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The little plant that could?

I planted two sativas outside in early April. Unfortunately it was too early (frost) and the plants died. In May some deer came by and cleaned up 90% of the leaves.

Just today I walked by the planting site, and one of the plants has fresh growth?! I haven't watered them since May, and the nearest creek is several hundred yards off - at this point I'm wondering how on earth it's still alive...?

I gave a good watering today. If I built a proper cage and drip system, do you think it could produce anything by early October? Just curious.

Click on the pic for larger size.


may not be a huge yield. but some is better than none! give it a go and i well keep checking this thread!!


Active member
My :2cents:

Hrm.. I wouldn't cut it, fim it, stress it or anything just yet, it's a bit too small.. It'd just waste valuable energy into repairing its self, when you are in a crucial time period for growth before flowering starts to kick in.. What latitude are you at? Are these feminized sativas? If you don't mind chem fertz, they work pretty fast and can boost your growth quicker than organics would take to set in.. just don't over feed, start very light, and gradually increase dosage.
This plant is basically what weed would look like if left to grow wild - LOL. I haven't given any nutes and watered it maybe three times since planting.

I'll let the little bugger go and see what happens. Hopefully this weekend I can build a decent deer fence and possibly a drip system.


To Have More ... Desire Less
just peepee all around the plant and spot...best deer scare...out there....they smell U'r urine and keep on mov'in...away.....:2cents:
yortbogey - I suppose that's good advice for some places. Up here, I've tried everything from spreading wolf urine to bear shit and the only thing that will stop the white-tails is a 75,000v fence :rasta:


Well-known member
No way pee pee does not work for deer. I piss off my deer stand bow hunting and I have em walk right passed it and dont even stop to check it out pee has no affect at all on deer. What I tried is milogranite spread out all around the plants (not in with the plants) and then made chicken wire fences and I havent had a deer f ing with none of my plants at all. You can try pee if you like but you better make a cage no matter what. That little plant will grow try adding just a little guano like 2 tbls on top for a little boost.


To Have More ... Desire Less
i hunt also......3-4x a week during season......crossbow....i'm lazy.....& old
MY urine has always been a deterant for deer in my parts.......
maybe there is something else in my pisss.....i am diabetic and on daily med's.....for bloodsugar.....maybe it affects my urine........
eitherway......Go w/ the fence for sure....will give better protection...from other beastys besides deer too........ever seen a racoon...high on fresh budz.....they go crazy.......well crazier than they already are......
and don't get me started on the phuck'in rabbitz.......they will eat thru the fence.......
ps......try using green fencing.....I got some plastic in dark green plastic....very strong.....and blends in well with foliage.....
those dam chicken cages reflect sunshine and sparkle in the sun like....a callingcard to come over and look @ me........:2cents:


Well-known member
Yo oldschool get the green chicken wire if possible its stronger than the plastic and then spray it with a little tan paint. I cant even barely see my cages 10ft away. May be its my piss they like who knows but they sure are fun to hunt Oh ya and yortbogey try pissing on a fresh scrape and put a camera on it and see what happens.
Wanted to update y'all:

I went with the black deer netting (works well and was cheap). I ended up running a drip line from my orchard irrigation, and the little plant is now about 3 feet tall x 3 feet in width. It has started to bud up, but very slowly. I'm liking the fact that I've still never had to chase ph, nutes, etc, etc. It's been one of my least stressful grows :joint:


Good luck with it!!! I have a similar plant that got eaten up during the early days by slugs, but it pretty much revegged and its producing a nice looking .5-1 gram bud! haha. Not the healthiest lil lady, but like it was said, some is better than none!
This is what it looks like now:

Close up

I'm going to let her go until the end of October, or the first snow... whichever comes first :rasta:

Definitely wont get a lot of bud, but this was by far the easiest grow I've ever done lol
Thanks Blackone, although it wasn't much to my doing lol.

Since I planted this little guy, it has frosted multiple times and I have never added nutrients or used any sort of pesticide. 100% organic, as they say.

Hope everybody's week started off right!