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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


I was thinking of under the bulb at the socket end, with the solid centre of the fan under the first bit of actual socket so as not to block too much light (like yours). I could probably mount it off the screen with a couple of brackets or similar. I'm already thinking it sounds like too much work though!


Grow like nobody is watching
Oh yeah clear would be good there by the sounds of it.

Get used to a lot of work bro. I would say get used to spending a lot of money too, but that depends how good your decision making is. :)


Grow like nobody is watching
The Toking Tent is now powered by the 24w pll reflector and I'm lovin' it. I must be pretty high because I just redubbed the Toking Tent as..... The Expansion Mansion! :bigeye: because there's so much room in there

When I'm not taking photos I put a big aluminium plate in the front so it's like a reflective tube.

There is an 80mm clear fan at the far end blowing straight up at the base of the bulb. The 24w gets hotter than a 55w base!!! Touch a 55 without fans on it and it's like wooh that's hot! Touch this 24 even shortly after starting up, and your skin will blister. So the pissy little fan fixes that 100%. It's slightly angled so as to funnel the air off along the bulbs to the tip.

I'm trying to follow some ideas LadyLargely and DrunkenMessiah have posted about influencing the sex of seedlings. One of those ideas is to give the seedlings zero wind, just passive exhaust movement. Only one of the seedlings is moving in the slightest, so hopefully this is an okay compromise to at least help the balance of girls/boys.

I also started foliar feeding today with Seasol. The slide out floor comes into it's own for foliar feeding. Seriously, best, best, BEST invention ever.

Before today the seedlings were under my DIY reflector. Here it is again in more detail.

I added a 23w Daylight CFL to the cupboard to get some blue happening. Squeezed in a bit of reflector metal left over from cutting.

Everything is going pretty kickass in general. The growth in the centre of P Diddy is mad thick, I had to trim a handful of leaves out again. I don't even like trimming leaves but there's simply no better option.

Even P2 is looking really well and shooting out leaves. I'm using a heavy metal bracket and a pair of pliers to lst it. :)

Even the seedlings are looking pretty decent. Wtf is going on... :crazy:
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Grow like nobody is watching
I know man, sometimes there's just some wierd juju going on, eh. I haven't had a run of bad luck like that for ages. I was beginning to doubt my abilities!


Grow like nobody is watching
wow very very nice bush u have there.

Thank you, mate! I'm so excited, it's really taking off! So excited I gotta do some full sizers!!! :eek:


I've been patiently letting the coco dry right out to let the roots seek moisture into the oversize pot. It worked! I still haven't watered.


They really responded to the foliar feed of Seasol. I've used it so long but only knew "this seems to be pretty good". Now I've studied it a bit and I know exactly what it is, what it's doing and when to use it! :D


I've also been raising them progressively and they love it. Up that close, with such an awesome fan, it forms a wind tunnel effect. If any air gets hot, it doesn't stick around long.


I also wired up a wire ring around P Diddy so's I can attach LST wire. I kind of threw a couple of lengths of wire over the top of her and lashed it down. Simple, quick, and very effective. There's too many shoots to do individually :moon:

I hope all your own grows are going great. :)


Active member
Hey Scrub,

VERY Nice DIY reflector man. You got the "v" pinch in there between the Pl-l tubes very nicely. :respect: [You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ScrubNinja again]

I realize it's not a very scientific assessment, but does it look to you as if you are realizing more light from your Pl-l reflector? What do you think?


Awesome grow man. Im loving what you folks are doing with PLL's. I think maybe when I finish my current grow I may look into getting some PLLs for my dresser. Even with spiral CFL's Ive had a hard time with temps. Still have to run the damn AC. Cant wait to see your ladys in full flower. Keep up the good work. Peace


Grow like nobody is watching
G'day Fatigues! Thanks, except the reflector is for the 2 x 18w T8s. I've not answered your PM due to that fact. I actually need to shape it a bit better but I try not to get too carried away with reflectors. You're only gaining a small part of a small part if that makes sense, and I'm lazy. DIY = just bend it :eek:: I used the corner of a block of wood to start the bends straight.

The T8s did gain a lot of light, yes. The main thing I like is it takes the side reflections and beams them in tighter, straight down. But now I've gone to the 24w PLL and that has it's own nice mylar-type reflector. Which I should really clean.

The german dimpled reflector sheet I used for the T8s gets used for most HID reflectors but I have a feeling if I coated it in mylar, it'd be better suited to fluorescents.

Plans change all the time but I currently want to flower P1 in the cupboard, as planned. In the tent I'll (attempt to) make fem seed with P2, and make Pure x Outdoor fem seeds from any interesting females in the Outdoor seedlings. Which are kicking ass btw! I managed to angle the fan so it cools the 24w PLL well but doesn't move the seedlings at all :)

Hey Virago, thanks man! Temps do still get "up there" some days and it's going to get much, much hotter soon. With the 4th 55w bulb in, it'll get very toasty. I'll probably be half-assed glass heat shielding the lights, as planned in the original sketchups:

If I could do one thing over I would get the PLLs on their own dedicated ventilation with a fully enclosed glass heat shield.

Damn I type a lot. Thanks for checking it out everybody.


Grow like nobody is watching
Insulation is getting installed! :eek: Some time in the next 6 weeks. I'll have closer notice. Interesting!! Scary!! Annoying!!


Hmm curious as to what insulation your talking about? Cant say as though Ive ever seen you mention anything about it. Are you renting the place you live and the owners are going to insulate?


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah man, I rent and there's a government rebate on insulation according to the owner (is this true, Aussies?) so he's doing his house and mine (on the same property). He's just waiting for that to get cleared. The installation is the fibreglass batt type I think and should only take half an hour but they need to access through the manhole in like, my only truly private/secure room - the grow room. When they visit it will be a server and games room/bedroom!

I'm too frazzled at the moment but I think on the day this all goes down, I'll just put a tiny, say, 18w CFL just to keep the light cycle happening, and run the fans on silent, and have the cupboard right in my living room behind the couch. Should be fine, but I doubt I'll be running the trashcan or tent now. :( I have to think this over and sleep on it.


Ahh damn man that sucks. Sounds like youve already though of some ways to handle the situation. I hope it all works out for you and you dont have to shut down any of your grow. Good luck dude


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks bro, I appreciate the well wishes and I'm pretty determined not to shut down on P Diddy - hell, I'm kinda hoping to blow away all previous PLL yields! :D . One thing I just thought of... I think they may have to cut the power while someone is up there crawling around? Because this would compromise my carbon filter. I'll take some photos up in the roof so you guys can see how it is.


Grow like nobody is watching


This is a low angle showing the cupboard and everything else, and the manhole:

To the right is the end of the house, and to the left is my living room. Here is the left side:

And here is the right side. That light fitting is the downlight seen in the first pic:

The floor up there is just the plaster sheeting (or whatever it's called) used for the roof inside the house. Does anyone know if they'd turn the power off while doing this? That's pretty much the clincher. :/


plan for the worst and hope for the best.

I don't know anything about installing insulation, but it seems that they wouldn't need to shut off the power, everything in your attic (im assuming) should be properly installed and capped off with no bare wires showing and such..plus they'll need light to work up there right?.. looks like just the camera flash is illuminating it..if so, they'll probably need to run an extension cord for some lights, and they'll need to plug it in somewhere, make sure that won't be an issue...it probably won't be, I bet there's a plugin right in that room somewhere right?I'd make sure they can see it or w/e to insure they're not moving anything around looking for a plug in ya know?

If the insulation is just the simple rolls of fiberglass or w/e it should go pretty quick..just haul a couple rolls up and unroll it and cut it I guess..but there's always little things that can go wrong ( I really don't mean to sound negative here ) ..but you might end with 1 or 2 complete morons installing it that have never done it before, like maybe your landlords good buddy that's doing it for a 6 pack of beer...you said you're figuring 1/2 an hour...that seems like a good figure to me...but like I said, plan for the worst..they might forget tools, materials etc..and they might even have to come back the next day...again I don't mean to sound all negative or make you paranoid...but it's much better to be safe then sorry.....I'm sure it will all go smooth for you.

you have my favorite avatar on icmag btw..

*edit- see if that fixture up there is on the same circuit as the nearest plugin...if it is make sure the next nearest plug in would be available for them to use as well ( assuming it's on a different circuit ) just in case.. just my stoned 2 cents :)


Grow like nobody is watching
Grow, thanks a lot buddy, that is some real good thinking! You should be an emergency control planner or something! A different guy/company came around today to give a quote. I'll definitely plan for the worst. This shouldn't be a huge problem. Also I forgot that the living room fan is very loud and it wouldn't be strange in the least to have it on. We shall see how this develops. I'm certainly glad I went for the level of stealth I went for. It fits right in to the rest of my gear and certainly looks like the type of cupboard I'd have behind the couch, with a storage box resting on top. Cheers, man.

Ooh, Strangely! He likes the icon, dude, you hear that? :D

Onwards, TO VICTORY! :dueling:


Active member
G'day Fatigues! Thanks, except the reflector is for the 2 x 18w T8s. I've not answered your PM due to that fact. I actually need to shape it a bit better but I try not to get too carried away with reflectors. You're only gaining a small part of a small part if that makes sense, and I'm lazy. DIY = just bend it :eek:: I used the corner of a block of wood to start the bends straight.

Ah... I was looking so hard at what I thought was a "V" in the middle of your reflector in between the two tubes I didn't notice that the connectors were not 2G11. My bad :)

Not too sure if I should be offering you gratz on the pending insulation or condolences for the disruption and elevated risk installation may entail. You appear to be on top of it though, so I think at the end of the day you'll be happier.


Scrub I did electric for 4 years and see absolutely no reason why they should have to cut power. You should be just fine in that respect. I hope it all works out for you bro. Peace

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