.What BT said....I didnt delve in too far but he is right. I switched all my wiring to 10 gauge. Once you asked about the switching to 240, I would have gone more into that. Start doing like I said and take all the advice given to you by everyone, and then put together what works for you.
I think you are seeing now (hopefully) the folly in having a scrubber push than pull. BT explained it again, hope that one got you to figure it out if my last 2 attempts didnt, lol.
2. Even the boom boom room. which is a 2x10 closet. got 3 600s in there, also on just one 6in fan, at the exhaust end pulling air across the lights and exhausting into the attic. carbon scrubber is on the closet chelf here, the fan attached to the back of the scrubber, PULLING the rooms air through it, and a duct is exhausting the air into the attic.
Seems like a lot of repeating myself.
3. Thought bT explained already that its more effective and less work for the fans. Mines not as loud either running it puulling instead of pushing. Your fan may be screaming cause your working the shit outta it.
4.No offense man...Im not getting mad, just a lil frustrated. I explain to you in the post quoted above that I have another setup almost the same size as yours, and what i did with it.
Not getting pissed or anything. Im just saying. read through our explainations a few times, then ask your next question. Some of them have been answered already, thats all thats frustrating. I have no problems helping out man! Ask me questions all day. Just HEAR the answers....lol:dueling::nanana::friends:

good vibes


power wont be an issue, the room its in has 2 15 ampers, so i could pull from outside if anything pops. if i put the 20 amp in and stay at 15amps, im ok?
it seems most of the noise i hear is the vibration of the fan. its sitting on a piece of ply wood, on the spacers in my attic. i bet if i put padding under the wood in between the spaces it will be quieter.
i really do appreciate the advice, i wouldnt ask you guys if i didn't.

Answered your own problem. Plugs your 2 600's onto one 15 amp breaker...and plug your accessories into an outlet thats on the seperate one.

Your complaining about not being able to have a fire in your house...but now asking if you can just stay at 15 amps and put a 20 in if you'll be fine? Take the jab lightly when I say maybe common sense might not be so common in this case :1help::wallbash: haha but seriously DO NOT DO THAT. I already explained above why that is not a good idea.

The threads for quieting your fans have the answers your looking for. Good luck in your venture.



Hey good drown,

Just thought I'd point out a few things.....just to further confuse you! :laughing:

Something you may not be considering is, while you have a kick ass fan/filter combo, TRUST us when we say you'd be better off with the filter first.

Some reasons why:
First off, that filter isn't cheap, you want it to last as long as possible right?
By having it last, where I believe you have it now, you are jamming the pores full of dust and small particulates. Carbon doesn't do crap once the pores are clogged.
Hence the reason they come with the wrap around filters to protect the carbon.

Second, even if the temps stay the same, your filter will last many times longer, your fan will run more efficiently, and you'll realize savings over the long haul.

I run dual 600 watts in a 5x6x8tall closet, have my fan in the attic like you, and no AC, temps hover around 85-88 most of these hot summer days. And the stuff grows like weeds :joint:
My fan is only ~400 cfm, carbon first, then the 2 x 600s, then off to the attic.

Not sure if any of this helps, but just my :2cents:

Best of luck and remember, there are many different ways to accomplish the same thing....a little of this, and a little of that and you'll have your own method down to a science in no time.

peace- ogh


well i meant i can switch out my 15 braeker for a 20 amp. then i could safely pull 14 amps right? that way whatever gauge wire used is still under 15 amps.
thanks for the helps

Best bet for safety is to leave the breakers alone....run 2x600 on one 15 amp, and your fans, pumps on another. Or you can split the 600s between breakers and split your accessories as well...either way works.

Electricity is something not to fuck with until you know more than you need to know about wiring, circuits, breakers, loads, resistance and more!

hth- ogh


Has any one ever tried growing in the Everglades?Are there any choppers or workers who go around looking for it?

All my fellow floridians, please ignore this troll, he's a wannabe gangster that likes to talk shit and neg rep people.
Please show up to the hydro show in Nov there Mr Mobb so you can tell me to my face how ugly my plants are. I promise, I'm a small and frail old man, you should feel real tough after we're done.

peace to the others - ogh


lol, thanks alot old gray, more confusion. JK!!!
i actually do understand that one(finally). the guy at the shop said this would be the case, but they sell virgin carbon for like $60 to refill it, so thats the least of my worries. it was soooooooo hard getting it up there, i think i may keep it there until i need to refill it, then i will move it unless it gets too hot.
at least now i know i should move it for it to be better.
and your plants look awesome!!
so can i use anoles if i have pests? theres thousands that live on my patio

I know man, I've done that attic crawl many a times....pain in the ass!

Also note, that refilling those filters never works as planned as there is no way for us to compress it like they do at the factory. And loose carbon is worthless in odor killing applications.

That anole was guarding my outdoor satori last year....though I have thought of bringing 1 or 2 inside...just don't have any pests for them to eat :)

Best of luck, if it's working now and growing you good veggies, no worries on the technique.

peace - ogh


All my fellow floridians, please ignore this troll, he's a wannabe gangster that likes to talk shit and neg rep people.
Please show up to the hydro show in Nov there Mr Mobb so you can tell me to my face how ugly my plants are. I promise, I'm a small and frail old man, you should feel real tough after we're done.

peace to the others - ogh

Um..where is this coming from??:confused:Im no troll..and Im certainly not a "wannabe" gangster.I know what I am..Im the typcial "americas menace to soceity"..but thats neither here nor there..its not relevant to WHO I am..were all here for one reason: cannabis...I dont come here to either troll,or try to be "gangster" like you call it..If you ever saw me in person,youd insantly get scared and call the cops..but thats NOT the impression Im trying to make here..ok OLDGRAYHEAD


howdy fellow FL gardeners :wave:

dang, after 2 1/2 years of membership, had no idea this FL sub-forum was here and hope you all don't mind our bumping in on the thread today to ask a few questions from our neighbors that might experience similar issues :smoke:

running two gardens, one in + one out, and seems we've been living in problemstown all season with both gardens :dueling: if there is a silver lining in all of these issues it's that we have learned sooo much through these challenges, which will only serve us well in our future gardening endeavors

:canabis: the mantra all spring/summer has been: remember, nobody likes a quitter, you can do it :D

currently battling the borg with our inside garden (homebox tent) however our inquiry here today is regarding our outdoor garden

purposely staggered the outdoor plants to finish within a days/weeks of each other

took 2plants last night: grape ape & wrigleys - both @ 61days - 10 more due to finish through early/mid october

currently having the usual late season caterpillar issues with the outdoor :wallbash: dang it, they're hard to spot because their color blends into the plant foliage/stems and the only way we DO find'em is because they leave (what we think) is a poop trail :yoinks: yuk

:eek: keeping in mind that there are some in early flower, some in mid flower and others near finish, does anybody have any remedies for these mofo's ???

thought we might try dosing the top of the soil and stems near soil (not flowers) with the organic neem mixture we'll be trying for our indoor plants

any thoughts would be very much appreciated

thanks sooo much

peaceful vibes


ICMag Donor
Um..where is this coming from??:confused:Im no troll..and Im certainly not a "wannabe" gangster.I know what I am..Im the typcial "americas menace to soceity"..but thats neither here nor there..its not relevant to WHO I am..were all here for one reason: cannabis...I dont come here to either troll,or try to be "gangster" like you call it..If you ever saw me in person,youd insantly get scared and call the cops..but thats NOT the impression Im trying to make here..ok OLDGRAYHEAD

Scared my ass, lmao.

What did I tell you was going to happen if anyone had to delete anymore of your posts?


I hope it's not :ban::ban::ban:?...I didnt attack OLDGRAYHAIR..he just called me a troll..for no reason..obviously Im NOT a troll.just here trying to learn as much as I can about cannabis..and help others whenever I can..for some reason,Iv gotten quite a bad rap here..:wallbash:


Active member
... I'd rather pay a higher juice bill using an AC than taking a chance on some maverick cop snooping around with IR.

Is there any evidence that leo does this or how they use the info they gather from ir? It seems to me that unless you have a house with no insulation and thousands of watts of lights in every room so it looks like a grow house, how do they know the heat is from anything illegal? You get a thousands of watts of heat from a clothes dryer, hair dryer, oven, hot tub, sauna, etc. If you see a hundred warm houses on a summer night, 99 are bound to be legal, especially if only one room is warm. This looks way below the threshold for probable cause.

Somebody once posted a link in one of the Florida threads of an interview by a tv news channel on the west coast of Fla with a leo after a mj grow house bust. Leo said that they have no way to track down and bust small grows in a bedroom or a closet, but they have several ways they go after bigger grows. Elsewhere, I have heard that most grows are busted due to getting ratted out by a customer turning state's evidence, a disgruntled employee of the grow-op, or ex-girlfriend of the grower getting revenge. The other major source of leads is when neighbors complain about the odor.

The three people that I personally know who got busted were all ratted out. One by his ex-gf, the other two by friends/business associates.

... I've had first hand experience with a dirty cop and a prosecutor who pursued the bullshit all the way through 2 jury trials (first one was a mis-trial). Yes, I was acquitted, but I was facing 25 years if found guilty.
Anyway, let's here 'bout your set up and maybe we can help you cool it better.
Peace, Evl.
PS, Welcome, Graham Perwatt:D

I'm sorry to hear about that. Do you care to share any details? Did it involve ir?

who here grows completely organic? im looking for a substitute for jersey greensand b/c i cant find it. what does the greensand contribute to the soil (P, K, Ca)?


Nobody else has said anything here. I'm not at all an expert on organic growing, but I understand that greensand is primarily used for slow release K and aggregate (like perlite). I don't know what to use as a substitute. I hear people use kelp meal as a medium speed release of k and micros.

GPW- why not get a portable ac? running all day, youll get good 2-3gal of RO water too;) 400 bucks got me a 10k btu port ac at grow de pot.

good vibes

There is no osmosis in an a/c. You mean condensed water, right? I have seen the insides of many a/c units. They stay wet and dark all the time. They get full of nasty mold and rust. I don't know if it is good or bad for the plants, I'm just saying it is nothing like clean water.

Cheers and good harvests to all.
Puff... puff... pass...

Guest 18340

Let me step in for a moment. I know OGH PERSONALLY. You've been bad repping him and calling his grows shit etc. You bad repped him twice already for no reason. Reap what you sow.
Aslo, you posted several questions asking for help with various things only to completely ignore the advise given to you. To the point where you tried your own solutions AFTER several people (including myself) gave you detailed instructions as to how to recitify your situation and then can back to continue complaing about the problem.
I've already been on the phone with OGH talking about your bad repping him.
You know damn well why he called you a troll.
Why would anybody want to instantly call the cops if they saw you? Are you wanted?
Thumping your chest like that doesn't scare anybody here my man, and OGH is a close friend of mine, and I don't call cops. Stop giving negative rep to people.
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