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the LAST place you want to be/go HIGH



I recently went to a funeral for a passed love one...high...

It made me understand the situation better, accept the grief, and move on...rather than the crazyness that's in your head while youre not stoned.


:yeahthatsMind lock for sure if high at an interview.

I always smoke a fatty before I go for a job interview. Helps me relax and takes some of the pressure off. Then I go in to the interview very happy and smiley and they usually fall for it. Although, I smoke a fatty before I do much of anything....except go to my kids school. That is the one place I definitely don't want to be stoned!!!


I smoke a joint whilst in hospital,it kinda reacted with all the other meds I was on and i chucked a bit of a whitey,the nurses stated freaken and i was as paranoid as all shit,proberly the only time i regreted haveing a puff.


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My buddy gets high as hell before his job interviews, he says if they see him like that from day one they will just think that's how he always looks, and never suspect him of being high at work, lol.


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its weird too cause I cant talk to my grandma stoned.. guilty conscience or maybe im afraid she'll know lol... She'd flip a bitch if she knew I was smoking lol


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i think its kinda funny that all these places you guys are saying that you would hate to be high, i usually am high when i go.

Church- gotta be stoned out of my mind to listen to all those crazy people singing and preaching

work- its like ricky said. Smoke a bit of hash , do a bit of work. everyone does it plumbers carpenders everyone.

haha get high everyday

Police station - i like to smoke before just so i secretly know and they dont. fuck the police

family - i gotta burn a j on the way to see any of my disfunctional family . plus alot of them smoke.

school - get high as hell every day before class and i made deans list


i can't think of one place, sorry. I got a list a mile long of places I do not want to go, but if I gotta go there, i certainly am going high.

ohhh. i got it... when I am going to try a new strain, i perfer not to be high.

Peace, Canna


I'm departing Schiphol at 6am, totally wrecked. A customs officer pulls me aside for interrogation as soon as I enter the secure area. He stands very close, constantly staring directly at my eyes while he questions me. I'm clutching a small carry-on bag. The questions begin. "Whose bag is that?" "Who packed it?" "Where did you pack it?" "What was the hotel name?" etc. So I stare back and politely answer each of his questions. I'm determined not to let him stare me down. Finally the questions stop, he escorts me to the passenger area, and walks away without checking my bag.

I wasn't holding anything at the airport, so was not in any real danger. I must have looked very bad, between lack of sleep and being so lit. Strange experience, almost like a lucid dream in which some threat manifests, but you know it's not real. Afterward I boarded the plane for a quiet, uneventful trip home.


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I'm a high functioning autistic with birth and injury damage, so I try to stay medicated 24/7. *shrug*

I'm pretty much useless when I'm unmedicated and people think I'm on drugs LOL
Because of this, I tend to avoid social anything when I'm unmedicated.