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Very young bud leaves curling down


Thanks for all ideas. Here are photos of the roots of the worst one, which look puny to me but its my first hydro - are they OK? These are in one Gal pots filled with only hydroton and they are standing on a 2" bed of hydroton.
Is the brown colour from hydroton dust, or ?- I washed it well before using.

Is it normal for the roots to be concentrated at the bottom of the pot and not in the top/middle ?

Guest 88950

oldog, what type of hydro system? if you are using a DWC then your res temp could be too high. also, is your res completely lightproof, if not bad stuff will grow on your roots.

i quit my dwc b/c of summer temps in fla so im in soil now.

good luck


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
If you can't help the ambient temperature. Then I would suggest no Hydroponics at all. The temperature of the nutrient solution in your reservoir is a crucial factor. Unless you can set up a chiller outside the room. Since it puts off heat.

Also when the room is hot. I suggest reducing your nutrient strength. The reason is that when its hot. The plants are taking up more water, since they are transpiring more. So they pull more of the solution through them. If you reduce the levels, they will not get as over fertilized. Sativas like way less anyway in my experience.

When plants are in the ground the roots are way colder and can reach and grow. Yes they can take high heat, but the roots are huge and just like when scuba diving. The deeper you go the colder it gets. Also the nutrients are not as available as what you're feeding them.

Also like they said. The less variation between "Day" and "Night" the less stress. Which is to me the whole point of this thing. I never forget that I am growing the plant to grow the Trichomes on the leaves and the oils within the plant. So the more ideal the conditions, the better the final result.

Good Luck


i get that

i get that

my leaves curl a bit on occasion, but it is usually too much N or P depending on the time of application. I grow under dual 1000 watters. Its hot a lot. There is a little heat burn. I dont do hydro tho. It seems like a lot of trouble to me. I can get high enough yields in my media blend.

I got too much N on my Arjans #3 early on in flower then P (she's sensitive) and too much P late in flower for my Shark and Train crosses (these ones really suck it up).

I think down curl is a general symptom of too much of some nutrient. I know I get it from too much P cause I use a lot of P reletive to everything else.


Thanks- This is in a flood and drain. I thought I would get a bigger yield
than soil with less work. Its just as much, probably more work. Pumping out, mixing and refilling reservoirs versus bringing in and disposing of soil.
It makes sense that dirt would be cooler especially versus my flat 16 gallon reservoir that exposes a lot of surface to the hot air.
Only a few weeks left so I'm keeping my fingers crossed to even just get enough for personal use.


Your problem does look like overfertilization. The thing with that is when the salts in your rez are too high osmosis works in the opposite direction, that is why the leaves curl to conserve water. in lower humidity and higher heats water evaporates faster furthering the water retention problem. in high humidity the stomata close up which definitely isnt good for an overfed plant either

one way to tell what to do is plot TDS after topoffs, if your plant is drinking more water then nutes, TDS will climb, meaning feed lower. If your TDS is dropping too fast ( and consequently you PH is climbing ), your plant is drinking more nutes then water, ergo underfed. You want them to drink at about the same rate


Active member
Thanks- This is in a flood and drain. I thought I would get a bigger yield
than soil with less work. Its just as much, probably more work. Pumping out, mixing and refilling reservoirs versus bringing in and disposing of soil.
It makes sense that dirt would be cooler especially versus my flat 16 gallon reservoir that exposes a lot of surface to the hot air.
Only a few weeks left so I'm keeping my fingers crossed to even just get enough for personal use.

You're already using GH nutes. Look up "Lucas Formula" and start reading. You'll basically end up dumping the 'Grow' (or playing with it in your veg area) and use just 8ml of "Micro" and 16ml of "Bloom" per gallon of water for flowering. Keep your pH between 5.2 and 6.1 (this includes between the times you top off your res) and your plants will let you know if it's still too strong for them.

Keep in mind that the "recommended" strength of nutrients is for regular fruits and veggies..... NOT cannabis. Cannabis isn't a plant that needs tons of nutes like corn and soybeans require and it doesn't strip the soil of everything like corn and soybeans do. The recommendations are pretty strong for a lot of plants other than those. :D

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