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ICMag women...what do you find sexiest?

  • Thread starter ka0tik_kreati0n
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Active member
i think they mean bad boy as in someone who takes control, rebels against unjust laws and fight for what they beleive in.. while sometimes taking dangerous risks to get him and his girl what they want out of life. Someone who can stand up for themselves and girl in any situation. Someone who can put their girl in place by controlling her mind/heart with genuine love and leadership.. not treating her like shit and listening to 'black music'

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I like the bad/good boys that are secretly smart, but a little dangerous. I like a man that can grow weed all over the place and everywhere else. As far as looks, the "hotties" can keep walking. Not that I can't appreciate an exceptionally "good looking" man....I just like men that look different. I like little wierd characteristics and mannerisms. It's all about the way he moves his body or how he turns his head...it's not looks. Physically, I like tall men with a nice back and shoulders. Muscle is good, not too much...and I don't really like "skinny". A nice layer of body fat is needed for me.

Mrs. Babba said it...he has to make you laugh!!!

^^Whodi...yep, bad boys like that!!
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Garden Nymph
Bulldog, do you ask them to scratch your back, too? heheh

A man with brains, not brawns. A man with calloused, yet gentle and strong, hands. A man who likes to hug! And a man with blue eyes ;)


Active member
Ahhhh, I love a good back scratching. I would take a back scratching over a massage any day. Just don't scrape one of my back zits. (eww)

h^2 O

A few women told me that they like how I smelled. I suppose that it is a hormone thing.


i'm assuming cologne. Unless you mean they *like* ur B.O.? I'm lost

the supreme court finds.... that the "laughing criterion" is not necessarily gender-specific - the same may apply to women.
all rise for the honorable chief justice aquaman


sunshine in a bag
what i like in guys:

pretty hair
gorgeous eyes
slender, smaller frames.
short is a plus. i dated a guy that was 5'1". or 5'2". i'm 6'5". ^^
hygiene. if you smell like a papermill, it's over.
no facial/body hair. leg hair is okay. arm hair is okay as long as it's not a forest. scruff is alright, but i don't want it rubbing against mine/my face when we cuddle.
tender, higher voices. not impish, really, just naturally feminine.

i guess my perspective, the gay perspective, is a little skewed and is going to upset the curve severely.

if we're allowed to venture forth a little more, since we are on the sex topic, penises can be glorious or they can be hideous.
i don't like uncircumcised guys, and i don't like sad looking erections. i like the triumphant, arrogant bastards, streaked with blood pumping veins and so rigid they're likely to burst.

viva la penis! (and perhaps the turd cutter could do with a makeover.)
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Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
A few women told me that they like how I smelled. I suppose that it is a hormone thing.


Everyone has a natural smell, you may not really notice it...but you do pick up on scents...explains the unexplained attractions sometimes too. I could pick my man out of a crowd blindfolded just by the way he smells...no cologne or anything. He smells good too:)


Everyone has a natural smell, you may not really notice it...but you do pick up on scents...explains the unexplained attractions sometimes too. I could pick my man out of a crowd blindfolded just by the way he smells...no cologne or anything. He smells good too:)

Totally agree Miss B. Mr.P definitely has his own little smell (other than smellin like MJ all the time!) and I love it! It is him....ya know? I love the smell of his cologne too, and can now pick it out on any guy walking by. Usually makes me think of the hubby (awwww.....barf!). :)

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I hear you ladys.... I love the way my man smells. Even if he's been working and sweating all day. Its sexy! Now, the swamp ass, as my hubby refers to it, needs a shower.


oh em gee..
I totally forgot I made this thread. LOL.. talk about stoner.. hahahaha

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Your so funny KK.... I actually didnt even realize this was started by you till I clicked on it this last time. I came accross this picture a few weeks ago, and its the sexiest thing I've seen, besides my hubby, in a long time..... I imagine he's puffing on a joint though.



Your so funny KK.... I actually didnt even realize this was started by you till I clicked on it this last time. I came accross this picture a few weeks ago, and its the sexiest thing I've seen, besides my hubby, in a long time..... I imagine he's puffing on a joint though.

He's cute in the face, but a little skinny for my tastes. I like em a bit bigger, but I'm a gym rat. I feel the same way about women, just not to that steroid level. Sometimes it looks kinda' sexy, but it deepens their voices and does a few other nasty things I don't want to discuss. These two are damn near perfect in my eyes.


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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I've never understood that. I know guys think it's really hot and all that, but why exactly?

IMO the female body is by far the most beautiful thing in the world next to maybe a smile of a child. The shapes the curves and the way they flow together so that even a big girl can be beautiful if her curves are proportioned and all we men have is well a dinger.

Now the idea of 2 women together just to even think about it drives me crazy. You girls know how to make love where as a man (most of them anyway) simply wanna fuggie and that in itself puts the women a step above. Women will take the time to do it right knowing that it's better to give than receive where most men are simply takers. A slow methodical caress that last forever compared to a wham bam ty mam makes it pretty easy to understand.

Penetration is another reason imo that it differs as well. The idea of a girl with a strap on is far more easier to handle compared to 2 guys using the back door on each other. I don't judge and to each is his or her own but the idea of the last one simply gives me the willy's.

Perception of the alternative lifestyle is changing rapidly but the idea of seeing 2 women together always has and always will be at the top of the list of any mans fantasy even if he's a boy trapped in a mans body.

My Penny


ToughGirl----how did you get those pictures of me and my husband? lol


the guy deffo looks like he just hit the place where he couldnt get any bigger and started on the roids, i find him offensive to say the least, yuck! the women look great tho! :D

my pennies



the guy deffo looks like he just hit the place where he couldnt get any bigger and started on the roids, i find him offensive to say the least, yuck! the women look great tho! :D

my pennies


A lot of women say that, I always thought it was way hot:) In the face, he looks like a greaser, but in my eyes, his body is like an adonis or something.

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