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OMG! The level of ignorance in this!

Storm Crow

Active member

* Story
* Comments 02

September 5, 2009 in Letters

Why not pot in a pill?

The Spokesman-Review

I am puzzled by all the debate about medical marijuana.

People use MJ (pot, hashish, bhong, the magic dragon, etc.) to alter their brain functioning, their consciousness, to induce euphoria, to “get high,” to create an artificial heaven (heaven is being stoned). MJ is a psychotropic drug.

Like any drug, MJ can be therapeutic, but can also be toxic and even lethal if its dosage, frequency and duration of use are not controlled. The THC content of MJ is not standard or uniform or predictable. “BC bud,” at 6 percent, has more than Colville mountain pot. “Punk” can be up to 25 percent THC. The toxicity of MJ is largely unmeasurable and uncontrollable.

That’s why educated and truly compassionate physicians prescribe marinol or dronabinol, which come in capsule or pill form. Dosage is thus measured, controllable and therapeutic. The toxic effects of leaf MJ are largely avoided.

And so I ask, why don’t medical MJ users take their THC in pill or capsule form? The registered pharmacist is easier and cheaper to deal with than the shadowy medical MJ dealers or street dealers, and marinol/dronabinol usage would almost eliminate MJ emergency room usage (16 percent of drug-related ER patients).

James J. Flynn


:1help: Where did this guy get his "facts"? A DARE pamphlet? I left a comment, but dang this guy needs an education!

Granny :joint:


Active member
Way to go Storm Crow, that was a great response(comment) you gave that guy.


Freedom Fighter
This guy is a....



admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
can also be toxic and even lethal if its dosage, frequency and duration of use are not controlled.

lol. i bet he's never seen super high me


Listen to me jerky
So far he's gettin his ass chewed in the comments. Hopefully he is dumb enough to reply so everyone can shut him down again.


Active member
My compliments to those who replied to this ass-clown. Those are some very well thought out and well written replies!



Active member
from the comments........

James J. Flynn of Spokane has been appointed to the Governor's Council on Substance Abuse. Flynn, a registered substance abuse counselor, has been working in this field for 25 years. Since his beginning as Spokane County Court's founding director of Rehabilitative Services in 1971, he served a long career as a probation officer before retiring and becoming a counselor. Past and present professional affiliations include the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission's DWI Task Force, the Spokane County Substance Abuse Advisory Board and the Spokane County Mental Health Advisory Board. His term expires in 1998

So he makes his living off drugs being illegal. Spreading lies for job security.



Marinol doesn't work worth shit and makes me uber paranoid.How do you swallow a pill whilest hurling? Enough said?? BigD...30mg daily and I still puke my ass off...4 hits of white widow= no puking for hours


An oral pill... that's an antiemetic. Yeah. Kinda obvious to see the flaw in that logic. To answer the question why not Marinol, it might be because the patent on it, which has lasted far longer than it should for a pill made in the eighties, combined with the fact that THC is STILL illegal if extracted from weed but not if the EXACT SAME ATOMICALLY IDENTICAL DRUG is made through a ridiculously more expensive synthetic procedure, means they're gonna charge you to the tune of sixteen thousand dollars a year for it. The maximum fine for possession of small amounts is often less than that and weed has more positive cannabinoids than just THC going for it (as we can see by the government patenting them) so people are obviously going to take a cheaper, more effective route.

Edit: damn those shadowy MMJ dealers acting in accordance with state law! Shady as all hell I tells ya

Blue Dot

It's a flaw in western medicine logic. It's why we need to reform health care.

To much looking for a cure in a magic bullet pill and not enough consideration of the entire plant like the medicine men do.

This country is hooked on isolating everything and putting it in a bottle or a pill.

I think it's because most western health care professionals are too dumb to be able to comprehend the entirety of a whole plant used as a medicine.

Obama should force HMO's to provide medicine men instead of "doctors".

Think of how much ego a person must have when they are not able to admit that nature did a good job of providing one plant that is effective, safe, non-toxic and has more then one theraputic chemicals in it.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
[:1help: Where did this guy get his "facts"? A DARE pamphlet? I left a comment, but dang this guy needs an education!

Granny :joint:

Only if somebody read the pamphlet to him.

You maybe haven't noticed, but that is the attitude of many judges and LEO - even in med legal states. Hell so po-dunk police around here still try to press federal charges for legal mediacal possesion - and grow??? that's manafacturing.

It's changing.


I was at the dispendary yestrday - talked to a really nice lady - she didn't want to tell her regular doctor MMJ was helping her because the doc po-po'd it before. I told her she should talk about it.

Blue Dot

Which includes ER visits so police can force blood samples to be taken.

PLUS all the other drug ER visits where the patient ALSO happened to say they were ALSO using MJ.

I mean it would be unheard of for a person to go to the ER for just pot.


that article made me laugh

clearly not targeted at the the pro-cannibus audience and i think its even funnier to read all those comments that where left putting him in his place way to go

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Just thinking, I wonder where this guy was a few months back when our president was looking for a drug czar. He would have been perfect. I'll bet he could even recite the official propaganda with a straight face. That is the number one qualification for being chosen drug czar, isn't it?