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Yet another GH lucas thread w/ additives opinion piece

Widow Maker

Active member
Hi all,

Im going to be running 4 18-gallon reservoirs and I will be using a variation of the Lucas Formula / Rez's Formula and mine.

REZDOG's Formula: http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=81674

Lucas Formula: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21119

Please let me know what you think and what you would change.. input will greatly help.. been running soil for years.. first time DWC!! :joint:

1. 18-Gallon Reservoirs w/ 1 "Ario 2" Aerator in each (non-circulating, all separate from one another)

2. Constant Room Temp of 75 night and day

3. Well Water, not sure of its PPM but I know its very good, no metal taste, yet to check the PPM, pretty sure its good enough to be considered Poland Spring like........ *** I dont want to purchase an RO water maker unless it will make a massive difference

4. PH between 5.6 and 6.0 will experiment to get it right.

***Start with Full 18-gallon Res, top off accordingly until 18-gallons of fresh water have been used... -change-out reservoir

1/2 str for seedlings/cuts

(all per gallon...obviously :bashhead: )
-6mL GH Flora Micro
-9mL GH Flora Bloom
-6mL Hygrozyme
-PH adjusted to 5.8

-6ml micro
-9 ml bloom
-1 tsp koolbloom powder (Starting ~Day 15 Flower; using every other res. change)
-6mL Hygrozyme
-PH Adjusted to 5.9


PH Adjusted to 6.0

I have always used a sweetener in all my soil-based grows during all cycles (including flush)

ive use black-strap, floranectar, botanicare sweet..

would it be beneficial to add one of these supplements as well?

Thank you for any and all information in advance all... Experienced soil, first time DWC grower so i want to make sure this will be dialed rather well to start.

Thanks all!



What medium are you going to be using?

You really do need to check the ppm of your well water. In addition you should get an analysis so you know exactly what minerals are in it and, if possible, what concentration especially if the ppm is high. You really want to watch out for Na in the water.

In general Hygrozyme is not a bad additive and no doubt it can help if there actually is a problem. But, root health is about supplying those roots with sufficient oxygen...do that and there is no need for an enzyme. Whether or not you choose to add it may come down to your comfort level with your ability to run the system properly.

As to pk boost. It probably will help the 6/9 formula as it is pretty weak in the pk numbers (especially if you are not in coco). However, KoolBloom powder is a very strong booster and things can go wrong in a big hurry using it. Obviously it worked for Rez but most of us do not have his experience level. Again, it is going to come down to your comfort level...choose a weaker pk booster and have a wider margin for error albeit possibly a little less yield or go for the gusto.

Widow Maker

Active member
What PPM range should I look for in my water before adding the nutes?

Thank you for the words.. I was thinking of using coco coir but small chance i'll use hydroton balls..... not a fan of rockwool at all.. guess ill let you know which one I choose.

As for the fert suggestions, I agree that if there is a chance of over-ferting I would much rather go a safer alternative.. maybe I will use 1/2 tsp instead.. or like you said find a similar booster.

As far as Hygrozyme is concerned.. I love this stuff, I cant see myself not using it.

im going to the store now... havent decided on coco coir or hydroton

Widow Maker

Active member
i found a water analysis chart i got a few years back..


Possible to calculate my PPM from this?

Widow Maker

Active member
I do plan on purchasing a meter, but if this info is enough to get a rough PPM I could decide what to do regarding the supply of water..


NaCl is the main thing in your well water. While those numbers may not be a problem for humans they are not the best for plants. I would be concerned although I cannot say the exact level where an actual problem would occur. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can help.

Also there is no Ca or Mg in your water. Probably not an issue but you will want to keep an eye out for deficiencies.

Good luck.

Widow Maker

Active member
The 2nd page of the chart showed there was calcium and magnesium in the water but it only had a check mark saying it contained said metals... anyway, ill get a pen and let everyone know. Thanks again YosemiteSam


Active member
Also there is no Ca or Mg in your water. Probably not an issue .
With the nutes you're running, you won't need Cal/Mag. :D
Not sure your water is the best with all that salt in it but you can always switch to RO water for the best results later.

Widow Maker

Active member
Rez's formula is for coco, specifically. You need to up the Bloom if you want good results.

Ah, right on. I am using hydroton so I will now use Lucas Formula w/ Hygrozyme instead.

By the way all... I bought a nice little PPM pen today for 48 bucks at my grow shop.. forget what its called... however my PPM is 103... Pretty good from what I understand...

However, will I run into any issues / deficiences with my well water? If so, minor? major?

How much more would I benefit from purchasing an RO machine and using only RO?

Peace and Respect,

~WM :joint:
By the way all... I bought a nice little PPM pen today for 48 bucks at my grow shop.. forget what its called... however my PPM is 103... Pretty good from what I understand...

However, will I run into any issues / deficiences with my well water? If so, minor? major?

How much more would I benefit from purchasing an RO machine and using only RO?

~WM :joint:

Dang I thought mine was bad at 50-70 outta the tap. Went out and took the dive on a Stealth RO, now it is 0-1. Way better way to play the game when you start out at 0.

Widow Maker

Active member
ok then.... I am going to need an RO machine...I'll be doing research but if anyone knows a good one off the top of your dome suggestions would be epic.

I will have 4 25-gallon reservoirs.


Active member
ok then.... I am going to need an RO machine...I'll be doing research but if anyone knows a good one off the top of your dome suggestions would be epic.

I will have 4 25-gallon reservoirs.
Filters run about $60 a year or less.

Booster pump needed if you have low water pressure. about $80. I highly recommend getting one to ensure you get 0-10ppm :D


New member
Do you feed whats on the bottle+Lucas, I wanna run something like what you are running in buckets with rockwool but not sure amounts of both kool blooms.


6/9 with silica and floraliscious plus, cal mag if needed. I also use kool bloom liquid weeks 3-5 and powder weeks 7-8. I use the dosage recommendation on the bottles of kool bloom minus 15% or so. I really love kool bloom it swells them flowers up nicely...I know additives kinda strays from the whole beauty of lucas formula, but I just cant help myself plus I love the smell of floraliscious...