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Even in Arcadia I exist
So this is not my first post about these plants. They are NL#5 x SK#1 grown under a 400watt lamp in organic soil (FF OF) using organic nutrient supplements. I’ve had some pH issues about 1 ½ weeks ago, low runoff, etc. I transplanted into some soil amended with dolomite lime @ 1TBS per gallon of medium.

They were also switched to flower 12 days ago from today.

In total they vegged for about 55 days or so, outdoors most of it, been inside since.

They’ve been growing fast since I switched to flowering 12 days ago, and I’ve only been watering once a week, with some organic nutes added (BioBizz Bio Bloom & Fish Mix).

All looks well, except for these leaves? I haven’t been worrying too much about my pH now that lime is in the soil, but I did check the runoff last watering and it was right at 7.

Any ideas?

Sick leaf 1


Sick Leaf 2


Both plants (B is on the left, A is on the right)


Plant A closeup


Plant B Closeup


PS: Any ideas on whether these look indica or sativa dom?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer!


Looks like they are doing well. I would water with neutrally balanced water for a week or so then maybe hit them with a mild solution of nutrients. They look like a good cross of both sativa and indica. They shoud be fine your just worrying but it is natural.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Ok I'm glad to hear you don't think I have bad problems. I will take your advice I just water with pHed water for the next 2 waterings.



Active member
I suck at soil but my leaves usually look like that when I'm not feeding them enough. *shrug* Looks to me like they're eating themselves for food.
Keep watering it plain water and you'll most likely see it continue to get worse. If it does, up the feed.


You must be doing something right, they look much better than the last time I saw them! Like irieeyes said, they look well. Nothing to worry about.

Continue to keep check on the pH. Even with lime in the soil, problems can develop, it's just not as likely.

Keep on doin what you've been doing and you'll have a nice harvest! :joint:



Even in Arcadia I exist

Thanks for checking in man! Things are going better, but I think I'm prone to get worried about the little stuff. Flowering sure is a lot more exciting than veg tho . . .


Even in Arcadia I exist
This is a lot of fun. I just hope I can keep em healthy for another 8 or so weeks.

Thanks for the kind words!


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah bump your nutes by 10%, if they keep yellowing bump your kelp for a little more N. Watering once a week? Wow, I tend to water plants that size 2-3 times a week, or is it cold where you are?


Even in Arcadia I exist
It's pretty cold. Outdoors here its in the high 40's at night tonight . . .

Do you think I could water a bit more? Thanks for the reply btw . . .


Even in Arcadia I exist
Ok so I watered this morning about an hour after lights-on.

I went the middle of the road and added just 1 TSP of nutes per gallon (rather than 3 1/2). My nutes are organic and the breeder describes this cross as "Fert tolerant" so I'm hoping that plays in my favor.

Anyways. I'm watering with 1 1/2 gallon per plant at the moment. Does that seem too much to anyone? They are in 3 gallon containers, and I get substantial runoff, but I don't know how much runoff is too much.

Also, I pHed my runoff and it's 6.5 - 7, so it's really staying stable for the time being.

My daytime highs are 79 - 80F, with the overnight low being around 64 - 66F. Do these temps seem ok? RH pretty stable 45 -55 %.


Anyways. I'm watering with 1 1/2 gallon per plant at the moment. Does that seem too much to anyone? They are in 3 gallon containers, and I get substantial runoff, but I don't know how much runoff is too much

My daytime highs are 79 - 80F, with the overnight low being around 64 - 66F. Do these temps seem ok? RH pretty stable 45 -55 %.

Temps look perfect.

On your watering though...that seems excessive. If you have good draining soil, it probably won't hurt anything. But just from a cost perspective...why throw away that much nutrient with each watering? I'd cut that in half and see how that goes.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah that all seems pretty good, in 3 gallon pots i like to water initially with about a gallon, then come back in ten minutes and pour in another half gallon to gallon. This way the soil has time to absorb more and theres less runoff. I also use catch trays under em so I can see how much runoff there is, they usually soak up all the tray contents in the next few hours anyway.

How light are your pots when you water? If they're bone dry then yes you should be watering more often. I like em to be about 1/4 the weight they are after a watering, so they use up about 75% of the water in the soil before they get more.

Ph is still a little high for balanced nute uptake, might need to add some ph down to your water before it goes into the girls. I would want it between 5.7 and 6.3 if you can.

Yeah organic nutes are usually pretty weak compared to mineral based, Pura Vida takes 15-20ml per gallon of just grow in my setup, plus another 15-20 per gallon of Bloom. crazy stuff!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Ok thanks. My next watering I can try 3/4 of a gallon per plant. After that I was going to put them in larger containers . . . .

I only have this Technaflora PH down, do you happen to know if there's something I can use to lower my pH that isn't quite so hard-hitting . . .

One drop, ONE DROP of that stuff will change my gallon of water from 7 to below what my test can read. Maybe 4 or so. Is there something over-the-counter that would have the same effect? How bad is a pH of 7 for a soil grow?

in 3 gallon pots i like to water initially with about a gallon, then come back in ten minutes and pour in another half gallon to gallon.

Ya thats exactly what I did. I watered 1 gallon a piece, then about 15 minutes later added another 1/2 gallon each. I only had significant runoff after adding the extra 1/2 gallon . . . just an FYI


Definitely pay more attention to Lazyman's advice. Been years since I grew in soil. You don't want to waterlog things is all...


Even in Arcadia I exist
Right, I think he gave great advice, I just meant I did what he does about my watering.

But about lowering my pH, how can i do it without buying a pH down product? Any ideas?


I think lazyman's ph estimation is low for soil. 6.5ish or thereabouts. You already corrected with lime for runoff that was too low. I've seen people add vinegar or lime juice as a ph down. You don't want to do a yo yo thing over-correcting. I do see a little over-tending. It's a common noob thing. Relax into it... We've all been there. It's a weed growing in some dirt. More plants die from doing too much rather then not enough.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Good advice man! I appreciate your honestly.

For now I'll focus on staying away as much as possible!

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to EvilTwin again."


Overkill is under-rated.
For the ph down, add your one drop of down to a cup of water, then add just a little of THAT dilute mix to your watering bucket, basically a two-stage dilution.

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