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EVE Online: Pew-Pew for Potheads


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
okay, you did it.

It is downloading.. ill probably be in game in a little while. Look for me =)

(says to self - "I cant believe I just gold sold to a free MMO trial on a pot forum..." lol)


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Arctic - For the first bit, just go through the tutorial, get an idea what you want to do. You can make the money to pay for the sub easy enough, but you'll still have to pay for the game once you decide to keep it.

soulfly - you'll thank me :)


my RL buddy plays it nonstop. Well now he's made it to law school id sure hope he cuts back..

ive been thinking about starting to play eve. Ive been a vet in the MMO universe through EQ days from the beginning, anarchy online, planetside, DD online, age of conan, warhammer online, and most recently WoW. Wow to me just doesnt cut it as everquest provided so much more intimacy with the game. Ive tried to get back into wow twice now, and i just cant put a happy face on and play a subpar game from what i know and love.

HOWEVER eve is what my pal breathes. He tries to get me into it every week, though i restrain myself.

Im teetering on trying it... but DO NOT FORGET, you earn certifications through TIME, real world time, everyone earns it at the same pace, so you start when the game came out, you will have earned the most...insert whatever the game provides you with per linear real life time. so those who are just starting...long ways to go!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
KingJames - Yes, train learning skills :D

Silent - Yes, that's true, you do have an actual time investment, but that works in your favor, as well - No power gaming. At least not as far as grinding out XP :D While you may never be able to catch up to the older players, you can do like I did - just started 6 months or so ago, made some chedda, and bought me an '03 character with 56mil skillpoints off the bazaar :yes:

Nomaad - Yes, you can actually :D They're called boosters. You harvest gas from a floating gas cloud in space, take them to a lab that has to be set up in low sec, then hope you make it through random customs scans to get it to the high sec markets :yes:

I just got done with half a mission. Something like 40 ships attacking me at once. I had my second acct logged just sitting there repping me as I took hits from all at once :D Shoulda got a screen shot, I looked like a bug getting fried under a magnifying glass LOL


I used to play throne of chaos and such a while back but cancelled when i got my account destroyed for being a noob and not being able to defend against people who harvest noobs from super high levels. 6 months effort lost overnight really put me off. Haven't played one since.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
OK i'm pissed

It took forever to download this game (huge). I finally get to play it this morning, and i get stuck in a tutorial for a while. Here's the kicker: i cant even finish one of the TUTORIAL missions. Then it just keeps going with the tutorial while i'm sitting there, stuck. I'm trying to finish a mission, and the game is telling me to do something completely different. So after wasting AN HOUR trying to finish this mission, i give up on it. But at this point i'm pissed and kinda just warping back and forth between two stations. Then i said "fuck this" and logged of the game, and logged into here.

Here's how i'll break this game down..: you thought Starcraft was a good game? Well take everything fun out of that game, then add a bunch of over-technical nonsense and you've got The EveOnline Tutorial!



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Eh, yeah, should have warned ya, the tutorial sucks. Not real clear on how it's supposed to proceed. You don't have to do it though, just the first bit to learn how to operate the ship, then fuck the rest of it. Don't think I've ever seen the whole tutorial :D

Go grab a ship, throw some lasers on it, and go shoot something, you'll feel better :biglaugh:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah i feel better about it now, i played pretty much all day and think i have a good feel for a lot of stuff

I mined a lot



Downloaded last night, just got through the tutorial. I can see a lot of time being spent on this one...


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Arctic - You know, I never got the miners, until I was training up a miner to sell on the bazaar (how I make my cash, miners always sell well), and I caught myself really getting into it. Especially sneaking into low sec for the rare minerals. Something exciting about the 'cat in a room full of rocking chairs' feeling - I'm 5 jumps from high sec in an unarmed billion dollar boat that moves like a tranqed hippo. Will the NPC rats spawn in the belt and omgwtfpwn me? Will player pirates (like myself, ironically :D) come peel my frozen corpse from the smoking wreck of my pretty mining ship? (yes, you can collect the frozen corpses of your victims if you're quick enough to get the pod after the ship goes boom) But the lure of Kernite and Mexallon...

Fucking mining :biglaugh:

MCsqrd - Yeah, it is as detailed as you could want. I like it specifically for the thought and detail that are required. Feels more like a 'grown-up' MMO... Especially compared to the festering cesspool of WoW :biglaugh:
MCsqrd - Yeah, it is as detailed as you could want. I like it specifically for the thought and detail that are required. Feels more like a 'grown-up' MMO... Especially compared to the festering cesspool of WoW :biglaugh:

Hey, thanks for the heads up on this game - I wouldn't call it a 'grown-up MMO' - I'd call it the evolution of the MUD and/or the most beautiful, complicated MUD I have ever laid eyes on! Definitely more of an old school MUD feel than the ridiculously boring MMOs I've tried (Starwars, Conan, Ultima Online).

I'm wondering how long it will take me to really figure this sucker out though, I accidentally exited my ship during one of the training missions, finally realized I was tooling around in my pod, then after an hour docked back where I accidentially exited my ship - finally figured clicked on my pod and was given the option to go back to my ship :wallbash:

Anyway, it looks like it will be many, many hours of fun, once I figure it out! Thanks again!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
To give you an idea of how detailed you can get...

Getting the most out of your ship: The fittings that work @ Battleclinic

Just how big is the EVE universe? And how big are those corporate alliances? How serious is this in the game?
Updated daily, The Territory Influence Map @ EVE Files (run by the dude I talked about earlier) Each one of those little white dots is a solar system you can go to. It can literally take hours to move across the entire universe!

Remember that battle I mentioned earlier?

Every red cross you see is an enemy. The yellow lines are their lasers, not mine :D

I got my revenge though... All your base are belong to us!

I wish thing weren't as they are in this country... I could get a free month of play for each one of you that subscribes :D But I'm out there, and you'll know me if you see me :joint:

*doh, pics are too small, gotta get some bigger ones up later
i compleated the tutorial so fast i found myself waiting at one point (for a skill to get learned so i could learn something else to continue). only waited like 10 min, which was fine... but still, i dont find it all that hard.

the game though, seems confusing.
at first i thought i was going back and forth between the same places, until i noticed they were warp gates... and it all seems kinda random. like your at a starbase... then it just switches to space, then you warp and aprear at some random point, and slow down, and warp again, and do that a few times... maybe its just the things im doing.
but i guess that kinda more realistic... looking at controls and readouts to tell where you are and how to get places and not being able to just look and fly everywhere.

but you definatly want some experiance with computer games under your belt for this one, or your gonna get confused.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, there is a pretty steep learning curve on it, but that just makes it that much more satisfying when you do get it figured out. Learning those details can make all the difference in the world.

For instance, let's say your gang is camping a low sec entry gate (a gate that goes from a .5 security system to one .4 or under). Now, with just a very basic understanding of the game, you can still have a load of fun popping guys coming through. But, knowing how to bump a guy off a gate can mean the difference between popping that billion+ isk ship and getting the expensive mods they drop and watching him jump out with just a sliver of hull HP remaining. Very frustrating, that. :D

Man, I've got to figure a way to get a character to start up a corp for us without it linking back to my info. Although, the companies based in Iceland, and I don't really think they're going to serve international search warrants to get every IP to every member of a corp in an online video game who may or may not be linked to an online forum that may possibly indicate a possibility of a relatively minor crime on the global stage.

Hmmm :chin:


I'm sold. This game looks off the chain! I have played several MMOs but this one looks like what I have been looking for the whole time I have been playing MMOs. Downloading the trial right now!

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